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Two-Jaw surgery

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Hello cyberbeauty!
Welcome to purseforum and nice to meet you~
I am going to do facial contouring in Korea as well, it is far more affordable as you said (:
When are you thinking of going?
If you are doing it primarily for aesthetic purposes and less orthodontic have you considered long face surgery which is specifically for people with longer madibles like you? It is less intensive I believe than two jaw and two jaw is done foremost for alignment and orthodontic issues and is quite a complex surgery with a long recovery period. Just an idea..but you will have to ask and get and opinion from the doctors in your consultations.
EverM does have the advantage of being a dental clinic so it appears reasonably reputable for orthodontic cases..however from what I have read and seen they are more popular for these sort of related surgeries and their aesthetic surgeries are secondary. From what I have seen, researched and read, it is not a hugely popular with native Koreans/locals for facial contouring which I always believe is a good indication as locals usually have local knoweledge. I think they are reputable but I don't know anything about them personally as some forummers on here do so I would ask them about it. I don't believe or have seen any negative reviews about them either.
JW clinic is quite popular with both locals and foreigners for facial contouring procedures and natural looking teardrop breast augmentations. I have seen a lot of before and afters from locals of JW and they are quite impressive! I don't know much about their two jaw procedures but they are good for other facial surgeries I believe.
Another clinic, the first clinic I read about this 'long face surgery'.. is another clinic popular with locals for facial procedures, Item Clinic.
http://www.itemcliniceng.com/face/item-face10.html ← this is there page for long face surgery you can have a look at as a reference to see if it would be something you would like.
You don't need to know Korean or have a translator (avoid this aspect if you can!) in most of these bigger clinics as most have in house translators or the doctors speak English.
That's wise to avoid those clinics because they are the 'factories' of the clinics and even though some people may get good results from them, this is pretty hit and miss.
I am sorry I am not that knoweledgable or have much information on two jaw surgery but I hope I helped a little bit~
Good luck~♥♡
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Lol I've been hiding my face with hats and sunglasses for a few years because I just hate the length of my face. I had regular dentist appointments as a kid but noone ever told me my jaw was growing in weird. Thank you for the info, I will be contacting them very soon.
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Hey TaRaUnnie, it's nice to meet you too. I'm not sure as to when I'll be going, but it definitely will be next year. I am looking into clinics that can give me a dramatic result but I also am trying to be careful, because I don't want to go somewhere not trained in jaw surgery. It's very serious and a one time thing...if too much jaw is removed you can't get that back. I've heard some good things about Item clinic, but mainly for eyes and nose. I haven't heard anyone post good review or result for jaw on this forum but when I looked on their website (from the link you posted; thank you) it seemed like they have a clear understanding of jaws. I found that on the lower part of that page, I fall into the category "If the central portion of the face is elongated". It suggests bimaxillary surgery which falls into the two-jaw surgery category. The only thing that I'm wary about is the fact they don't have before and afters of the two jaw surgery on their website, but yet have before/afters of other types of jaw surgery such as V-line. I don't doubt that they are a good clinic, it's just that I'm being extremely cautious about my face because there are no do-overs once I have a jaw operation. I wish there was more information out there about them on jaws...so I'll be searching out for that (I will be on this forum from now until after I get jaw surgery). I found out about JW clinic through youtube, haven't seen any negative reviews on them (yet) and a male forummer here posted a before/after pic of his V-line sugery which looks like it turned out great. Still not sure if they do good in more intense jaw surgery, though. This is something I will have to look more into. But if I must, I will stick to Everm because so far I feel very comfortable knowing dr. Yoon is qualified to do intense procedures if needed, and I have not seen any complaints.
Thanks again and yes it did help!
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  • 2 weeks later...
For IVRO, ur jaw with be fixed with metal wires for 2 weeks meaning strictly liquid diet only and no talking, after that u ll need to tie rubber band between ur jaw for another 2 weeks during which u can eat soft food.

Ssro, ur jaw will not be fixed but u ll need to tie rubber band between ur Jaws for 2 weeks after surgery, breathing, eating, talking are all easier straight after surgery. Recovery is faster too but there a risk of nerve injury which could usually be prevented if it was done by a good surgeon.

If I were to choose again I would have gone with Ssro, being tied for 2 weeks and then rubber band for another 2 is just tough. Some surgeons recommend IVRO because it is easier for them, tougher on u though, nevertheless it's ur pick, no difference results wise.
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For those who had 2 jaw or zygoma reduction, did any of you notice more prominent jowls?

My lower cheeks area ( around my nose but above my lips) are more prominent making me look as if I have jowls, I really hope it's the swelling but Iccouldn't tell atm. I m about 6 weeks post op, currently at about 30-40% swelling depending on time of day..
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I have a couple of questions about two-jaw surgery that I could not find in this thread:
-What is the average cost of two-jaw surgery?
-Can you get two-jaw and v-line at the same time
-Do you have to where braces afterword?
-What clinics specialize in this procedure?
Thank you in advance!
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hey, Don't worry. Didn't know you're only 6 weeks post op.
You need to wait several months for the swelling really to subside.
I was having this too the first months.

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Since this thread says it also includes complex bone surgeries, I hope it's ok if I post here!

Back in 2013 I got a quote through email with JK with my photos regarding a quote for reducing the overall size of my face. At the time I wasn't keen on the terms for each procedure. My main issue is my cheekbones (zygoma) but they also quoted me v-line together with the zygoma. The quote for both together is 12k USD back in 2013.

I was wondering if the quote amount for v-line+zygoma here is high or low or decent? I'm not actually too interested in V-line because I don't like pointy small chin personally for my face. I'm feeling a bit too guilty to keep emailing them asking for zygoma quote only since it's been 2 years and I'm not actually planning to go there anytime soon (need to save up grrr)
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  • 1 month later...
the clinics that I had visited while i was in korea trying to do 2 jaw was view , DA. I really like view clinic but I was too afraid to commit at that time. About braces they need to see your bite inorder to determine that ^^
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  • 2 months later...
Does anyone have more research on 2 jaw surgery? I honestly have no clue how to research clinics in Korean :/
I want to have surgery with a maxillofacial specialist. But this is such a major procedure that I want to do tons of research. But it's so hard when you don't know the Korean language...

I was considering AT clinic, atro.co.kr, but it seems like he left to China or something? At least when I tried to translate his site from Korean to English.
Some people here went to The Face Dental. While they seemed to have a somewhat positive experience I would never do a surgery just because of one or two forumers who said that they have had surgery there... I need more research :sad:
Oh my English is quite bad, sorry. Does anyone know what to do in a situation like this? :/
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  • 2 months later...
Late reply but I took a look and the doctor has moved to Seouleaguer hospital in Shanghai. I looked it up and here is his linkedin:

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