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i'm jealous - ur gonna look great in no time!!!

good luck :buttercup:
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Hey Jin how was your result/surgery with DA? Would you recommend it?

I'll consult with DA in early July so would appreciate any opinion.
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Hi everyone,
DA is one of my choice to get some work done. I am planning to do rhinoplasty and facial fat grafting. I've written to them and hoping to hear from them soon. If they may have a slot available, I am planning to do it next week as that is the only time that I have to go overseas. I am from Singapore by the way. If anyone is interested in going with me, let me know!
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Keep us posted on Dr Ahn at DA with rhinoplasty please! I'm also interested in the procedure.
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Hi, I'm from Singapore too. Mind PM-ing me your kakao talk id?
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I'm from Singapore too. But I wont be doing it till next year feb. gonna save up for major surgeries (multiple perhaps). Was thinking if anyone is like me. we can go consult together :smile:)
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Hi Pinkme, did you book a surgery slot as well? I emailed them and still waiting for a reply. I would like to PM you, but I don't think I can do that as this is only second post.
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