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Accurate 3D Preview of Surgery

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Hi Everyone

I'm new, so I apologize if this was asked before, but I was wondering if anyone knows if there are any clinics or program that we can use to get an accurate 3D preview/rendering of facial bone surgery on our selves before surgery I've tried using photoshop, but my skills are limited to using the "liquify" effect, which I'm not sure are that accurate.

Also, for anyone who has had surgery, how did your actual results compare to the preview they gave you? Anyone know which clinics are good at giving you an accurate preview?

Any info would be appreciated. In the meantime, I'm researching now, so I'll share anything I find for anyone that is interested.

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For anyone who is interested, I've bee researching and came across an online software called balanced angular and proportional analysis (BAPA). Has anyone here come across this before?
Anyway, this website: [FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, Serif, 굴림]http://beautyportal.co.kr/index.php?mm_code=134&sm_code=135
claims that they have:
"The Worldwide First Online System for Photogrammetric Facial Analysis"
"The Worldwide First Online Program for Measuring Facial Attractiveness"

I haven't uploaded my photo yet b/c I'm reluctant to uploaded anything online, but may do one with eyes blacked out if I'm allowed. I'm debating between the extreme two-jaw surgery or just facial contouring and I think this may help...

Apparently, some doctors use this to analyze the patient's face and make suggestions about things to get done.
The doctor here seems to use it. : http://atro.co.kr/
i'm hoping that between this and 3D preview of the surgery, I'll be able to make a good decision about what to get done ad that the doctor and I are on the same page... It seems very important to get a good idea of what the results will be before just jumping in and hope for the best.

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i tried it but it doesnt work :{
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