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My Experience at Regen, EverM, and DAPRS

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Based on what I have read you should get a medical certificate from the hospital that you did the surgery (in English) and show it when you go through custom. For those custom that requires to check ur finger print then if ur finger print matches theres no problem. If they dont then you need to represent this cert and also be prepared to answer any questions for security checks.
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Thanks Mai! I'll make sure I get the certificates. Wondering if there is a way to let the customs know that possibility when we fly out so they can mark in their system and be prepared for that on our way back.
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I think you can definitely let the Korean custom know because they are very familiar with this already! I have heard that Korean custom is very easy about people bringing more than $10,000 and/or changed their face entirely because they encounter those cases everyday, so once u get in korea u can let them know that you r here for medi-tourism, (also remember to report ur money if u bring more than $10,000, its very easy and quick to report by filling in a form i think but if you dont report and they find out u can be held back for some time) so when you're out they can make it even easier. But for ur own country custom i think it will be more troublesome, especially in us or uk when they controlled immigrants and fake passport so strictly. I am from the UK so thank god they have the finger print checking procedures here, it wont b too difficult then if finger print matches, but I can imagine depending on where u r the custom clearing can get a bit difficult.
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Mai, thanks for reminding me about declaring the cash if I later decided to do it that way.

Still trying to figure out a better way for cash payment.

Here is what I did when we traveled to Italy last year. My bank, which is Bank of America (BOA), informed me that they have an agreement with one of the largest bank in Italy that BOA customers can withdraw Euro from this Italian bank's ATM without being charged for any fee, and the best part is that the exchange rate is that of the Visa/Master's which is the best for customers. The way the BOA manager said to me made it sound like such an agreement is very popular among major banks from all countries who are in some kind of association. I would imagine Korea would have a bank that have similar agreement with one of the the American/British/European banks. If so, we could withdraw cash in Korea when we need without any surcharge and at the best rate. The only problem I can see is that if there is a limit on how much one can withdraw per day, and often we need the money right away when we got there for surgeries.

I'll check with my bank again to see what the limit is if there is one.
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Mrs King,

I dont think there is such thing as a free lunch, even if they dont take charges on widthrawal overseas, I know banks usually take a massive spread on the exchange rate to make it up, because I worked at HSBC before. The rate you find at the ATM if widthrawn in Korea is usually at least 0.5-4% more expensive than if you exchange at exchange currency shop, and 4% of $10,000 is like freakin $400 already. Forumers I have read here suggest that you widthraw USD at home, then exchange it to KRW in Korea (but NOT using the travel money shop at the airport because their rates are horrible). I think once you confirmed surgery with a particular clinic, u ask their sale people where to exchange money they should be able to suggest you ones with favourable rates. Also you can ask if the clinic accept USD directly, I know some do and they'll give you some better prices in USD because the clinic wants to hold USD as an investment/currency reserve also.
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Thank you for your kind words. Yeah, if I had known what a b*tch she would turn out to be, I would never have considered a translator.

I think they used partly some self-dissolvable stitches on me, but the other stitches definitely needed to be removed. The removal part is not as painful as some people mentioned. Maybe I was lucky that none of the stitches stuck to my nerves, so I didn't feel anything when they removed them.

As for clothes, they gave me some very puffy pijamas to wear - kinda like those Japanese Samurai outfits you see - no button, just a string to tie it up. But you won't be naked, so don't worry! I've never heard of anyone being naked during their surgery lolz. Isn't that like ...porn?!

Thanks again for the wishes. I very much like my angles so far. It takes some time for me to adjust to my new face - you know, you grew up with this face for 18 years, and then bam, one day you woke up looking like some other person (albeit hotter). Though it stills needs some getting used to.
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You're very welcome. Yeah, I think some people on here posted this. They have the contact info for Girin:


The thing about Girin is: you need to send them an email in Korean first - to catch their attention. In the email, make sure you mention that you need an English translator. Don't disclose the fact that you're a foreigner. Just say you prefer to have both Korean and English consultants.

If you send them an email in English, they may take forever to respond, or never at all...
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Thanks. I'll post my experience with Teuim and OZ soon.

Regarding Doctor Kwon's revision skills, I can't really say anything. My eyes surgery is a primary case (first-time). So I don't know how good he will be with revision (which is supposedly harder, right?)

I can only speak to his ability with primary case - and he's pretty skillful at that. Actually, of all the clinics I visited (Regen, D.A., Girin, Teuim) -- I like his work the best - for making eyes really natural yet still a significant improvement. Regen and Girin are good with eyes too, however, they are a bit too big (too dolly) for my liking. I'm a guy so I don't want to look like a deer caught in the headlight.

Doctor Kwon is also good at removing extra skins from upper and lower eyelids. I had some heavy fold on my right eye (which makes it smaller and more sleepy than my left one). After the surgery, both my eyes look more symmetrical because he removed the heavy skinfold on my right eye. But still, it may be too soon to tell because I'm only 2 weeks post my eye surgery. I'll keep you updated about the results later.

For nose...I'm not sure. But Teuim is not the place to go for nose. In fact, given that their specialty is eyes only - that's all they are good for. I remember some girl on this forum went there for a neck lipo, and she got some horrible burn... so, try to avoid going to clinics for procedures that they are not specialized in. They will do it for you, definitely, because you got the cash. But it's not in your best interest...
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WTF , seriously i cant believe how much money you got charged just for the translator .
but on another note you got your surgery done at the clinic you wanted and i think they didnt give commission to the translator :smile: so yayyyy for that.
i hope your recovering well and keep us posted on how your doing.
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Thank you for the review! It was very informative! Especially the information about the sly appearance of the consultants at DAPRS. I agree with your opinion about appearance from the man versus woman perspective. Sometimes I'll think a girl is so pretty and it's just that I like her eyebrow or hairstyle and I'll joke with one of my male friends and they will think she's not all that. Or vice-versa, I'll look at a girls nose and say "I don't think she's pretty...her nose" and my guy friend will be like "no, she's hot."

So sorry about the translator! I can't believe she encouraged them to hold onto your passport like it's not a big deal. Talk about $$ hungry. She couldn't even pretend she cared about you!! But I'm glad everything worked out well for you. Hope your recovery is going well.

Also, @Shinyglittery says that she laughed when she read what you wrote about translators, that you should never hire them and she says "thank you, it was good advice." She also says thank you for writing about your experience at DAPRS. She say's it's very good that we now know what kind of place it is, we all needed to hear from someone who went there because it's a new place.

Her PF login is acting weird, so she asked me to relay that message to you!
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Hi peterpan, wishing you speedy recovery :smile:

Btw when you said that Regen produces big dolly eyes did you see it in the real patients coming in and out of the hospitals or the before after pictures provided in the hospital? Because that's the look that I'm going for and I'm palnning to go to Regen.

Cheers :smile:
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I'm considering Teuim for eyes and your review has really helped me a lot~ I'm trying to find a clinic that isn't too dramatic or dolly. Would you say that Dr. Kwon does leans toward the natural, subtle changes or the natural but drastic changes?
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