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Congrats on the result Icy - it looks pretty and natural! A quick question on double eyelid, did Dr Lee asked you on what type of eyelid you like i.e. Parallel or taped style(where it's smaller at the corner)? Yours look more like parallel eyelids to me than the taped eyelid style, did you have to specifically request for it?
Also do you think there are still swelling on the lid or it's pretty much normal now? :biggrin:
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Icy, it looks pretty. What did your friends and collagues said about your eyes and nose?
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It's open method - you can see the red stich mark on her columela in the pic. Closed method wont leave any visible scar on nose skin because all the incisions are done inside your nostrils.
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Thanks Mai :smile: I actually asked Dr Lee which type of eyelid will suit me best because it didn't matter to me which type I had, as long as it will be visible. It's supposed to be tapered, but I think right now because it's still healing and the scars on the inner corner are raised it's sort of messed up the line, hopefully when it settles it will look okay. I think it's still swollen because a couple of eyelashes on top are facing upwards. They said it can take 6-12 month to see the final result.
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Thanks, my friends and colleagues thinks it looks nice and if they didn't know me they wouldn't be able to tell I had plastic surgery. But they haven't seen me without make-up yet!
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Yeah it's open rhino and unless I look up nobody notices it.
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Hello all!

Sorry for being MIA. I updated my albums with more pictures, its now been a little over a month since I've had my surgeries and I'm finally looking pretty much normal now haha. Go back to my first post (# for my album links.

MaiQ, you were wondering how to drink water immediately post op? I used a straw haha, or use those little paper cups, those worked really well for me. I didn't have a problem with opening my mouth to drink water =)


So I went back to work on Day 11 and told people I had my wisdom teeth out haha. It looks exactly like it. A lot of the swelling went down by then but I had a hematoma on either side of my mouth (where the tubes were inserted) so that prevented my cheeks from deswelling, it felt like two hard rocks on either side of my mouth. Made it hard to smile or chew properly.

I started eating most regular food around 2 weeks post op I think? It was still a chore to chew and food kept getting stuck in the stitches so that was annoying. I brushed my teeth like 3 times a day to keep the stitches clean and used mouthwash too.

After about 3 weeks, my hematomas pretty much shrunk to a negligible amount. But the area around my chin was still swollen. I think its the tissue around the stitches that are keeping the area puffy. Since they stitched up the inside, you can feel a double layer of tissue that pushes against your cheeks and it probably won't return back to normal till half a year post op.

At 4 weeks, my stitches finally started dissolving. The clinic had recommended me to look for a doctor to manually remove my stitches in my home country about 2 weeks postop but it would cost a lot for me so I decided to wait it out. Those of you doing jaw surgery, I recommend stay at least 2 weeks so they can remove the stitches for you on day 14 because it will make the healing process so much faster, I wish I had mine removed earlier haha. But they do dissolve on their own after a month.

Its now just over 5 weeks, the stitches have fully dissolved and the tissue near my gums are smoothing out. I'm still waiting for my chin to become more defined, its still a bit puffy around that area. Sorry I don't have any recent pictures yet, I'll take some more when I get home. From the front view, my face looks pretty much the same as before surgery haha. But there's a noticeable difference from the side, my jawline looks much less angular. I hope after a few months, my front profile will slim down.

I still have trouble smiling completely naturally and my mouth still feels a bit stiff, but for the most part it feels fine =)


My eyelids dropped quite a bit, you can see for yourself in the photos. The swelling have mostly gone down but it's still a bit swollen in the mornings like IcyC mentioned. I love that I can wear eyeliner now without resorting to glue =) The incisional lines are still noticeable and one of my eyelids still has a bit of discoloration. My eyelids aren't completely symmetrical but I've had unsymmetrical eyes to begin with so it doesn't really bother me, plus no one else notices anyways.

Will update with more pictures later!

hi mindy! thanks for sharing. how much did u paid in total for the procedures done. I emailed them a few times but no reply. How did u contact them? And also does Dr Lee speak English/ they have an in house translator available? How is the post op pain for mandible reduction? Thanks so much for ur input and assistance!
Thanks for the update, I really want to see your picture after 1~3months of the surgery. I have no idea how swollen I will be after the surgery.
Thanks :smile:

I haven't tried bargaining 40% or more, but you can always give it a try.
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Hope I can....

Today my colleague just ask me..."Hey, I heard you're taking a month off. Where are you going?"

I replied... "ummm...I'm going to visit my grandma in Indonesia".

And now I'm so worry if my eyes will look normal by the time I return back to work. If my colleague can tell, then she'll know I'm telling a lie. I don't mean to lie.....It will also be so awkard for me. But I can't said I'm going to Korea for PS.

The last time my eyes took me quite long to recover and look normal. I guess I've bad circulation in my body and weak body constituent. I need a longer period to recover.

What can we do to speed up the swollen look on eyes after surgery?
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