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I'm not too sure about that, sorry
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looks really high.
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Thanks K Couture, what does MD stand for and which doctor I should ask for? I ll definitely take a tour around to check the market
I heard TLPS and ID have some good doctors too for BA, do you know their names?

Is there anybody who has done BA at DARPS this year? If their price, services and the doctor (i forgot his name) r still the same, probably I ll lean towards them. Last year after 2 weeks of consultations with DARPS, TLPS, Dream, JW, EverM, ID, Wonjin,Girin, Banobagi, Regen etc i decided to do Vline, T-ost and cheekbone reduction with Dr Lee - DARPs and that is the best decision of my life .
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How are your results after facial contouring? Do you see any sagging or other side effects? How much did you pay? How was the doctor's and consultant's attitude? Aftercare service? Please, will you let us know more about your experience? :smile:

Thank you!
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all teh best in your recovery
I guess quite a number of people have shared about the doctor and consultant at DARPS
The english consultant Katie is very warm, polite, attentive and not pushy. I dealt with her all the time via kakao and i felt okay. The only one time i felt frustrated was my first visit when i had to speak to the korean consultant who constantly pushed me to pay deposit. I went with a group and 3 of us did FC contouring there, a few did nose or eyes, BA so i kind of already knew the price. The Korean consultant briefly gave me the sky-high quotations. However after mentioning the names of my friends, she lowered herself. So do come in group, you do have more bargaining power and if they do a ****ty job on one, they know they r losing 10 others. I finally managed to lower a bit more since i could accommodate the timeslot when Dr Lee was still available^^. However, their price was only lower than April 31. The remaining clinics told me they d match that price and even offered me some other free things like a B facial lift or sth.

Dr Lee, i must say he was not exactly warm at 1st but he definitely warmed up a lot after I mentioned in details what I wanted and the movies stars that I loved to look alike, Megan Fox, Li Bing Bing and Angela Baby. He cheerfully showed me one of his researches and it seemed we agreed on a lot of aspects on a beautiful face. He looked at my CT scan and confidently said I was a suitable candidate for FC since my nerve lines were very inner so he d be able to cut my jaw quite a lot and reduce my cheekbone sustantially.

Reasons I chose him: his academic qualifications and experiences, his sense of aesthetics which is quite modern and trendy, his honesty and confidence. His clinic was newly opened and looked very modern. It took me 2 weeks to finally and firmly make my decision, it was a major surgery anyway and we all have got only one face. I came to see almost each doctor at each clinic 2 times and cross-checked what one doctor told me with another. I guess my questions were valid and very detailed as if i had done a great amount of homework so most doctors were very patient with me, but i felt most chemistry with Dr Lee n i kept on smiling a lot when i ended the 2nd consultation with him. The after-care was great, 3 times of lazer deswelling and nurse check on the incision, 1 free hairwash. Katie was still patiently checking and answering my questions.

I did also love Dr Yoon at Everm. He is kind, calm, assuring, trustworthy. However, my frenz who went there are ones who prefered a soft Vline, i.e. Egg-line. The K-pop stars he operated on have kind of also eggline. A friend who went there was the one who told me this and advised me to think for myself. (Yayyy that is the benefit of having intelligent and knowledegable frenz around you). One thing to note is that EverM offers resoluble screws so nothin d be shown if u take Xray later We were just not sure how strong these screws are so even my frenz finally switched to titanium screws. All other clinics including Darps offer only titanium.
April 31 made me feel at ease too. Brian said they r not a factory and they ll take ext good care of you and your wishes. The consultant there has a very natural and beautiful face. She showed me her own pic before and after surgery with the FC doctor. But unlike other doctors, the doctor there recommended cheekbone, vline and chin implant w gortex for me. N i thought 'i am already willing to cut open my face n pin Some screws there, so i prefer not to put an implant then have to replace it 10 yrs down the road in the future. And implant ll nt give you the natural look as T-ost, esp when u smile n u might see e mould (sorry but my impression). One gal in my group had an implant n it had lots of complications so she had to remove it and did T-ost, also at Darps. Of course, T-osteotomy is a very difficult technique. Most of my friends told me probably because it is very difficult and because April 31's price is so steep they will nt do sth if they r not 100% sure they ll deliver the result.

I had an extremely speedy recovery, i hardly saw bruises, the swelling was worst on day 4,5 but subsided a lot by day 10. By day 14, i was back to work and had to talk non-stop due to my job, which i used to be worried about but i had no choice. My colleagues only thought i went to the dentist'. Probably, drinking lots lots of supplements and maintaining a very strict diet worked since i followed the same habit when i had my eye-lid surgery before. On both ocassions, all the swelling has gone by day 10 and my face has been like that ever seen.

Until now, after 1.5 yrs, unbelivably, there is no sagging. I still hate my laughline, which has always been there but i dont look older based on pix i took. I was crazily worried about that and all other clinics including April 31 strongly advised me on a facial lift, but Dr Lee said 'let wait n see, if u want to u can do 2,3 yrs later and e effect d be nicer since ur face has settled in, ur skin ll be stretched too much now if u do FC and lift at the same time.' I took lots of pix from every angle and it looks much much better than my previous face, esp profile. My crazy Asian cheekbones have softened a lot so i still have cheekbones (as i requested) but not extremely bony like before. My chin is lengthened by 5mm, V shape n a little moved forwards (T-osteotomy plus genioplasty). The doctor said 3mm is ok since the golden ratio for Asian face is 1:1:0.8 but i do have some preference for Caucasian face though. I do like my chin a lot and the way the jawline curves from my cheek to chin. It has been a dramatic transformation for me.
The only downside is that you cant open ur mouth extremely wide like before n it gets tired more easily so it is a struggle when i visit the dentist's.

Now i do want to come back for Breast augmentation and since i ll be there, i probably ll do fatgraft for face and revision eyelid. So if you have any information and have done your research, please share with me ^^ thank you all!!
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Thank you so much for sharing your experience, it helped a lot!!!:biggrin: You are lucky you got the results you wanted! Is there any chance that you will share before and after pictures here or in kakao? Also, if you don't mind, how old are you? :smile:

Did doctor Lee and the other clinics mention why they don't use dissolvable screws? I want t-osteotomy and I am interested in DA as well but I don't like the idea of having metal in my face..

Again thank you so much for sharing, good luck with your next surgery!
Please keep us updated!:smile:
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Resoluble screws ll dissolve and probably after 1-2 years they ll fully disappear.
It requires high level of technique by the doctor and a paramount level of care by the patient i guess, since any concussion may affect the healing n to be worse, the skull ll collapse, esp the cheekbone.
A chinese Malaysian friend of mine surfed lots of Chinese forums and she told me she came across one case where the cheekbone collapsed. I dont knw where that gal went to for surgery or whether she bumped her face into sth though.

When i asked Dr Lee, he simply said that titanium screws are much stronger and still widely used in medical surgeries. Resoluble screws are still new and they r not sure about their performance yet.

Im in early 30^
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Thank you again for all this information! But OMG face collapse sounds really scary..

You are in your early 30's and didn't have sagging? That's amazing! Did you have any kind of lift or lipo done?
Also, which month did you have your surgeries and consultations? Low or high season?

And something more: Do you know any of the names of those forums your Chinese-Malaysian friend surfed?
Thank you;)[/QUOTE]
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