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Anyone had surgery done at Dream Medical?

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OP you shouldn't feel depressed about your decision not to do PS at this time. I have been reading forums (tPF and others) for quite awhile and have read countless stories of patients who were unhappy with their results despite doing their homework. It's good that you are being cautious and giving yourself time to think about what transpired during your consultations. Invasive procedures (involving reduction of zygoma, jaw and chin) are not to be taken likely because of the possible consequences should anything go wrong. I'm not discouraging you though since there are also patients who are happy with the outcome of their surgeries.
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davincci and lavenderspice,
thank you for your kind words and support. it's as you said, it's a major decision that some aren't happy that they made.
just finished reading how a fellow formumer here "shan shan", i think, went to TL and got awful results. apparently she had asked the doc b4 surgery whether she'll experience sagging after her 3D zygomatic surgery and the doctor and consult were emphatic that it wouldn't happen and guess what, it happened, and now they don't want to own up to it.. it's stories like this that makes me hesitant. and unfortunately stories like these that me be cross out the clinic from my list, which is ever shrinking... anyway, thanks again. i'm glad i'm not the only one out there who is taking the cautious route!
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my family doesn't know. only one cousin and that was out of necessity and one friend, both who are against me getting PS, there's some pressure from them but mostly it's because i don't want to end up looking worse after the surgery and loose whatever amount of attractiveness i may have.

the whole reason that i want to reduce my cheekbones is to acheive a slimmer, smaller looking face, which the surgery will most likely do, but at what price? also does slimmer and smaller necessary mean more attractive? not sure, i think it depends on your aesthetics.
in korea an maybe other asian countries, the no cheekbone look seems to be the preference whereas in the west, cheekbones are seen as attractive.
i've been kind of following the blogger qui qui and through her cheekbone reduction and v-line surgery at regen and i'm not sure she looks better after. she was cute and young enough before but now her face looks like a 10 year old and there's drooping. can't say she looks "bad", but i think she looks better- sexier- like an adult- before her surgery. the 1st link below is her before and the second one is her after:


her picture in the header and the one on the sidebar was before her surgery...
if you look at her picture holding the baby, she has drooping already...


p.s. nothing against qui qui and others who like this look- again, i think it's just different preferences...
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speaking of qiu qiu, she is actually not a good candidate for the cheekbone or jaw reduction and it was a very bad decision on her part. She is guaranteed to expect more visible sagging than she currently has as she gets older. And while I can understand her idea of beauty, i personally do not find that appealing. To me, the doll look is just plain unattractive. Because as an adult, I absolutely do not want to look like a cute doll. I'm not a 10 year old. I really question the sexual desires of men who actually find the adorable doll like look sexually attractive. I personally want to look fierce and high fashion. That means slimmer narrower face but with defined angular bone structure. And yes that includes defined cheekbones.

I've realized that alot of asians come to assume that a slimmer face requires there to be a lack of cheekbones. That is not true at all. There are lots of individuals with slim narrow faces and high cheekbones. That is what high fashion beauty is. Its one of the reasons why you will never see a doll faced model on the haute couture runway, be it in Asia or in the West.

I find that when you compare eastern and western standards of beauty, its almost like an extreme juxtaposition. Asians typically have stronger exterior structures (cheekbones, jawbone) but flatter internal structures (mid cheek nose, eye and eye socket elevation) while caucasians have weaker exterior structures but higher internal structures. Notice how the asians are always looking to erase any form of exterior definition in their procedures until they have no definition left, whilst the caucasians are always concerned with getting those higher angelina jolie cheekbones for definition?

I think to meet a desirable form of beauty is to find a balance in between. You are right in saying that a narrow face is not necessarily more beautiful. It is in fact all about symmetry, balance and definition. I have a taiwanese friend who has very strong bone structure with wider cheekbones. However, she has minimal facial fat which doesn't make her face look heavy, a common problem for asian people who have wider cheekbones. She also has close to perfect symmetry and features that balance one another. On paper she does not meet the standard korean version of beauty with her wider bone structure and all. But in person no one can deny how absolutely beautiful she is. I think to really select the right procedure for yourself, you really need to have a good grasp of aesthetics and find out what will work for your facial structure.

You mentioned wanting a cheekbone reduction right? The thing you have to know is and im sure u have realized this by now, any kind of reduction procedure will 100% cause sagging. Any surgeon who says otherwise is a liar. Because logically speaking, once the structure holding your fat, skin tissue and soft tissue is no longer in place, gravity will take it downwards. Now the degree to which this occurs depends how much bone has been manipulated. Hence why if you do not have extruding cheekbones, you are not a good candidate for the procedure. Same goes with the jaw reduction procedure. I simply take it as a process. I never assume i can get it right after the first time and am always prepared for alternatives to achieving my look. For example, when i realized the side effects of the jaw reduction, i went and got myself a concentric malar lift to reverse all the sagging. When i realized my issue wasn't with my cheekbones but my facial fat and soft tissue i went and got lipo and acculift to obtain the narrow face with the high defined cheekbones. Its all about selecting the right procedure, and the right method and the right surgeon.
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Absolutely well-written K! You're always able to write so eloquently. Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder.
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not a fan of doll face look either . i was also wondering what full grown men would find sexually desirable a full grown women that looks 10 and acts "cutesy". who knows, maybe it's normal and not perverted for some cultures - maybe a "cultural thing", which i don't get...

you made good point about cheekbones, in the states, those who don't have it, contour them in. people here in korea are cutting them off! the difference seems to be though that for most caucasians, their face is so narrow that implants cheeks don't give them an overally wide face whereas for some asian, myself included, have a larger skull base to begin with so cheekbones just adds to the wide large effect. having said this though, i'm going to try to embrace the look. as my friend keep saying, cheekbones seem to give people a "fresher" look... and hold off surgery until i'm at least 80% sure. right now i'm not ready to make the trade off, which includes: sagging skin and permanent screws near my eye area, this is assuming things go well and not including possible asymmetry and other complications.

most people, including myself, don't want to hear that PS is a "process" as you mentioned, but it seems to be true. i think we want to do it once and move on w/our lives, but realistically, it seems that even if things turns out great, there seem to be maintenance involved. for example if we do facial contouring and get great results, to maintain that, lifting procedures have to follow soon or later. more realistically, we probably wont' get results that we like 100%, so then more surgeries follow. aside from the financial burden of this, it seem that there a risk of something else going wrong each time.. which i guess goes back to finding the right doctor/ place to get it done and hope for the best! i'm not ready to make this commitment yet, so i think i'm going to focus on nonsurgical methods for now- using botox to slim my face, and use various lasers/ ultra sound procedures to tighten and "perfect" my skin. having looked at so many b/a pics on korean ps clinics, the airbrushed skin seem to make the afters about 100% better. now i have to start researching dermatology procedures- will this ever end?! lol
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if your not ready for surgery yet, have you tried botox to the jawline? the pix you showed show mostly reduction in the lower face. when i did it, i got pretty significant results.
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there is a way of doing cheekbones where you actually move them inwards but place them higher, which negates SOME of the sagging. This is for people with wider and lower cheekbones.

i understand your concerns regarding maintenance. But the kind of maintenance you are talking about comes with age. For example, my concentric malar lift which reversed sagging from the jaw reduction will only need a touch up after the aging process weakens my facial bones and muscles, whereby i will naturally sag. Just like a liposuction, for someone who gets lipo at age 20, will possibly need it again at age 40 because as we age our metabolism is slower. Plastic surgery is never about perfection, but rather relative improvements pertaining to your situaton. I think people who are overly emotional, get depressed easily and always scrutinize themselves are the worst candidates for plastic surgery as it doesn't help the real issues and may even exacerbate them should results show the slightest imperfection. People who are seeking improvements and not perfection, who are generally happy with themselves (im not talking aesthetically only) are the best suited for surgery. I think its great you have decided to take a step back and rethink your decision and i wish u all the best :smile:
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Yeah thanks :3
I am ready for surgery but I will do it next 2 years, i will do a lot of research before that :smile:, but if I can do jt right now then i will xD

I just want a smaller face that is all :smile:
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look to me like he just did botox for jaw reduction and removed some volume the cheeks either via facial lipo, buccal fat removal or acculift. Eyelids done and a nose job. Very subtle work tho
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Subtle but he went from average to very hot xD
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