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please share your experiences when you go. it's a new clinic so it would be helpful to hear what people thought of it :smile: it's also a more expensive clinic so the prices are a bit higher. The rhinoplasty, what did the consultant say it includes for that price?
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for my case she quote 4 mil for bridge augmentation and tiplasty. I think ive read a post a while ago saying they quote 4.5-5 mil for BA, tip and alar reduction.
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Btw MrsKing, in term of nose job, I just find out it's not Dr Lee who's operating, they have a separate dr called dr. ann who takes care of nose.
I found that out from this blog of this girl sharing her exp at DAPRS.
Consultation day http://livelovedream.ca/wonjin-namu-delightful-aesthetics/
Surgery day http://livelovedream.ca/delightful-aesthetics-surgery-day-review/
She did revision rhino there in Feb and here is she 6 weeks post op http://livelovedream.ca/6-week-rhinoplasty-fat-graft-post-operation-photos/
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Mai, thanks for sharing the links. I think Dr. Ann did a pretty good job for her, what do you think? Would you consider Dr. Ann if you decide to go with DA? I would like to know how he does the BA since that's what I need.

I'm also wondering Dr. Ann is also the one who does eyes in DA. Will share any real patient testimonial if I find any.
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I think her nose looks very good for a revision case! I would consider dr ann because I am also doing rhino but mine is primary. Dr lee is the specialists for face contour and eyes, he has good reputation for eyes (their before and after is so damn pretty and natural)
Daprs is top on my list for now, they also recently have English translator so def check them out.
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Is there anyone who has received a quote from DAPRS about rhinoplasty (bridge augmentation, tip plasty, alar reduction) and double eyelid surgery who speaks korean? I'm trying to figure out if they raise the prices for foreigners.

According to the information on this thread, it's safe to gather Dr. Lee is the best candidate for eyes and Dr. Ahn for the nose?
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I tried myself emailing Dream using Korean from Google translate :b but they seem to recognise my broken korean and direct an english consultant to reply me again T_T So it didnt work.

I think a quick rule of thumb from many pages Ive read is try to negotiate at least 20% down. Sometimes people ask for 30% off and slowly bring it up to 20%. Esp if u do a lot of procedure u have the power to bargain.

In my mind, I have the approximation as follow: 10M for cheekbone, mandible reduction V-line and genioplasty, 1M for eyelid surgery and 3.5M for nose job. I think thats the lowest the clinics can go down to because for international patients they need to pay extra for the translator in house also.

Please share with us ur exp at Pitangui and DAPRS - those two are top two on my list if i potentially can go in July! Would love some update :heart: !
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Hello girls! I am in Seoul right now with a lot of other girls from this forum and a large portion of us chose DAPRS to do our surgeries at. I am now post op day 5 from mandible reduction and incisional double eyelid with ptosis). I will write a proper review soon!

But let me tell you first, don't be deterred by the high quote prices from DAPRS, they quote really high but they are willing to go lower (especially if you are doing multiple surgeries). I got exactly the price I wanted which was on the lower end of my budget. I went with two other girls for the consultation as well so that helped too!
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Mindy, great to see that you sound so upbeat at Day 5 post-op! It's absolutely encouraging for many of us who are considering DA. Heal well and enjoy Seoul as much as you can. Can't wait to hear about your eye job and jaw work. :smile:
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maiq you got those prices at DAPRS? then it's not more expensive than other clinics like we thought. even if some of the discount was because you were in a group it's still valuable information. thank you for sharing! :smile:
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DAPRS quote me higher than that than that but that price approximation is what I get to know from a local friend. I think for them everything is about 1M cheaper than that but they say for each procedure u shld add about 1M on top as the clinic needs to pay the in house translator and other services to international patients as well.

@fantasy face: The bone structure is only different if you are caucasian but usually a skilled doctor wont have difficulty dealing with different bone structure. They charge higher mainly because they can - everyone know Plastic surgeons in Korea are much more skilled and PS there is on a whole new level compared to the rest of the world, so more demand > higher price. Moreover they also need to pay additional fees to their inhouse translators, any subsidy to guest houses that affiliates to them etc... to accommodate international patients.
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MaiQ okay thanks for letting me know :smile:

usually the answer is "because they can"
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Okay, here is my very long review, bear with me.

I had originally planned 4 consultations but only ended up going to 2 haha. Wanted to visit Pitangui, DAPRS, View and Girin but only ended up going to the first 2. I was satisfied with my consult at DAPRS so I didn’t push to visit View since Dr.Lee who does the face contouring left there so no point, and didn’t really want to visit Girin because of language barrier.

Pitangui consultation was pretty short for me imo, Dr.Yoon didn’t touch my face and he made it seem like mandible reduction was such a minor surgery (he said would only take 30mins for him to do), while that was reassuring to know he is fast (therefore might have a lot of experience), it made me a little hesitant that he would be too quick and just perform the same kind of work on everyone. Nicole was very nice and patient in explaining things to us. The prices they quoted us (btw I went with two other girls) pretty low, 5m for mandible, 1.2m for eyes, 1m for lipo on one side of thigh. The girl who was with me for Rhino got quoted 3m(?) for nose. Of course, you can bargain down a little more too.

The consult at DAPRS was a bit longer since we had to see two doctors (Dr.Lee and Dr.Ahn). When we arrived, the first thing I noticed was that the girls working there were quite pretty. Katie, who is the English translator working there (you can reach her through kakao, id is ‘daprs’) is super nice and helpful. Her English is fantastic and she will make sure you are well taken care of. First they got us to fill in forms, then they took X-rays. The first doctor we saw was Dr.Ahn, he does nose, breast, lipo etc. I liked him, he was very honest and patient. The girl who was with me had her nose examined by Dr.Ahn for her deviated septum and he told her exactly what he planned to do, but he said there’s a chance it won’t be 100% straight but he will do his best. I liked that honesty about him. When I had my thigh examined for lipo (I wanted to get rid of a chunk of fat under my right buttock), he said they he can get rid of the fat but there’s a chance the skin would look saggy and that it might not be completely smooth. I really appreciated the honesty on that, in the end I decided not to get lipo and try just working out =) Then we saw Dr.Lee for eyes and mandible (for me), Dr.Lee seemed very laid back but was very patient in answering our questions. He suggested different height creases for each of us 3 to suit our eye shape. The one thing he really pushed for though is ptosis correction because he noticed I was opening my eyes with my forehead muscles, so it would be better to correct it. I never noticed it but I trusted his judgement. He agreed with me that mandible reduction for me was best, I was glad he didn’t overly suggest anything like T-osteomy/V-line like other clinics. He showed me my X-ray and drew on where he would cut my bone. I was worried about nerve damage so he showed me where my nerve line was and that he would steer clear of it. Then afterwards, we saw the consultant for the prices (she is really pretty btw). Like I mentioned in my earlier post, the prices they give at first are ridiculously high so you need to bargain down! I can’t mentioned how much I paid because I promised them not to post it here. But I definitely kept within my budget! It helps that there was 3 of us too.

You need to fast for 8 hours beforehand. My surgery was at 2pm so that was really difficult for me haha. The worst is the no drinking part, I was so thirsty before the surgery. Since I was doing two surgeries, they did my eyes first which used local anesthesia so I can be awake when the doctor wants me to open/close my eyes. They knock you out for a bit with the IV drip and inject your eyes while you are asleep (yay!), I woke up with Dr.Lee already finishing up my eyes, I could feel pressure and tugging but no pain. He got me to open my eyes a few times to check the height. Then when he was done, a mask was put on me (general anesthesia) and I was knocked out.

I woke up slowly, the first thing I noticed was my throat was burning, seriously I was already dying from thirst before the surgery but the tubes down my throat made it worst. The only thing on my mind was when I could drink. I think the nurse told me a few times to wait 2-3 hours, it seemed like an ETERNITY. Finally I think Katie came by and I think she felt sorry for me so she gave me a little cup with water, OMG, the first sip was the best feeling in the world. After my thirst was taken care of, I was aware of the tubes in my mouth and head gear. My whole face was pretty numb, I didn’t have pain but my body felt heavy. I think I was in pretty good spirits right after surgery and through the night. Was messaging away on my phone and I think I drank like 2 bottles of water, haha. The nurse came in periodically through the night to empty my drains so it was hard to sleep though.

The morning after surgery, they took out the tubes and replaced my head gear with a different one that I could wear home. I went home via taxi around noon. I was feeling a bit dizzy and slightly nauseous, but went to bed right away to sleep it off. My swelling wasn’t too bad yet, but I had no appetite. I tried to drink some pumpkin juice, omg, big mistake. That caused me to puke, which was pretty painful =( Day 2 Post op was the worst for me, the whole bottom half of my face got really swollen and started throbbing in pain. Even the painkillers they gave me wasn’t enough to completely get rid of the pain. I was having neck pain from sleeping in an inclined position, felt dizzy and still had no appetite. I messaged Katie about my problems, she is so sweet and even dropped by on her way home to inquire about me, but I was sleeping so I didn’t see her. I think I force fed myself juice, protein shakes, steamed egg and tofu cuz I knew I had to eat. Day 3 was pretty bad too, the throbbing pain came in the evening and kept me awake =( At least I was eating more though. Day 4 was my follow up appointment, where they removed my head gear and washed my hair and cleaned the stitches on my eyes. Felt realllly good to get my hair cleaned. I walked around for the whole evening after and was doing okay, but towards the late evening, I put my gear back on because my jaw was starting to hurt. I think it helps support it. Day 5 was much better! I was eating a lot more and had restaurant food (haha bad I know, but can’t resist), I was walking around for the whole day pretty much. I even cheated and brushed my teeth veryyyy carefully. Its now Day 6 and my jaw is a lot less stiff than it was and I can somewhat chew some soft food. I feel really happy with my progress =)

Btw no pain in my eyes for eyelid surgery, just minor discomfort and some blurry vision in the first couple of days.

The password is the purseforum, please don’t repost these pictures anywhere else. I am only sharing to help others know what the surgery process is like, if I see these pictures reposted elsewhere, I’m going to take it down.
Mandible progress: click here
Eyelid progress: click here

I will do my best to update these albums and answer your questions, but no promises I’ll check my inbox regularly.

1. Do your research thoroughly before surgery, know your budget and know what you want (but don’t have unnecessarily high expectations)
2. Don’t use a translator or hosts (my host was really nice, but you really don’t need one for most clinics, TRUST). Seoul is also pretty easy to navigate around.
3. If you are doing jaw surgery, stock up on soft food BEFORE surgery. You can get by without a blender but it’s useful! Things like juice, protein shakes, soup, pudding, yogurt, egg, tofu, rice. I disliked the pumpkin juice, and from my knowledge I’m not sure it does a whole lot for healing anyhow, I think I wasted my money. I think the best thing is fresh fruit juices packed with vitamin C for healing.
4. Get one of those neck pillows (the C shaped ones), I found it helped me sleep upright and facing upwards.
5. Bring some of your own painkillers, I took tylonel on Day 2 and 3 because the pain was pretty bad in the evenings.
6. A syringe to rinse your mouth on the side would have been useful but I didn’t think of it.
7. Mouthwash, the salt water just doesn’t do it for me haha
8. Keep your headgear in your purse when you go out, when it starts hurting, put it back on, it’ll feel better =)

I’ll add more tips when I think of more stuff.
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