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Maybe you should start wearing heavy eye make now or makeup that makes your eyes bigger. then when you come back, do similiar makeup/ colors but tone it down. then theyu'll think your eyes look different because your doing different eye makeup, but i know what you mean by noisy collegues. there's always one or two that are extra sneaky and notice things... as for me, i'm getting facial countouring, so i'll be changing my hair style and wearning extra blush/highlighter on my cheekbones to make them look more prominant afterwards...
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I'm just telling my boss and coworker that I'm going on vacation in Seoul. At the end of the day, it is our face and we have to look at it everyday. I was apprehensive about my colleagues' reaction too when I get back to work but I'm doing this for me not for them so don't worry too much!
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Paxsky and Dor3mi,

Appreciated your kind words. this matter have always been in my mind. My colleague she is a young girl, I think she will be able to tell it. Now my eyes are looking extremely droopy & lifeless.

She might be also covering my work, so I feel kinda bad. I can't help it, it's already planned before I got the job. God, blessed me.
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I went to DARPS for facial contouring, hope the below information will help.

DARPS has a very good in house English translator, they had lot of impressive after/before photos; they were also busy with foreigners and locals. Though they have pretty girls working there, personally, I think their patients looked average and their noses looked fake. Also, a chinese patient seemed displeased and frustrated about her nose, she was complaining and pointing at her nose.

I chose to do facial contouring with Dr Lee the director because I really trusted him, he seemed very genuine, confident with what he does, straightforward and very friendly-cute. I would not go to this clinic for anything else (they do try to get as much money from you as possible, prices aren’t reasonable, they lack post-care and doesn't cover medical costs compared to the other clinics).

The post-op care instructions stated to avoid milk but when was staying for 2 nights, the nurses offered me soy milk…They have various nurses, some seemed alright but one particular one was always talking on her phone during my second night stay, while i was struggling to breathe (the first two nights were the worst but other than that it wasn’t really painful, I think going to the dentist to take out a tooth is more painful).
My result is looking good so far.
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omg DAPRS should just replace their rhinoplasty surgeon, a lot of people are complaining about him, it seems like he's bringing the house down since the clinic (Dr. Lee) is getting really famous for facial contouring...

what kind of contouring did you get?
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Hi everyone.
I just read all the posts. Knowing quite a good story about DA with facial contouring. I also plan to go to korea in September. Wouldn't skip DA and consult with dr.Lee but maybe not for rhinoplasty, as I saw some of you has written down :smile:

Anyone can let me know the approximate price of square jaw reduction in DA please?
And which clinic if good for revision rhinoplasty?
Thanks a lot
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Hi KittiKat,

Thanks for sharing and hope you are recovering well from the surgery. I like your realistic view on clinics/doctors as to what they are good and what you are looking for. Your reason of picking DA is exactly the same as why I would choose DA if that is what I end up doing in Sept. The assurance that Dr. Lee brings to the table for a critical procedure such as facial contouring is something other docs can't beat. My only concern with him doing mine is that I am not sure how well he does with the fat/soft tissue/muscle reduction if those are warranted aslo in addition to bone reduction. I also ain't sure how well he does eye revision if I want to do it together with facial bone all in one shot.

Happy healing and enjoy Seoul in the meantime
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I also had vline done exactly one month from today at DA. Dr Lee doesn't reduce masseter muscles. That was one of my questions during consultation.
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Thanks chicbunbun. That's good to know. Did Dr. Lee elaborate why he didn't do muscle reduction for you? was it 'coz he didn't think its necessary? or he just didn't do that procedure for potential complication? or he is not good at performing it? Did he suggest botox injection?

How do you like the vline now? Hope you love the result and enjoy your new look!
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He just didn't do it. I got the impression it was not offered at the clinic. Another clinic did offer to reduce during surgery but they also said it would grow back from you chewing. So not sure if there's a point. Perhaps only a temporary solution. Both clinics did agree botox does a good job of shrinking but also said the results won't be permanent, regardless of what some people say after 3 treatments.
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Right now I'm indifferent about the result. For every good thing there's a bad thing. I don't want to get into too much detail because I don't think it's fair to review them without waiting out the 6 months. If you want to chat more you can add me on kakao. My username is chicbunbun86. I did go see Dr Kwon from Aone. He said he would do the smile lipt but can't guarantee the results will be even because I just had vline and is still swollen. So I decided to wait. BTW if you go see him, know he's extremely against facial contouring so I got lectured lol
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Totally understand and respect your decisions on sharing. I'll add you on kakao which I just started using today!
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Kittikat Did you do v-line at DAPRS?
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