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It depends on what you mean for facial contouring. If you do something like 2jaw surgery you can forget about all the rest of your surgeries lol. Well.. maybe boobs is an exception.. maybe... But 2 weeks after a 2jaw surgery you still feel pretty crappy.

If you do just a simple Vline you can do nose at the same time. Best to ask you doctor, can only give guesses and personal experience.
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For facial contouring I'm getting v-line and zygoma reduction.
But I have the same idea as you. Many members and consultants have assured me that it's gonna be hard, but it's possible to get all my procedures at once. It would even be for the best if I got my face done all at once, so they could match my facial features to an all-over harmonic face.

But since I can't find a clinic where I like both noses and facial contouring it's pretty hard.
I wondered if it's possible to have my nose done, saying it shall fit for a much smaller face and then get my face done after 2 weeks, but I don't know ):
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I've asked translators about the order of the surgery, every one of them said I should do my contouring first, then my nose and eye, because it's easier for the doctor to design a nose that fit my face rather than other way around :S
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Hey mskat, I m going to jun too, but I cant pm u ? Kakao me ? Id: winterluv000
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As I am debating between DA and Tieum for my eyes, wonder if any of the forumer or people you know who has had eyes done by Dr. Lee from DA? Would you please kindly share a bit here? Thanks a ton!!
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Asked DAPRS for a quote and they seperated V-line into angloplaty and genioplasty, which costs 7,000,000 won and 6,000,000won respectively! So whole V-line procedure costs 13,000,000 won. Is that even normal??? Other clinic usually quote me all in one and only 7-8mio for everything.... Are they trying to rip me off?

Rhinoplasty quoted 4mio, sounds reasonable
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They gave me the same price, but said it was negotiable. So you'll not know the final price before you go for a face-to-face consultation :smile:
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Hey, I'm going on December as well! I want to do a lot of things, zygoma the most important one
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Hi all! Its been just over 5 weeks since I've had my eyes and nose done. I want to share my experience here because PF has helped me a lot with my research and I'd like to contribute something back to this forum.

I arrived in Seoul on a Sunday staying at Ephaphatha Residence for 12 nights and went straight to Pitangui with a few other pf members for a consultation. I knew before I came that I would not be choosing them from some bad reviews I've read but I still went there because it doesn't hurt to consult with them to get a vibe of how it all works. The consultation wasn't very good because Dr Yoo didn't even touch my face. He suggested I get ear cartilage to fill a dent in my nose (I have no idea), nose bridge + tip augmentation, deviated septum correction, incisional double eyelid and fat graft for upper cheek. We talked about the price afterwards with Nicole (English speaking consultant) the price after bargaining came up to 5.8 mil won, so I decided to use that to bargain with other clinics.

The next day we went to DA for consultation. We were greeted by Katie the in-house translator with some forms to fill in, she was so polite. I went with Mindy and my sister for the consultation, whilst we waited we flipped through their before and after book and I thought the transformations were really pretty. I was then taken to a room where they took my photos.

After some waiting we got to see Dr Anh, during my consultation (for the nose) he noticed my deviated bridge and septum right away he even asked me if I had been in an accident which I don't think I have. He told me he can only correct about 80% which I thought was really honest of him, he would perform osteotomy to improve the deviated bridge (I didn't ask how so I actually don't know what the procedure involves). He also said he will use soft silicone for my bridge (he will decide which implant size is suitable when he opens up the nose) and septal cartilage for the tip, if there isn't enough then he would use the ear cartilage instead. There was also a small hump on my nose so he will shave it. I said I wanted a natural result so I let him decide what nose would suit me best and I agreed with what he suggested. Next I saw Dr Lee, he had a metal eye thing and prodded my eyelids and I was instructed to open and close my eyes. He said I have ptosis so it's best to get it corrected and because I have sagging skin I should get incisional. I asked what type of crease will suit me and he said small/medium in-out fold, and that a big fold wouldn't suit me because of my eye shape. I went with what he suggested too.

Afterwards we sat down with the consultant and discussed the price, with some bargaining we managed to get the price we budgeted for.

We left and was on our way to View but changed our minds as we were happy with DA so we kakaod them to confirm the surgeries and went back there to pay the deposit and get the blood work and x-ray done. The surgery was scheduled for next morning.

Me and my sister arrived in the morning, and was told to change into their surgical clothes. My sister is first (she's only doing her eyes). I was waiting in the consultation room for a while then got moved to the patient's room to wait, so I slept a bit. When I woke up my sister had already finished her surgery and I got to see her before I went in for mine, she told me it didn't hurt at all apart from when they put the IV needle in. I had mine put it and it did really hurt!! Katie walked me to the surgery room, I went on the operating bed and they strapped me down, I was shivering due to nerves and was a bit cold so the nurse put 2 blankets on me. I could also see my photos on the wall. Dr Lee came in and drew on my eyes then I went to sleep, I woke up in a dreamy state, and he told me to open and close eyes a few times, next thing I knew it was finished. Somebody came in soon after and gave me the general anesthesia. I woke up again but feeling very weak, I was helped to the recovery room then about an hour later I went back into the patient's room. My sister was waiting in the room for me for about 5 hours, the nurse said I should lay down for another hour and I'll be set to go. My head was spinning and I had a terrible migraine, I also felt really sick, it was the worst thing ever. They said I should stay another hour or so to see if I get any better but it didn't so I stayed over night with the nurses taking care of me. Katie was so kind, before she went home she told the nurses to call her if I need anything. but I couldn't get any sleep as I kept throwing up and I couldn't breathe through my nose because of the cotton stuffed inside. It made my mouth so dry my tongue felt like a rock.

I felt better in the morning so I went back to the residence and stayed in and drank my pumpkin juice, manuka honey and vitamin c. I had to take the medication and apply the ice pack 3 times a day. Katie is so sweet, she came by to visit because she was worried about me but I missed her because I was asleep. Swelling and bruising was the worst on Day 2 and 3, I started going out from day 4. The only people that looked at me in a funny way were the Chinese tourists, I even overheard 2 ladies speaking in Cantonese gossiping about me saying I looked ugly :sad: so I told them yeah and so what? Haha their faces looked shocked. Cotton was taken out of my nose on day 3 and the nose splint and stitches were taken out day 7. When they took the stitches out it felt like when you accidentally grab your skin with tweezers. With the nose splint it felt like my nose was going to come off with it. I was so excited to finally see what it looks like, and I was pleased with the result. Afterwards we got a complimentary deswelling treatment and saw the Drs for checkup and questions. Dr Anh told me he used a 4mm implant and that my nose looks good. Dr Lee said that that the small extra crease line in my left eye will go away eventually when the swelling goes down.

I flew back home 10 days post op, and back to work 14 days post op. My family, friends and colleagues all knew that I went to do plastic surgery so I didn't have to explain to them. Now I am 36 days post op and the height of my nose has slightly decreased due to reduced swelling but I still like it. My eyes are still a bit swollen especially when I wake up in the morning, my left eye looks like it has ptosis with a larger crease than my left, but I have to wait it out because it could be due to the swelling. If anyone can give me some insight on this I'd be really grateful.

Excuse my bad skin, here are my before and afters(taken day 35 post op):

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Thanks Malissa! Just booked 4 Jun consultation! Will update here how much I can bargain :graucho:
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Hi, thanks :smile: I can't disclose how much I've paid, but it was a really good deal. All I can say is which ever clinic you decide to go, try and bargain at least 30% off.
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