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Anesthesia info

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Guys I have a question for those of you who had eyelid surgery done did you get local or general anesthesia? and while under did you feel anything/pain etc?? If they recommend local can you request general? I'm planning on going in May just wanted to get more info so I can mentally prepare myself! Sorry if it seems like a silly question :x
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usually if you only do eyelid they will just use local on you and not general. They only use general for bigger surgeries. You won't feel anything whether its local or general. If they use sedation then there''s a change you may feel something.

when i did my eyelids they used local on me. I was knocked out but they woke me up half way through to get me to open my eyes to check the allignment then they knocked me out again after to perform the other surgeries. I apparently didn't remember being woken up during the process.
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They do local / sedation. They sedate you briefly to give you the local shots. Mine was some kind of a hallucinogenic which didn't work well with me. They said it would make me happy and feeling good but I was paranoid and irritable. I don't know if it was because of that but my anesthesia didn't work. I came out of the sedation part too early and I could feel everything from the cutting to extracting/injecting the fat for fat graft to the stitching.
I told them repeatedly that I was in pain and they still didn't give me more shots immediately (or maybe it took some time to take effect).

It was a nightmare
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That's why I asked the doctor if there is a separate anesthesiologist. They told me yes but as I was getting onto the table the nurse told me no. They didn't take my body weight or anything. I think the nurse gave me the sedation medicine because doctor was no where in sight. Plastic surgery in Korea ( where I did mine) is an unregulated industry. It's quite scary. There are news of people not waking up from anesthesia in Korea. I won't do it again.
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depends if you need to do all that surgery lol? I persoanlly wouldnt do so much surgery at the same time since the longer you are under general anesthesia the more stress it causes to your body. Also jaw reduction is a big surgery compared to rhino and cheek reduction. I also wouldn't put my trust in one surgeon to do all that surgery at the same time. I always think its safer to do one or 2 at first, then see if you like the results and gauge the level of the surgeon's skill from there. My thought process is that if you get a bad surgeon, why let him botch multiple parts of your face?

I can understand people's fear of anesthesia but if you go to a good surgeon anesthesia is the least of your concerns. You should be focusing more on post op complications and unsatisfactory results. These are risks which can be lessened if you have a good surgeon but sometimes due to the way your body reacts to the procedure and/or implant used it may not be avoided.
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