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My Experience at Regen, EverM, and DAPRS

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Thank you Peterpan88, for your posts and I hope you have a safe and speedy recovery! I am also a young male researching plastic surgery and the information you have shared have been a great help. Thank you again for contributing to the community, I hope I can discuss more with you.
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Thanks for sharing your story Peterpan, (awesome name btw, I so want to be a kid forever)

Are you planning on having any other surgeries? Sorry I tried to read all the posts but might've skipped one. Are you having them in one long Korea trip?

Also for people who were asking about nosejobs, as a rule of thumb and from experience, always work from the outside of your face in. Before I had my jaw surgery my wide nose was "proportional" to my face but now it's too big.
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Wow. thanks for sharing your experience! It was informative and I had fun reading it. I'm thinking about DA for eyes this summer, have you heard anything about if the doctor is skilled at eye surgery? And how do you generally bargain the price down without the consultant getting irritated? Thanks :smile:
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Everyone, please use your brain. The person above is the translator. She didn't get commission from Regen so she wrote the post above as revenge. Anyone can understand this. She used double tactics: if you email that address, it will be the translator, and she will try to get you to give out personal information so she can add her commission to the clinic bill (whichever clinic you go to). At least she can try, sometimes it works out. This is how these people work.

You should learn one thing from this, one thing only:
If you choose a tranlator
If you choose a clinic that doesn't pay commission to the translator
That message above or one like it will be about you

Maybe you will be a drug user
Maybe you threatened the doctor with a gun
Maybe you killed someone

Still want a translator? Good luck!
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It may be the translator, but as Pres30 pointed out correctly, the email points to a skincare place called Ever Skincare.... Also, not sure why the poster wouldn't post a link to the Everm's director's message board about the alleged incident. Also, this may or may not mean anything but "maylin" is a Chinese name not so familiar w/koreans, so mabye it's not the translator, but just a hater...
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sorry, thanx for the correction., i didn't see pres30's post. translator, hater, it doesn't matter. people were ready to believe it. we have to be so careful with people. so many bad people here. so easy to believe things that aren't true. i know Mei Lin is a Chinese name but it can be a Chinese translator that uses her Chinese name here. or is Mei Lin an impossible name for a Korean? I know Koreans use Chinese name characters differently so it doesn't always fit. but the email is wrong so game over.
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Thanks for the review, it's so detailed!

After reading this post and some of the replies, I'm so not going to hire a translator. From what I've seen from this forum, hiring one is just more trouble than its worth.
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I found this:

You can download the pdf file above.
This is a list of official translator/interpreter services provided by the Australian Embassy, for the information of Australian Travellers and those needing assistance in South Korea.

Since these should be professional services, you definitely pay more for the interpreter, but the clinic will quote you normal price, not the insanely marked-up price to compensate the commission for those 'illegal' translators.
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"But God forbids, the biggest mistake I made on this trip is to hire a translator. I used the services of A (won’t say her full name, but many people on this board also use her)."

Hi Peter

I'm going to Korea April 3 and has already planning on hiring a translator. I'm doing consultation at DAPRS, GIRIN and Global Cindy - Cinderella.

I'm using Anita (the same one livelovedream blogger used on her trip) as translator when going to DAPRS and GIRIN, but i want to know is this the same person you are referrring to??

I hope you can help even though you don't want to telle the full name on the translator you have used. It's only good information and helping guidelines.

Kind Regards Phero
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Hi Peter,

I am thinking to do different surgery in different clinics like you. Is it safe to do another surgery after 3 days of big surgery(like rhinoplasty , jaw surgery etc) ?

Thank you in advance :biggrin:
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Finally a guys perspective of plastic surgery in Korea im planning to go to do a revision jaw surgery, chin surgery (fked up by my jaw surgery) and a nose job, im thinking about dreammedical have you heard anything about it? Too bad Everm dont speak english or have a translator of their own it was also on my list. Thanks alot for posting your experience it really gives a picture of how it goes down especially after the surgey ty:smile:
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Hi, I'm thinking DA, Girin, Cinderella too! Please keep us posted about your experience there! and good luck!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi peterpan88!

hank you for detailing your experience! I am thinking to get my eyes, nose and chin done and at the moment I am considering Regen. I initially considered ID too but I have read too much about the "shadow doctor" scheme. That worries me.

With Regen, do you know if they are of good quality in terms of outcome?

Where can you find "student accommodation"?

Thanks :smile:
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