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Cheekbone Augmentation --- best clinic?

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Has anyone here tried cheekbone Augmentation? Yes, I want to make my cheekbones higher (not reduce them, augment them).

In America, high cheekbones are considered really beautiful. They give your face more angles and depth.

To be honest, I'm a little worried going to Korea for Cheekbone Augmentation, as most Asian people only want to reduce their cheekbones. Maybe the clinics are not familiar with the procedure I want?

Any thoughts would be deeply appreciated. :smile:
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yeh i agree with your concern. I personally would not go to korea for augmentations since they specialize in cheekbone reductions. What part of your cheekbone do you want to augment? Is it the mid cheeks or outer cheekbones? One thing to be careful about with cheek augmentations is that too much projection tends to make your eyes slanty due to shifting of soft tissue and skin stretching.

In my opinion the best surgeon for cheekbone augmentations is actually brian mendelson from Melbourne Australia. He is the ASAPS president for 2008 and pioneered the hydroxyapatite method. I had a concentric malar lift done with him using hydroxy granules fused with my blood. He is extremely skilled but also very pricey.

things you should consider is the condition of your soft tissue and type of skin and how much projection you want before you get a cheek augmentation.

hope that helps
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Thanks. That's actually really helpful.

I was actually thinking about getting buccal fat removal (to make my lower cheek slimmer), and then getting a cheekbone implant (to make the top cheeks sharper). You know, like those high-cheekbone models you see in ANTM? :P

I may need to do more research on this. When I was looking through View Website, I know they have a section on Cheekbone Augmentation, so it definitely exists in Korea. Just not very popular.

I know Teium specializes in Buccal Fat removal (besides eyes), so I'm gonna book an appointment with them.

One thing about buccal fat removal is that you may want to wait until your 30's to do them, because it can make your face really slim and skinny (like those smokers), So it's only recommended for people with chubby cheeks. But really, I can't wait until I'm 30 to get pretty. So screw that hah.

Anyway, thanks again for the info. You're a sweetheart.
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i would honestly think twice with buccal fat removal. Ive had that done too and the thing to note is that if you have a close to perfect symmetrical face with fairly even facial fat distribution then it would be good for you but if you have a somewhat asymmetrical face absolutely avoid it. because this procedure is not like lipo where a certain amount can be removed. Buccal fat removal is done by teasing the fat pads out. Whatever comes out comes out. If they forcefully pull it out it may rapture sensory and or motor nerves. Also causes a bit of sagging.

I had that done when i was 22 and really regretted it. I had to go through several facial liposuctions and soft tissue manipulation to even things out because my face had some slight asymmetry which i wasn't really aware of until i had the buccal fat done. It basically made the asymmetry very obvious.

so yeh if u have a symmetrical face, as in from a ct scan it is obvious your facial structure is fairly symmetrical, then buccal fat is probably a good option for you. But if not then i would go for a facial lipo and avoid the buccal fat at all cost
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Wow thanks for letting me know. I totally didn't think about the asymmetry issue. I guess I have to be more cautious then. Maybe get a CT scan first and then see.

I'm in my early 20's. So maybe I should wait a while, but man, having high cheekbones is really alluring.

Anyway, thanks for the info. You're a babe! :smile:
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By the way, just for those who are interested, I looked through all the websites of PS clinics in Seoul and only 2 clinics offer Zygoma Augmentation.

Item Clinic:


VIP Clinic:


I'm not saying these clinics are good, just that they have this option available.
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Haha I think their English just isn't good enough to be sensitive to the word 'deformity". Basically, you don't want to use that word on your customers, EVER. :lol:
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So did you end up choosing a clinic for cheek augmentation?

please please please share your experience with me, as I am pretty clueless regarding this area.

Doesn't seem like many people on this forum are interested in Cheek Augmentation either.

Please do share anything you know. I would deeply appreciate it. If you're not comfortable sharing in public, we can talk through email or private message.

Thanks a million times a gazillion.
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i did. I told you in a previous most. I had mine done in Australia with Brian Mendelson. The augmentation i had is called a concentric malar lift. He used hydroxyapatite granules mixed with my own blood and fused to my bone to become a part of it.He also shifted my soft tissue at the same time. Its basically a mid cheek augmentation and he pioneered the method. Not many surgeons know how to do that method tho so i don't think they do it in Seoul
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Are you happy with the result? And how much did he charge you? if you don't mind. :smile:
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Yeah he did a very good job. all up including anesthesia and hospital stay is 30 000 australian dollars. He is 2008's president of the ASAPS so he charges alot. And surgery is really expensive in australia. But i see it as an investment on your face since that procedure pushes back aging too. Its basically an augmentation and a soft tissue lift so its 2 procedures.
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