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My recent consultations in Seoul and surgical experiences

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I'm booking hotel on Agoda Page. And I find out Lex Hotel, Suncity Hotell very near clinic in keangnam.
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i stayed at the Ritz Carlton in Gangnam. Its close to all the surgical clinics in the area. I pretty much just taxied up and down to make it between appointments
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Yeah, I can imagine how overwhelming it can be trying to complete several consultations in such limited time frame, and on top of that, beings in a different country (sign). But you still can ask to see it in your next visit. Or maybe you can try to ask for it now as a follow up request since you had a face to face consultation with them already. I remember seeing a post by some forum members that some clinics do provide specific photos to potential client via email. It is your face and you need all the information you can get prior to make a decision. I'm sure they would understand, don't you think?
BTW, did you receive my PM?
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yeh i just read it. i replied to that thread actually. But if you read my consultation review, that's why i wasn't comfortable going to VIP. They methods they used i felt weren't satisfactory for my needs and the surgeon also wasn't completely honest with me. Also wanted to correct my septum when there's no breathing problem is also unnecessary.
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hey I am thinking to do consultant + sugary, and I am still picking the clinics, Teuim for eyes and Shimmian for nose? but there are just the rough plans..
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Wow this is a very detailed and valuable info. I heard dream is popular among local people as well. So you consulted with how many clinics? Im planning to go for nose revision as well. I did went to korea for consultation but I didnt have a chance getting as much information as you : ( I dont know why some clinics I just ended up talking with consultant only not the doctor.

Could you tell me why you chose dream at the first place? How much they charge you?

Yeahh its true I cannot find any clinics doing close rhinoplasty! It is very interesting to do the revision with dream

You have kakao talk?
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yeah if they don't let me speak to the surgeon i will just walk out lol. the consultants are a waste of time, especially when we fly all the way down just to speak to someone who's knowledge is so limited.

i havent chosen dream yet as i still want to visit 2 more clinics before i decide. But for now its very likely i will go to dream. Mainly because of the level of professionalism and detailed communication with the surgeons. I didn't feel rushed during the consultation at all and even tho I could tell that they were really busy, the surgeons i selected at Dream still gave me as much time as i needed to get all my questions answered. Also i wanted to do the revision through closed rhino because i know that this being my 2nd revision/third rhinoplasty, and having had open rhino 2 years ago, i risk even more internal scarring which can make my nostrils even more uneven. Dr Park Yang Soo actually told me that's the reason why he wants to avoid an open rhino in my case. His method of treatment also seemed most logical. i do have kakao. pm me your id :smile:
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Hi K Couture, thanks for sharing your experience! I've decided to add Dream to my shortlist too! I'll be heading to Seoul in March and was wondering if you could share your previous experience about the buccal fat removal? :smile: Was there a huge difference after you had it done? I'm worried that it'll cause my skin to sag after the procedure so i'm a bit hesitant at the moment... :sad:
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my buccal fat removal wasn't a good experience. Tho because i have high cheekbones sagging was so minimal that its not noticeable. What you should be more concerned about with buccal fat removal is asymmetry. That is a known common side effect with that procedure because unlike facial lipo, precision is limited. It is performed through an incision from inside the mouth and carefully teasing the fat pads out. Whatever comes out will come out. You can't forcefully pull it out either because it risks ripping the sensory and motor nerves. If you have a naturally symmetrical face its a good option for you but if your face as some asymmetry that is slightly noticeable, then do not have that procedure. It will make the asymmetry much more obvious. Thats what happened to me.

I had to correct the asymmetry through a revision. This revision was done alone with my concentric malar lift. Incision was done through the lower eyelid and from that position, the surgeon was able to pull out the remaining buccal fat. I would not recommend this option for you at all because its very invasive. Because of the incisions to my lower lid i cannot get a lateral canthoplasty because it risks showing the red of my eyes.

There seems to be a method now to somewhat control how much buccal fat is removed. One of the forum posters mentioned it tho did not evaluate on it. If you google buccal fat pictures you will get an idea of why it is removed by teasing the fat out.

I recommend acculift actually as a better option than buccal fat. Least there's some slight skin tightening that occurs when you use it.
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Thanks so much for the detailed information and explanation! I'm sorry that you have to go through such an invasive revision :sad: I hope you've fully recovered.

I was interested in acculift too but wasn't too sure if it was right for me because none of the online consultations recommended it for me. Most of them either suggested facial/buccal fat removal or Vline (or both). But like you said, most of them must be replies from consultants so I'll have to meet the doctor to get more accurate recommendations.
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yeah very few consultants are actually knowledgeable. The only one i met so far who has really impressed me is the consultant at VIP. So articulate, so knowledgeable and intelligent.The surgeon will always give u the most detailed response. If they dont then they are not worth your time lol. I've had surgeons who, after i told them i was confused of the procedure and asked further questions, said to me "I'm the doctor, let me handle the science behind it." I literally walked out lol because its like, uhhh its my face you are cutting into, i deserve to know what is being done.

anyways sidetracked a little, have u short listed your clinics yet?
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Haha I like the way you are. Thats what it should be yeahh its our faces after all. Do you know how much time roughly you talk to each doctor? 15-20 min? How do you know he see the result in your head very clearly? Did you ask similar questions at each place?
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yeah i always ask the similar questions to start. Then i change it depending on what the surgeon says. i spent about 20 mins or so talking to the doctor and get them to explain the procedure until i understand lol. Well like the doctor will always ask how high i want my nose. I will say i want it as high and sharp as possible without it risking an infection or putting too much pressure on my tissue. And i make sure to add that the moment he feels it will be too much pressure, switch to a smaller implant before closing me up and be more conservative
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