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Hi guys, I am arriving to Seoul on 20/4 till 28/4, I made appointments with AT, DARP and TL for FG and Acculift on the 21/4, if anyone wants to join to the consultation (hopefully to negotiate down the price) or meet during this period, my Kakao is Mimi60. Thank you.
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Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I am firm on DAPRS and will consult with them in early July. Your swelling is not actually that bad, Ive seen worse on here, I think yours is the healthy amount of swelling :smile:

Was your surgery the same day as the consultation or the next day? I have exactly two weeks in Korea so I hope to do it on the same day so I can remove stiches on time, but not sure if they can accommodate that.
Also, can you talk normally now? When you say you can eat soft-food - how soft is soft? My situation is that I am starting a new job in a foreign land (US) right after the 2 weeks surgery so I dont know if around my new office they have liquid food available, my best bet is to look for some soft food but I dont know what kind I can eat two weeks post op really.
They say surgery comes the bonus of weight loss, do you find it is the case ^^ ?
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Thank you so much for your detail review. Your swelling is not that bad at all. Wishing a speedy healing!!!
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I had my surgery the next day because they need to run blood test and get you to fast for 8 hours. I suppose it might be possible for the same day if they rush the blood test and you are already fasting when you go to consultation. Depends on their schedule too. I say plan for next day surgery to be safe.

I still sound muffled when I talk, I can't enunciate my words well. I think after two weeks, it'll be much better =)

I've started chewing some soft foods like rice porridge (I was just swallowing rice grains before haha). Chewed slightly on a muffin yesterday too. I think if you stick to soups, mayyybe pasta/noodles after two weeks, you should be able to eat it.

I'm not sure if I lost weight XD I haven't weighed myself, but I did notice my pants were a little less tight haha.
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Glad to hear your recovery is in good progress! I heard that you cant really open your mouth fully in the first day or two after the surgery, how do you drink water ? I'm scared since I cant open my mouth fully, if the water/liquid food spill out, got messy and got to the bandage it might cause irritation/uncomfortable feelings so trying to seek for tools or how I can help myself drinking water/liquid post surgery by my self. Also, do they give you icepack to apply right after you wake up from surgery, or u only apply it when you get back to the hotel?

Hope that it's not a lot to ask, I am eager and look forward to my consultation. Hope your recovery is speedy and that you're enjoying spring weather in Seoul!
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Hi MaiQ, can u give me email about DA ?

Thank you
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Hi girls, first time posting in purseforum. i am planning a korea trip in end sept for 2 weeks (from 27/09 to 11/10), currently I have 2 clinics on my list to go for consultation: JW & DAPRS. would anyone be interested to go for consultation together? I am getting rhinoplasty. Singaporean here btw!
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Dang.. I really need to find a buddy to consult at daprs.. From what I gathered, there is a significant amount that you bargain down if you go with more people! Anyone going in May?
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Mrsking, when are you planning on going?
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i'm going in 27th sept to 11th oct! wanna consult together? i have a few clinic on my list, DA is one of my must go
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Great! I guess in order to buddy up for consultation and negotiation, we have to have similar arrival dates. I haven't finalized my dates yet, but good to know that you have a set date so I'll see if I can manage to match yours. Keep in touch, PM me when you have 10 posts please.

DA is a must consult for me too.
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