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My recent consultations in Seoul and surgical experiences

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Hi all! I've just joined this blog for replies. I'm going to Seoul for consultation and surgery in June.

Clinic choice:
My primary choice was VIP but after learning that they only offer rib rhino, I'm rethinking my choice because of the associated risks. I'm thinking of Dream or Banobagi. Dream because it's been recommended by locals and positive feedbacks on forums. Banobagi also because of positive feedback and nice before and after pictures (altho Korean friend told me not to trust that).

I need to have revision rhinoplasty since the previous surgery I had in China was a complete disaster. Reason: My implant moves, the foreign material on the tip also moves and the bridge area is transparent through light.
I have uneven double eyelid, so I want to have that fixed. But the quotes for eyes are rather too expensive compared to China (just about 500.000 in korean won compared what Korean clinics quoted: ~3.800.000won).
Also I'd like to have fillers or chin implant to improve U shape to V shape face.

- If any of you have more information on Banobagi please share
- Does anyone know a clinic that is very good in (revision) rhinoplasty, eyes and chin?
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I've tried getting in touch with K Couture from this forum but she hasn't replied back yet..

From what I see, Dream is very good for nose surgeries. K Couture (hereinafter referred to as K) got hers done with Dr. Park through a closed surgery. From what K said, her case was very complicated as she suffered extrusion. She had a great experience with Dr. Park at Dream hence why I recommend him to you (I think she does too). He seemed to know what he was doing from what I gauged from her post. He's also going to be one of the 3 I go for consults when I go to Korea. Dream and Dr. Park are my first choice for my rhino + double eyelid surgery. In case my consult with him fails to meet my expectations, I'm going to my #2 which is Banobagi.

I've been in contact with Claire from their team. She's been insanely patient with my many questions and have been really good with replying. Sent her a couple of photos and her recommendations have been consistent with my expectations (and recommendations from my friend's uncle, whose a PS Surgeon too). I tried adding on a couple of random surgeries after stressing to her that I want a natural look and she immediately shot them down as unnecessary and will make me look faker - which was the opposite of what I want. Honest, and really patient. I guess good customer service really is a good investment.

My 3rd and last place is ASPS, and http://www.atro.co.kr/. From their website, it seems good and their results are what I'm looking for. I haven't had time to navigate around it much but from what I see on recommendations, this is a good clinic. I'm not sure if I would come here for eyes though. But again, haven't been researching it much.

If anyone can provide me feed back on Banobagi and Dream (and ASPS) and also recommend me any places that will be good for NATURAL results for double eyelid + primary rhino please please do quote me and let me know. Thanks again and I hope this helps!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi everyone!

Firstly, I just want to say a big thank you to all who contributed to these forums. It's wonderful to see people from around the world sharing advice and experiences. It's really encouraging to see women helping each other out. Go sisters!

I'm considering getting an alar reduction in Korea at the end of this year. From what I understand, it should be a pretty simple procedure with a shorter recovery time.

I have a few questions:

1). It was mentioned in this thread that clinics will be busy during November/December. I'm based in Australia and plan to visit Korea at that time. What are my chances of booking in consultations and getting the surgery done within 2 weeks? Should I allow myself more time? Or split it into two separate visits?

2). Which clinics or surgeons are recommended for an alar reduction? I heard Dream has a good reputation with the locals for nose surgeries. Any other suggestions?

Hope everyone's PS journeys are going well. Happy to be here!

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December is definitely very busy for clinics in Korea, because it's the end of the uni semester and the time most people have to go get something done. If I were you, I'd narrow down your clinics to one or two to consult with so you don't waste time.

You can still consult and book within 2 weeks but depending on where you go, you might not get your first choice of surgeon or time slot if you don't book ahead.
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Can someone please help me?

I am an American living in Korea teaching English. I have a really large hook nose that I want to be slimmed down to look feminine and natural. I don't want to just shave off the hump, I also want the tip rounded so I don't look like I have a long pointy nose.

Today I went to 3 clinics with my korean friend. JK, Braun, and ID.

JK's doctor insisted I needed to have cartilage from my ear to rebuild the tip of my nose after removing the hump! What! Don't I have enough cartilage in my nose already?? This sounded so ridiculous to me.

Then, I went to braun and they were a little better. They said I didn't need any ear cartilage, but they wanted me to pay cash to avoid taxes, wtf?!

Then I went to ID and had a really great experience, but after reading the reviews on here and hearing that they are a factory I want to cry. I paid a $100 deposit today to them that is not refundable. I am so upset I just want to fix my nose, I hate looking in the mirror every day because of it.

I have a friend in Korea who is also American and white like me and she went to JW hospital and her nose looks okay. Should I book an appointment with them? Are they good?

Please someone recommend a good clinic for me, a person with a large western hook nose that can be fixed in Korea. I'm not looking for a miracle, I just want to look normal and not feel self concious when I go outside and I also don't want to have botched surgery or die.

Thank you.
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without having seen your nose, people with large hook noses usually undergo rasping and or lateral osteo. Unless your tip isn't defined or needs to be elevated if not they wouldn't use cartilage but rather suturing or clamping with regards to tipplasty.

its normal for some clinics to request paying in cash. But should they ask you to pay in cash you should also get 10 percent off from the VAT. Obviously they are actually not allowed to do this because it shows they are messing with the tax department but that's common amongst some clinics. Other clinics simply subsidize the VAT to make their business cleaner.
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Thanks HJ88!
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At Dream the two specialists for eyes is Dr Park for non incisional and Dr Yoo for incisional. There's many reviews of Dr Park's eyes on the forums so just go take a search. For Dr Yoo EvaLeena did a review before i believe
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Thank you very much!! I will need incisional, so have to do some research about Dr. Yoo.:smile:
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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 years later...

Hi Fraulein, Thank you very much for posting your experience ! I wonder if I can get your kakao or email since I am also researching on 101ps Dr Paik Moo Hyun for my Rhinoplasty revision . I am not be able to schedule a consultation with him yet.
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Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and experience. My experience at VIP was a little different from yours . The consultation with doctor was very rushed , when I was trying to ask more questions, Dr Lee Myung Ju just asked the consultant to take over and I felt the time with the doctor is 5 mins at most, and the consultant (Not the english speaking one ) was helpful in general but at some point she spoken in Korean in front of me (without knowing I know some Korean) complaining and implying my questions were ridicules, if you could imagine how I felt at that time LOL .

I also went to April 31 for rhinoplasty revision consultation: instead of directly answering my question, Dr. Jae Hoon Kim told me to go watch his educational video on youtube to find out the answer to my question and he said he could not discuss too much details unless I have decided to do the surgery at his place (I assume it means paying the deposit). He did tell what materials he would use on me though.
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  • 1 year later...
Hello, I’m planning to go to Dream this October to do my third revision open rhinoplasty and first mini face lift. The consultant recommend me Dr. Hong Jin Myung for revision open rhinoplasty and Dr. Cho Hye In for mini face lift. Do you guys know if they are a good one? Please help me to make sure which doctors are good for my case.
Thank you in advance!
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Hong has been doing really well with the noses lately. Ive seen his work on an upturned and contracted nose which he corrected with collumela lowering and septal graft extension. Uhhhhh you wouldnt want to use cho hye in for the mini lift. Yoo is far more skilled with lifting
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