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My recent consultations in Seoul and surgical experiences

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Wow! I'd be really pissed off by that attitude! As potential clients, we definitely have the right to fully understand what they're doing to our face!

Right now I've shortlisted tlps, daprs and item. Have you came across these clinics while you were there? I kind of wish I could just fly over there and have it done and over with! The time spent on researching and waiting is driving me crazy lol!
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Hi K Couture, I've been reading your posts and they were very informative. Actually I just make myself an account on this forum today just to reply to you, lol. Thanks so much for your info. I have a question to ask, where do you recommend to do a double jaw surgery? I have a TMJ disorder where my lower jaw has made my face asymmetrical. My first choice was initially to go with ID. I was impressed with the videos that they did to those people in Let Me In show on Youtube. I've been doing email with a woman named Jane. She was nice and stuff, but then the more I asked, she suddenly went cold on me for few days now. Idk what went wrong so I feel hurt and offensive for sharing so much with her about my truths and she left me hanging like that. I don't think I deserve to be treated that way. I wonder if it's how they treated their potential customers?? I was so sure to go with them too. Like I am trying to save and ask anywhere for loan so I can do as quick as possible. I want to get it over with, you know. I guess they don't wanna deal with person who has little money like me... They asked for 17M KRW + 10% tax and 2.5M KRW for wafer mold. She told me that they already raised the price at beginning of February to 20M but she can try to get an old price for me. Do you know how much is at Dream? I don't have whole lots of money but I do want to take care of my face. I can't stand seeing my face having someone staring in a weird way. I want to find a very good doctor who can take my case with care and concern. And you make me consider Dream to the list. When will you go to see Item and Regen? I have never done anything with my face so I am pretty nervous. Only if I can send you PM and pictures. I can't afford to go there just to do a consultation, you know what I mean, right? Oh, any idea on non-incision double eyelid? The reason I choose non-incision is that my skin easily leave scars. And non-incision is showing less and more natural? Where to do best? What doctor are you recommended for? My eyes are a bit uneven and it creates half crease on left side and the right eye has no crease. It's annoying. I want to make them even out if possible. At ID, they have the 7 points non-incision comparing to 3 point non-incision. They said it is more precise and more natural. Same as Jane talked to me about their profession about double jaw surgery but after hearing sad stories and the way Jane treated me, it makes me sway and want to scrap them off the list. Only if I can explain to you more in private but I don't have that option. Weird... Anyone know how to PM, please show me? Anyway, it would do. I guess it is not so bad sharing my bad little online customer service with ID
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u can add me on kakao. My id is Kcouture. You are unable to send pms yet. Pretty sure you need 10 posts before you can do so.

I''m not too familiar with double jaw surgery unfortunately. I had a Jaw reduction but I think yours is a bit more complicated than mine since you have asymmetry. But that amount they are quoting you is reallly high as far as I'm aware. Also I had a friend who went to ID to do her nose. It turned out really well. However I crossed them off my list very early on because i felt that after reading so so so many horrible stories on their post op results and unauthorized surgeon swapping it would be too much of a gamble.

Like I told anyone who asked me about consultations, don't spend your time asking consultants any in depth questions. a) they are out for commission for getting you to sign up b) they do not know have any proper surgical knowledge c)you need to be in person for a SURGEON to assess your case

I know Dream does do facial bone surgery. The best one to see is Kim Young Joon, I believe he handles most of the facial bone correction procedures. I will go see item and regen in May before my intended surgery with Dream.

I had incisional double eyelid. I was told that the results tend to be more pleasing than the non incisional method. I would not worry about scarring for 2 reasons. 1) the scar should be hidden by the crease in the upper fold 2) You can dissolve it with kenacort. I have used kenacort for my upper eyelid, my lower eyelid and under my chin to dissolve scars. Its not even visible anymore. Its an injection using really fine tiny needles and must be performed by a surgeon or a dermatologist or a licensed nurse.

Anyway my ultimate advice for you is if you do not have the money to go there for a consultation, save up get your ticket, fly down and go for consultations at all your short listed clinics. Once you meet the surgeons and make a decision, that is when you ask the consultant to give you a written quote. You can probably bargain it down a little. Then fly back and start saving for your surgery! Tho the consultant at dream told me to discuss a discount with her after i have booked my surgical date lol. Im assuming she doesn't want the hassle of non paying clients? Either way the main thing is that i felt secure with the 2 surgeons i selected to perform my procedures. Your case seems to be complicated so you want to take it one step at a time. I know you are insecure and feel you want to get it done asap. But never rush through it and never use your finances as a deterrent to stop you from making the best decision possible.
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Thank you for your advice. So as I thought, I knew what they quoted me was a high price but then they said it is for their such reputation, they can't lower the price, lol. Anyway, I'm glad I read your thread and other people's thread on here. ^^ It makes me second guess and think twice. As I do a little more research, I find out that I need to get my braces first with orthodontist before doing big jaw surgery as far as I know my teeth condition needs to be fixed first. Probably I will settle to do jaw surgery in US since I can get covered by insurance but I'm afraid that many on here saying they do ugly job, and idk if they can do well with Asian face... One at a time... you're right. I can't be rushed since this is my one and only face and I need to make the right decision. Which clinic did you do your eyelid? Was it in Korea? How much is a deccent/good price for it? Btw, I don't have kakao account... Is it some kind of messenger?
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yes kakao is a messenger. Lots of clinics in korea use it. Just download the app

I had my eyes done with Charles Lee. Do not go to him. He is an awful surgeon. Im lucky my eyes turned out good. There was noticeable scarring but luckily i knew to use kenacort to dissolve it. He was gonna precrbe me some useless cream until i kept pushing for the kenacort. He also did a botch job on my nose. Definitely wouldn't recommend any sane person going to him.

When you say do jaw surgery you mean you have an overbite or underbite? Is that why it is covered by insurance? If so then i think that would be better than going for a jaw reduction first because a simple jaw reduction doesn't actually correct your bite issue and it will be harder to correct your bite after you have a jaw reduction.

i think for double eyelid, incisional method 1.5-2.5 is decent price. Im not sure tho because it seems my perspective of a good deal is sometimes skewed with what i usually pay for in Australia lol. Theres a thread about plastic surgery prices on this forum you might want to look there to get a better idea.
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Hi K, im planning to have a surgery as well, but im still saving... one of the surgery i really need is zygoma reduction, would u recommend to go to a clinic that put screws after the said surgery? im a bit worried about having a foreign object inside my body.
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i think it depends what type of reduction you are undergoing. Reductions can be done on one or all parts of the zygoma. Mid face, outer bone or the anterior (i think that's name?) where its most prominently visible at the 3/4 angle. That point angle on the cheek bone basically. Depending on what part of your zygoma you want reduced screws may be required. I had an outer cheekbone shave years ago. Very very minor so i wouldn't even call mine a reduction since no bones were shifted. If you require the screws you don't need to worry about it. Its very secure in your facial bones and shouldn't cause any damage.

I suggest you go look in the mirror or take some photos, figure out what part of the zygoma is making your face look wider. It really depends on your facial structure. If you want to send me ure pics i can help you out some more.

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JK: http://www.jkplastic.com/ 82 2 777 7979 webmaste r (@)) jkplasti c.c om "Gangnam-gu Sinsa=dong 584-2
JK Building (Apgujeong Exit 4)
Open: Mo-Fr 9-7"
Price quotes vary hugely! Not good for v-line unless you want a ROUNDED
“natural looking” jawline!

that's my info on JK, that's all I know. sorry. hope it helps! :smile:
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