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There is a blog where a girl and some of her friends got fat grafting there. She calls the clinic Delightful Aesthetics. She also talks about getting her nose done at JK before the fat graft. I think she's in Singapore. It's the only thing I've read about them. I did try filling out their online consultation in my extremely limited beginners Korean and they emailed me back in English. Somehow they could tell I wasn't a native Korean speaker. Lol. Unfortunately I can't get my photos to upload on their website & their emails are no reply, so I'll just have to wait to see them in person for their recommendations & prices.
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that's what it's called :smile:
don't expect the prices to be the cheapest. he quit View and founded his own clinic because he's good enough to do that. he'll charge accordingly...

I sang wu / 李相友
specializes in facial bone contouring
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I've actually been surprised by how high some of the quotes I've been getting are. One clinic quoted me prices that were significantly higher than what the doctors in Manhattan gave me. I wonder if they're getting so much international business that they've begun to forget the reason they're getting international business. I have no problem paying more than a Korean citizen would, but it makes no sense for me to fly halfway across the world to pay more than I would pay a competent surgeon a few blocks away from my home.
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Only really stupid people would do that, fly somewhere and pay more. Of course some things you can't get in your home country so you have to travel. But American prices or higher are just that they want to see if someone is stupid enough to pay. Imagine if you earned what you earn in America and there was a clinic in America that charged 80 thousand for a nosejob. Same thing as Korea having a clinic charging 15 thousand for a nosejob. It doesn't make sense. No one in Korea will pay that. Why? Hundreds of clinics don't charge 10 thousand or 15 thousand $. Who is stupid enough to pay when you have hundreds of options? Only very few stupid people who have no respect for money. If a clinic asks that kind of prices just forget you ever knew the clinic existed. If everyone does that then one day the clinic really won't exist. :smile:

Ps. I hope you didn't give all your information to someone on Kakao or something. I see a lot of people giving their phone nr email name and everything to people here. If you do that, don't be surprised if you only get high quotes. Everyone in Korea knows you already... haha.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Ah, i see.
Btw, shiny, have you had your surgery? I remember you once posted that you planned to have your surgery early this year, correct?

I am sorry, couldn't read all the messages in all threads. :smile:)
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  • 4 weeks later...
I want to start a thread about DA because it's currently NO.1 on my list. I'm thinking about getting zygoma+vline, rhino, eye revision(maybe). I'm sure Dr. Lee can do my face well but I'm not so sure about their rhino and eyes.. Anyway, I know lots of ppl on this forum are thinking about DA so I think it d be beneficial for us to collect all info on the clinic in one thread :smile: Anyone got experience with DA please share your experience here. I'll start (I saw this in the forum somewhere)
Lee Sang Woo from View specializes in 2-jaw, Vline, zygoma. He's a plastic surgeon not a dentist. The B&A pics are very pretty. But the nose doc often recommend Gore Tex for nose!! which worries me...
Also I wonder if it's better to do both face and nose in one procedure or do nose/eyes one week after face?
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How do you know he recommended Gore Tex? Did he specify that in his correspondence?

I would prefer soft silicon if I have a choice. Tbh the prices quoted by DAPRS is the highest so I would expect them to use the best materials...
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I remember I saw two posts saying that they got recommended using gore tex by DAPRS. I want ultra soft silicon too! I remember Peterpan in this forum has consulted at DAPRS and got a really high price. He said the money ppl at DAPRS were very foxy. He somehow managed to cut down the price from 30m+ to less than 20m. >< So I'm not so sure about the best material thing...
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Yes pricing in DAPRS has always been a mistery. I read post of forumers who get quoted from DAPRS in USD with ridiculous price. In case of Peterpan I think the price was so high because he brought a translator. I tried to email DAPRS but they havent gotten back to me, I'll post them here once they do.
My best bet is to visit DAPRS during quiet season. then I guess I'll have best chance to negotiate. Only Dr. Lee is operating, with max 3-5 surgeries a day it's better to go when it's less busy.
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Btw here is the collection of the info from DAPRS I collected from the Best PS in Korea thread.

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Surgery experiences at DAPRS

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