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Darn.. I am in search for people going around May, or even June. I have two week vacay from work and can use it anytime this summer. So I am really keen on going to Daprs.
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Mem- I am intending to go from 1st July to 16 July and definitely consult with DARPS first thing and Dream. I am still waiting for approval of this vacation and will know by mid-May if I can definitely going. Anyone who thinks of consultation on 1st July/2nd July let me know! it's always cheaper to consult in group.
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Can't add you! I'm going in mid May but have yet to settle down the details
Add me on kakao at genieet
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I have a 2 weeks vaca too!! Please add me on kakao at genieet! I have yet to settle down the details though :/
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Hi Mem , I am going in the late May around 25th , what are u planning to do ? I am thinking about Teuim for epi so far, want to do Jaw as well, but i am bit too scared about it.
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I arrive in Korea on the 15th of May and leave on the 24th! And I will stay in Sun City!

I want to visit oz clinic, pitangui and DAPRS (if the price is OK)

I will do double eyelid, medial epi and chin implant

PM me!
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For those who are going to go soon - Please please post your experiences with DAPRS. I'll go in July and truly appreciate any information available from those who visit DAPRS earlier.
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hi!! we can chat on kakao, my ID is jacqqq0205, anyone interested to consult together from end sept to early oct feel free to kakao me too!
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im going on 19/5-27/5. what about you?
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Hi dowagr, I am sorry I don't do kakao/whatsapp/wechat :sad:

But PM me later please, would love to be able to team up for consultation.
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Hi Mrsking, have you looked into super thread v lift? I have done it and am going back for more and it has done wonders for me (youtube it, and you will get an idea of what it is) It is much less invasive than surgery. I had it done in Los Angeles if by any chance you live there as well. Btw I'm not trying to promote anything just trying to share all the beauty secrets like everyone else on this forum! Especially when you don't live in korea all beauty secrets in the states is much appreciated!
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