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Reason for Plastic Surgery

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The test was designed by a taiwanese psychologist. They didn't discuss it very much in depth. From what I remember:

A- it is objectively the most "beautiful" and symmetrical. thus it will reflect the heart's desire for idealistic perfection.

B- it is a meadow with step towards the endlessness. this symbolizes the want to accomplish something in life.

C- the hot air balloon represents how the heart wants to be lifted from stress and pressure.

D- the sun exudes a ray of confidence, which may be what the person lacks (and wants).
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I picked A. Interesting, because I have been sort of an overachieving-type perfectionist most of my life. It's only in the last year or so that I've "taught" myself to not be obsessive about perfection.

I did have revision surgery, but not really by choice. My original surgery left thick scars AND the creases disappeared in less than a year. My revision doctor was very stubborn, did not listen to my concerns, and chose not fix my ptosis on my right eye, so I fear that I may have to do that in my 30s at some point. Not really looking forward to it... If I can hold out until my 40s, I will!
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Haha, I am a perfectionist too, just not "overachieving" like you, more like "depressive" because I cannot get what I want.

I see.. that is strange. So he corrected ptosis on the left eye but not the right eye? Seems weird to me why he wouldn't correct it..
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yeah the risk is too high. trembling hands can't get to 100% haha. have to be realistic :smile: we'll need futuristic machines to get to 100%... maybe we can take pills to live longer until they have those machines! hahaha
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No, she corrected neither. My left eye was fine as it was -- it did not have ptosis. Only my right eye did.

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Honestly, no I doubt I ever would have. I put it off for years because I thought it was vain, my friends & family all got mad & judged me when I mentioned it. I thought if I got it done people would consider me superficial and fake. Some people probably do, but every time I looked at myself I scowled & I felt like it wasn't what I was supposed to look like. Eventually I just went ahead & did it, and after I got it done I realized that it was not at all the big deal I had made it out to be, and it made me feel so good. I was uncomfortable for a few days after surgery, but I've been happy about the results ever since. Now I feel much more comfortable with the idea of PS because it makes me feel like I have some control over my appearance.
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That's so interesting. I know how you feel about the skinny part, I always thought i don't want BAd but i have been considering it a little bit bc whenever i get skinny (and i have been really skinny) they really get smaller and then i wonder if i need it... otherwise we are very different. i can't even remember how i looked like as a child, i have changed so much... my goal is not to change back but to change into something prettier :smile:*makeup and hair can only do so much, next step:*PS! wooo!*:smile: i'm glad you got PS to get what you want, it's so sad how your family judged you :sad: you shouldn't let other people affect your decisions and make you unhappy simply out of anger, even if they are your family...
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