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Hi all,

I've spent hours reading reviews from the first page of this thread. Fast forward to the last few pages and there's no real mention of DA's latest pricing.

I contacted them yesterday and found them to lack urgency in replying as compared to dream plastic surgery who would reply within a reasonable time.

Based on the good reviews and the b&a's my heart is set on DA for an alar base reduction/nose tip plasty and maybe revision double eyelid.

When I'd asked for an approximate price for each procedure I was met with a 'we don't open our price online so please understand it.'

Does this suggest that they are perhaps cheaper than clinics such as Dream and Mvp? Dream quoted me 3.5M Krw for revision double eyelids via incision and 7.5M Krw for open rhino with alar base reduction.

The cost is insane for what it is.

I came across this pricing list by KMH for several clinics and they are within the reasonable budget (close enough to a locals price maybe?)


Anyone recently get a price approximation from DA for similar procedures?

Any idea what other way is best to get in contact with an English consultant instead of email? I'm using their KakaoTalk id of daprsen.

No real reply or request to see my pictures.

I don't want to miss the chance of getting a consult with them!
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There were a lot of bad reviews about them at one point a few months ago. There were two people separately posting about having a poor result and da failed to comply, or even respond to them post-op. I find that not only is surgery important, but after care is as well. I consulted with them a few months ago during this time too, but they were alwaaaayys switching their English reps out. From what I know, they were always quiting. Seems like a red flag if you ask me
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its funny you say this cause I very much recall this. I remember speaking with Kate, which soon became sky, which later became eva LOL all within a couple of months. Of course, in the end, I ended up putting my hopes into some other place. It's no wonder they don't have an English member, cause they keep quiting. My guess is that if the staff aren't happy and they're always switching out, steer clear of this place
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i guess it's the other way round. I know many who have complained to the consultant (in house not the kakao talk one) about their kakao talk consultant. DAPRS knows that they have bad kakaotalk consultant and hence keeps changing the team. I almost lost interest in them until I finally heard back yesterday.
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the teams aren't changed. they all have literally quit
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I came across Sky from a response on one of their online consults and added her to KakaoTalk. She told me she no longer worked there and when I'd asked for someone she could refer me to she didn't reply.

If they can't handle communication with potential patients then that speaks volumes about their in house attitude for post op care.

I'll steer clear... Despite having such wonderful b&a's!

Both dream and mvp seem to care more about business and have a good response rate.

Mvp have quoted me krw 4,500,000 for all of: augmentation rhinoplasty, tip plasty, alar plasty, lateral osteotomy.

Doesn't seem to be a bad price.

They will also pick me from the airport.

Have any of you heard of bad reviews lately from MVP?
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I just confirmed my consultation with MVP! They are really nice, they are coming to pick up from the airport!
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When are you going! I'm looking at the 2nd week of may for about 8 days, Ellen says that's sufficient :smile:

What are you planning to get done?

Did you consult with other clinics before confirming with mvp?
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MVP! I am flying over the week after next, can't wait! Yes! I am consulting with other clinics before choosing. Consultation is free and so, need to visit a few to make the best decision of myself! Hehe
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So Ellen is picking you up even though you haven't really decided to go with mvp? That's really nice of her. Let me know how you go with mvp and other clinics :smile:
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I Just recently received a price quote from DA (kakotalk consultant) for vline surgery and zygoma. Vline surgery is about USD8000-USD12,000. zygoma is about USD11,000. Price for both is roughly USD20,000. prices are extremely high, but that's just how korean clinics are during online consults. it changes so much when you actually go for the in-person consult. it's not my first time going to korea for PS, so i've had experience with this.
The kakaotalk consultant replied me within a day and was very responsive. she asked for pictures and gave recommendations (recommended less procedures than what i planned for)
however, when i asked her for her name/who i'm speaking with, she wouldn't give me an answer. she just said the english consultant i deal with during my in-person consultation will be a different person.
overall, since i'm choosing DA for their drastic dolly b&a results, i care more bout the doctor's skills and talents over their management/communication issues. it is a red-flag for sure, but its the results i'm really after.
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Hmm... I have added DA on both whatsapp and KakaoTalk. In both chatting platforms I do not get a reply that directly answers my query.

The consultant on KakaoTalk told me that she was not able to quote me a price and asked for my understanding.

The whatsapp consultant said she would get back to me within 24 hours with what she thought I'd need done (and possibly with the approx. Cost). I haven't heard back.

I really want to see DA as their B&A's are the best ones I've seen.

Any suggestion on how to get someone to reply properly!
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When I contacted them through LINE they responded pretty fast. For those questions that need confirmation with doctors they replied the next working day. The conversation wasn't too troublesome for me. So may be you can try LINE if you still couldn't hear from them :smile:
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Wonderful, thanks for the suggestion!!! And your nose result from your pic is nice reassurance that DA do good noses :smile:

If you don't mind me asking how much did they quote for your nose revision? I can appreciate that nose revisions will cost more.

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