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Plz keep update your story to us!!!!! I would like to go for primary rhino, eyes and fat grafting in nov!!!! thanks a lot
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So DA just sent me a reply with their quotation and I am really surprised at the price. Been reading the forum and I know on average the price of a whole rhinoplasty would be around 4mil, not twice of that.

Thank you for your interest in DA clinic.
1) Osteotomy: If it is bridge osteotomy, it costs about 1,5000,000won.
2)Alarplasty: about 2,500,000won.
3)Tiplasty and bridge augumentation cost about 4,000,000won.
4)Full face fat grafting costs about 2,500,000~4,500,000won.

I am really hoping this is not the final price.
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I think as a rule of thumb, anything DA quotes you, you should try to get 30% off. When you consult just bring emails from other clinics quoting you cheaper, even if you aren't interested in that clinic, just ask them to match the price.

A forumner went there recently and due to her great negotiating skill she managed to knock off 30%. DA really goes overboard with their prices >____>
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Anyone going from 30 June/1st July to mid July? Me and one more girl is going to do facial contouring, eyes and nose around that time, if you wanna join us for company, pm me!
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Hi Chu1990,

I can't pm you as I am a new member of purseforum. I am going to seoul myself at 19th of May, and my hotel locates near yours. Are you going there yourself. I think we can meet up for dinner or shopping if you want to.
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Okay pm me when you have more posts then I send you my kakaotalk! That would be a great idea. I also meet with some other forum girls and by then I will have done the surgery alrdy!
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Great! I will pm you once i can. :balloon::balloon::balloon:
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My friend/a forumner who is currently in Korea told me when she visited DA she saw a girl crying her heart out and using a bunch of tissues covering her face. My friend thought she was in pain but she asked and it turned out the girl absolutely HATES the result of her nose. This happened THIS WEEK. The girl was 10th day post-op.

Please guys avoid Dr Ahn like he is the plague.
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DA seems great at facial contouring due to Dr. Lee but their rhinoplasty surgeon has been having a lot of negative reviews lately, so I agree, maybe we should avoid him.
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That's bad!! :sad: I want to have my cheekbone and nose done at the same place. Now with all these negative reviews about that nose doctor, I may have to look elsewhere.
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I m going in mid june to consult for 2 jaw, chin implant, rhinoplasty and fat grafting, anyone interested to go tgt ?
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MsKat, I m going in Jun too, and my list of consultation s similar to you, shall we do the consultation together ?
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I really wanted to have all my surgeries done at the same clinic as well, but it seems impossible if I want to get the best overall results.
I don't know much about Dr. Ahn, but I felt like avoiding him from the beginning. It's just so sad, cause I really want my face contouring and breasts done at DA.

Do you think it is possible to go for breast augmentation and facial contouring in the beginning of a vacation to Seoul, and then do a nosejob at another clinic 2 weeks later?
I heard about a girl once, who did this with months between her different surgeries and felt uncomfortable as she couldn't open her mouth wide enough yet for tubes and so. Do you think this would be a problem?

Or do you think I could start with the nose (as it heals faster) and go for facial contouring and breast augmentation a week-2 weeks later?
I really need all of it done in one vacation as I won't be able to take time off more than once for something like this ):
Please come with experience and suggestions. Anything will help!
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guys, please stop ENABLING these clincs to quote such exorbitant prices. We need to keep the community informed on what is "acceptable range". If you look at forums posts 1-2+ years ago the prices were maybe 50% of what DA is writing. I took them off my list because of their offputting price quotes. Even if I can walk in and argue it down 50%, it's a psychology trick dont you guys see? They make you think you're getting a great deal when you bargain but in reality your not really.

I feel like their marketing strategy to foreigners is that "because we're more expensive, we're better." Please don't fall for that mindset. Yes they've had a great record so far and their results look good but it still troubles me how their business model works.
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