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You should just do a walk in. I did one and they could accomodate me almost straightaway.
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Hey guys I am considering plastic surgery. Cheekbone reduction and square jaw reduction. I narrowed my list down to TLPS, DA plastic surgery and Wonjin plastic surgery. However, I would like to know what you guys think about the clinics I mentioned above. I don't want too look too feminine. Most clinics suggest me surgeries to look pretty, however, I want more defined look. For example, I want defined jawline not totally V. Also if anyones from abroad, which visa have you guys used to go to korea for surgery? Medical tourism visa or normal tourism visa?
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Men surgery is a little different from womean facial contouring, because women tend to want to the same v-line or natural kind of v-line face shape, while men have different tastes and expectations : some guys prefer v-line while other prefer to change the shape of their face without having the v-line effect
If you don't want the V look you have to explain clearly what you want to the doctor, and they would understand. If you have some pictures, examples of what results you would like to have and results you really don't want it would help :smile:

As for those 3 clinics you mentionned, to me DA is the best for men facial contouring. They don't try to make everything look v-line without thinking, they try to understand your needs first, that's what I like about DA. :smile: I mean, at least for facial contouring lol I don't know about the other surgeries
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Hey thank you for your response. My friend told me about another clinic, Regen. How is that clinic? Have you heard anything good about them? Also thank you for your advice :smile:
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Regen is a safe clinic
As for the results... hmmm... I don't know what to think about it lol
The doctor for face contouring is skilled, he does good job on facial contouring for women for the v-line effect :smile:
It all depends on the doctor's style, because some doctors even if you tell them what exactly you want, they would still be influenced by their style
If they don't like it then... yeah... I read that somewhere here on this forum, don't remember which clinic it was though
If you look at their b/a pictures on their website, all men seem to have the v-line style
If you take it as a whole, Regen is a good clinic to me, for men face countouring for the sharp but not v-line, I don't know
Also because I don't have any feedback from boys going at Regen for FC

Good luck for finding your holy grail clinic! :smile:
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I've been contacting DA, Wonji, TLPS as well. But as a male, I also inclined towards DA because it seems they have a lot of experience with male. The only thing is it seems they are fairly busy recently so the reply has been pretty slow.
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I got a fair price quote from DA. Wonjin asked a tad bit higher than DA and TLPS was extremely high but they offered 30% discount for some reason lol.
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Yeah DA's price seems fair. I also consulted with Banobajo(?) and the quote a quite higher than the others. Is it around 8M for FC and around 6M for rhinoplasty?
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I am doing V line + Cheekbone + Under eye fat injection + dermatology and they quoted me $12000 total and said it could be discounted but after I visit their clinic. The price seems fair since Regen quoted around $20000 in total (ridiculous) and TLPS quoted around $18000. Wonjin quoted around $16000.
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That's pretty fair price you got there. Banobajo quoted 2M($20000) for FC too which is too high. I haven't gone too deep in the consultation expect for quoting the price. When do you plan to do the surgeries?
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I plan to do them in april mid or end. I am sure the prices will change when I actually visit the clinic. I hope they dont charge me more than 20million korean won since that's my overall budget. I will be staying for 20 days in south korea. How about you? When are you visiting?
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