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Hello all! I've updated my album again, almost two months now =D

Major swelling has totally gone down and now I'm just waiting for minor swelling on lower jawline to disappear. Its kind of a frustrating period right now because healing is super slow now. From the front I look totally the same as before (at least I think so). Then when I smile widely, my cheeks puff out at the sides because of the swelling so when I smile in pictures, I look unnatural =( Plus my cheekbones are really prominent right because of the lower face swelling too, sigh. I don't look as good as before surgery atm, but I'm being optimistic and keep telling myself it'll all pay off and the swelling will disappear eventually. You can't tell in the recent photo in my album because my phone camera doesn't pick it up, but I do feel quite self conscious of my face atm.

On another note, my gums and bottom lip are still a bit numb/stiff. I imagine it won't be fully healed till 6 months. I will reserve full judgement until then.

My eyes still look the same so I haven't updated a picture of that, still waiting for incision line to fade.


MaiQ: May I ask did you opt for 'subtle' or 'dramatic' style by dr Lee?
I went for 'subtle, yet effective' when filling out the questionnaire they gave us. I didn't want a super dolly looking face, I just didn't want my face to be so square.

flowerygirl: how much did u paid in total for the procedures done. I emailed them a few times but no reply. How did u contact them? And also does Dr Lee speak English/ they have an in house translator available? How is the post op pain for mandible reduction? Thanks so much for ur input and assistance!
I can't disclose the price, but it was the price I was expecting/hoping to pay (do bargain as much as you can with them though).
Kakao 'daprs' and Katie will respond, she's the in house translator =)
The postop pain was bearable, a lot of dull pain, sometimes I had throbbing jaw pain but I mostly slept it off. The first 3 days was the worst. Your face will look like a balloon and you will be very uncomfortable and will have trouble eating. Go to my review to get idea of the first 6 days of healing (# I was pretty nonchalant about the whole thing now that I think about it. It IS a major surgery!
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Hi mindy,
Darps job is very nice. I also plan to do my mandible jaw reduction but haven't decide yet.
I have a question, why there is a tube on the first day after surgery?
Beside that your face is slimmer and very pretty curve :smile:
Thank a lot
Mindy, Thanks for sharing your progress. I agree with the forumer above that in the picture your face does look slender in front view compared to pre op. Your eyes deswelled pretty fast!
I agree with MrsKing. I think you look much better after. Your jaw/faceline seems more slick/smooth... best of luck w/the rest of your recovery!
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Thanks for your updates Mindy. I also had FC at DA over a month ago so it's really nice to have your progress as a comparison to mine. We both have that slight chubby cheek look. Before I saw your photo, I was pretty convinced its not swelling because I feel fine now. But after reading your update, I'm starting to think maybe it is swelling that takes a long time to subside. From my understanding, you only did mandible, not chin? So no vline right?
If you can speak Chinese or English, I believe they do have in house translator.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Wow, finally back to this forum after two years. Here's some info I found on their website, on online consultation thread, they replied to someone's question:

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mindy89, just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing your experience and pics. I have gotten a really positive impression of DAPRS so far from reading a few people's stories~
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Dreamii: Np! Glad you found it useful. They put the tubes inserted into your cheeks so that it would drain the blood around the jawline since they cut it. Its to prevent a collection of blood in your cheeks called a hematoma. Though I still got those afterwards anyways /cries. They are really annoying because it takes like a month for it to go away.

Chicbunbun: Oh I hope your healing process is going well! How many weeks are you post op? I'm just over 2 months now and I still feel like my bottom half of my jaw is stiff and weird feeling. I can eat just fine but sometimes when I chew hard food, I can feel a twinge of pain. Yes! I only did mandible and nothing to the chin. I'm pretty sure there's still swelling in the face because when I compare my photos from before, my chin was more defined and I didn't have this slight bulge on either side of my mouth. I can tell that the sutures in my mouth are still healing because there's fleshy stuff around my gums that haven't gone down yet. If my bottom half of the face can deswell a little bit more, I feel like I would be pretty satisfied with the outcome!
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I've seen not so positive reviews of DA from other forums: one had her face and nose done 10 days ago and says there are too many patients, Dr Lee operates 4,5 contour surgery per day and the nurse are too busy to offer post-op care. She hasn't recovered yet so cannot comment on the final result.
Several other people (including PSP's friend) say that the effects are too subtle (in a bad way) and they're not happy with the result.

People who did surgery at DA, what do you think? Or what did you notice at the hospital?
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cloris, thanks for the info about DA. That's too bad Dr. Lee is turning his clinic into a factory.. how could he even remember who is who that he is operating on when he does 4-5 in a day!! Is this because June is the high season already?? I really hope these docs can slow down a bit ..

Is there a low season any more now that international patients flock in from all over the places? By the time I go, I may have to look for some less known clinics/docs.
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When I was there, the clinic was indeed busy. Most patients were Korean. However, they took their time to have a throughout consultation with me. Their English translator check on me everyday after surgery. I was able to see doctors for every check-up. They provided hair wash, deswelling treatment, deswelling shot (I was soooo swollen). I think they might be busy, but they are not turn into factory yet.
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Even though I am not active on PF anymore I would like to retract any positive things and recommendations to go to DA. I am too uncomfortable rooting for them after the decline of quality and rise of unsatisfactory patients. I feel like the only thing that still has some truth to it is the skills of Dr Lee.
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