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hi~~, I'm also planning on going in Feb for full face fat graft and Rhino
I went in person to consult at a few places when I was in KR last July and I liked DA the best. I went with my Korean friend too and she agreed they seemed the most sure and capable.

Anyways I was quoted a total 8.5 mil for full face fat graft, Rhino (tip, bridge and bone reduction, basically everything->going from roman nose to button nose), and moving the fat for dark circles. I was confused because I have deep eyes not bags so I thought this could be fixed with just fat graft but they said the fat is on a different layer so it needs to be moved separately. They explained it well though and showed me a diagram so I trusted them.

I'm still deciding though...are there that many bad reviews on dr. ahn's noses?? it seems like the posts saying theyre bad are all from the same person ^^;;;
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What I don't like about DAPRS is that they create a really fake look. Dolly eyes, slightly short nose, all their B&A picture are over made up. Unless you like baby doll fake look, I don't think it's a good idea to go to DAPRS for PS.
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I would like to know also. How did her eyes get so much bigger? What procedures??
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I would also agree that it is mostly the elongated cat eye makeup and contacts. I would feel nervous altering my face to such a fade look as the "dolly face"...certainly not timeless as a face should be lol.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Im thinking PS in mid March, DA is on my shortlist. I want to do full vline (mandible angle to chin) with lift, incisional DES, and maybe fat graft. Will likely be expensive but I still want to consult just to hear their suggestions and get an impression of their staff and "style".

I like a bit of dolly look but I would have to see in person exactly whether they fit my aesthetic. What looks good in pictures does not necessarily look good in real life..
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi Mindy,
Thanks for your helpful post. I am thinking of doing v-line/mandibular angle resection. But I only have 7 days to spare there. Do u think this is enough? Is there any post surgery check up after 5th/6th day? I cant see your photos in the photo bucket. How can I pm u? Thanks
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i don't believe 7 days is sufficient for vline. Its a considered a major procedure. Here's my timeline when i had my jaw reduction a couple of years back.

day 1: had to stay in ward for monitoring
day 2: had to stay in ward for monitoring
day 3: fluid tubes removed from jaw and wound is soldered in
day 4: rest
day 5: post op check up
day 6: rest
day 7: post op check up for stitch removal
day 8-9: rest
day 10: final check up

I think you need alot more monitoring with the bone manipulation procedures, especially the jaw area since there is a risk of damaging the motor nerves due to the depth whereby the surgery is performed. Its best to be flexible with your recovery time when doing a major procedure. Hope that helps xx
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi i saw your posts and Darps is #1 on my list so far. Have you gotten your surgery done yet? if so what were your results? i am going this December for chin, nose and eyes
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i actually heard the same. I think some on some of the forums, this girl had to find a doctor in the states to remove the stitches since she did not stay long enough Post Surgery. So my advice is that if you doing a short trip, you may wanna reduce the consultations and go right into surgery since many people do not think far enough.
Its crazy how important planning and Logistics goes a long way!
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Hey Cloris,

I was highly considering DA based on all the positive reviews about Dr Lee. You posts is the first negative ive found. I feel like everytime i find a good one, theres some negative lurking. Makes decisions so much harder. Do you plan on gettin surgery soon?
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Hey Mindy,

I saw your pics on Photobucket. First off i just wanna say Big thanks for sharing. I am seriously considering Darps. If you dont mind me asking. Now that its been months after your surgery, how do you feel about using them? Would you recommend them ? Anyone information you can provide them will help. Im trying to narrow my lists.
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  • 1 month later...
I went there, and I just knew that after consult with dr. It is very hard for you to get out there if you don't do anything. They tried to push you pay deposit, I told them I needed to think about that surgery again and I didn't have cash. They said I could use my card, any card. Then they got mad, they asked me " you want to go other clinic right?". Finally they let me go after 2 hours. I was very tired and they too.
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