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lateral epi vs ? bigger eyes. help?

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it seems weird i have to ask this after all the research i've done but... do i need lateral epi to get bigger eyes? i think i do... but is there any other way? also why is there no name for a procedure where they cut something off the top or the underside, only inner or outer corner? is it impossible to cut in the up-down direction? to me it makes sense... if you want rounder/bigger eyes you cut the eyelid and maybe make the curve below extend further down... but maybe that's not surgically possible or would look horrible? i don't know ㅠㅠ one doctor said lateral epi is not a good procedure and i kind of get that because i've seen results that weren't that great... but i really want bigger eyes! and that doctor offered a procedure to reverse lateral epi so maybe it was just marketing. has anyone here gotten lateral epi and been perfectly happy? if your eyes are now bigger, how did it happen? was it lateral or was normal epi/bleph/something else they did what also made your eyes bigger?

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There are other ways apart from lateral canthoplasty (i.e. cutting the outer eye corner).

In terms of cutting in the up direction, there is ptosis correction to reveal more of your iris. However, there is the risk of looking surprised all the time if overdone.

Alternatively, lateral hotz can help opening the eye in the down direction especially if you have slanted eyes. However, the cons is that your eyes might look droopy and sad if it's not slanted enough to surgery.
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what is lateral hotz? i've never heard of it. is it something drs know if i ask them about it?*i want ptosis correction anyway bc my eyes are a little droopy :sad:*the other eye more. it really bothers me and my eyes are so far away from round i think anything making them rounder would probably make them bigger haha :smile:*maybe i will get ptosis correction first and maybe it is enough?*:smile:
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