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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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I know right? Lee Yoobi's eyes are so lovely!!! My biggest concern is achieving a balanced/harmonized (is this the right word) face. If I'm going to make changes to certain parts of my face, i want to make sure they work well with the rest of my face I'm not touching.

Ugh. now you've just added Son Naeun to my list of eyes I love. This morning, I'm definitely leaning towards tapered double eyelids though. But since I also plan to get medial epicanthoplasty, maybe parallel can look natural as well? My natural eyes are actually pretty narrow and turns up on the corners. I wish I could bring the outer corners down but I heard that lateral has a tendancy to close up again, sometimes ends up smaller than the original.
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Oh wow. That's really pretty!! But I wonder if eyes like that will look good on my face. Am I the only one who has these types of concerns?!?! |:O (unibrow face of distress)
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Hi Hongkongphooey! Can you update us on your experience with 365mc if you choose to get lipo there? Thanks :smile:
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Hello everybody!

I'm getting a nose job this month and I'm currently visiting all the clinics I'm interested in. I'm also thinking about a two jaws surgery or chin surgery + fat grafting. I thought I might share my experience with you as it's hard to find opinions about some establishments. I hope this is the right place to post it haha.

The clinics I visited so far are ID, Life and JK. I also plan on visiting [edited out for safety].

ID Plastic Surgery was bustling with people and I didn't make an appointment but they still managed to find me an English speaking person (far from fluent but good enough). However she wasn't very knowledgeable about procedures and had to make trips to the phone to answer my questions. In the end, it appeared that my nose was too complicated to operate and they couldn't do it (probably because I'm caucasian, oops).

The good side: English speaker present, seems popular, straight up told me they couldn't do it instead of trying, knowing they would probably fail.

The bad side: couldn't meet a surgeon or equally knowledgeable person, since then read a lot of bad reviews.

Life Plastic Surgery was a lot smaller than ID and there was only one other person in the lobby. I actually wasn't planning on visiting it, but gave it a chance when passing by it. The staff was nice but once again knew close to nothing about surgery and couldn't answer my (rather basic) questions. They got a English speaking person on the phone for me, who gave me an appointment to check if doing a caucasian nose was possible or not. I declined because Life wasn't on my list and I didn't want to waste their time.

The good side: nice staff.

The bad side: no English speaker present, consultation fee of 50,000 wons.

JK Plastic Surgery is a bit tricky. I couldn't find much reviews about it on Google nor Naver but they won two awards for best clinic for foreigners so I was curious. The clinic was mainly empty, and an English speaking staff rapidly came to ask me what I needed (perfect English). After explaining a bit and asking questions, she made me fill up a form in order to get a consultation (I didn't make any appointment so I was rather happy that I would see someone so fast). They spent two hours of their time, appointed me two English speaking staff and three surgeons to answer all of my questions and analyse all of my scans. I want to say 'for free', but who knows, maybe they add the price of your consultation in the final price of the surgery. Anyways, they were so helpful that I'm considering not even visiting the other clinics and get my nose done there. But I still have some questions unanswered because the first staff was sometime vague or rushed it, so I will go back on Monday for more info.

The good side: fluent English speaking staff (Chinese, Japanese and Russian too, as I saw), could meet three surgeons on the day of visit without an appointment (Which could mean they are not overworked - they didn't look tired too), consultation and scanners for free without an appointment, the second staff (she was a doll) suggested a cheaper, less dangerous alternative to my two jaw surgery plan, the surgeons still spoke an okay English, the rhinoplasty surgeon listened to me and understood what I want and still warned me about the limitation of what he could do for me, the two jaw surgeons said they would prefer to wait until the end of my invisalign treatment before making any surgery plan.

The bad side: few reviews online, the first staff had to double check everything she said to me which made it seem unprofessional and shady, she also served me a lot of commercial talk and I felt like she was telling me what I wanted to hear ('our surgeons don't do that, they listen to you, they make it look natural, they operated many caucasians before, ect.). She also didn't answer me properly when I asked if the person I could hear crying in the hallway was okay (scary stuff man). The second staff was very nice and more honest though, so I think it's just a matter of person.

The good and bad side: the rhinoplasty will cost 5 250 000 wons, which is a bit more expensive than other clinics, but for that price they will shave bone and do the tip too. Also, when I asked about the price for removing beauty marks, they told me they would do it for free as service during my rhinoplasty. I didn't try to bargain as I read online that rhinoplasty can go up to 5 500 000 wons so I don't know if they give discounts.
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That sounds so suspicious omg... :shocked:
If it was a patient who was unsatisfied with her result (highly likely given the surroundings) then I hope they did something about it...
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I'm worried about how natural parallel will look too... I'll probably just wait until I get to consult a doctor and see what they think suits my face best. But I wouldn't mind having big dolly tapered eyes like Yoobi or Naeun :giggles:

And I seem to have the opposite problem to you! My eyes droop down at the outer corners... I don't know if that makes sense haha... basically in photos my eyes always look angry or depressed :sad: Also I already have tapered eyelids, but they're kinda weighed down? And my right eye most of the time folds into a monolid so I end up having uneven eyes like O_o this haha

I'm sure you're not the only one with those concerns!
I mean, I always come across people and think "I want *insert facial feature here* like them too!!!" but then I always gotta remember, "Wait, just because it looks good on them doesn't mean it will on me :shucks:"
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yup! just the buried suture method. hehe
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Yeah... I'm planning on getting a tiplasty revision and alarplasty at JW, but I don't think I'll do my eyes there because they quoted me so high O.O

My concern is, if I get my nose done at one place and eyes at another, will it be possible to get a harmonious result?

Has anyone done this? Neither doctor will be able to see my final eye/nose so they can't make judgements based on my existing features... Oy vey...
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I'm not having revision at ID only check up. I am having nearly full full face fat graft including forehead tomorrow so will let you know how it goes. Who is Yumi?
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I probably won't because they said if I already have fat taken from my buttocks for facial fat graft they can not give me lipo for thighs and hips. Not too sure why they can't use the same entry point. I do think they are very professional though.
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That was my posting for acculift at Teuim. I have very bad scar and went there yesterday for steroid injection to help reduce the scarring. Dr Kwon apologised, I am glad he did as this is the first time he has acknowledged his mistake.
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Aw that's too bad :oh: Maybe it has to do with the fact that the lipo for that areas is too soon?
I've shortlisted the clinic, since they seem to be professional and skilled in lipo. Did you have to make an appointment in advance or was it a walk-in?
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Ooh looks nice. I'll check it out in a bit. Yeah I'm not really sure yet so I think it's best just to go in for consultation and see what each doctor suggests and find out which doctor I feel suits my taste.
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Must've been asked a million times, but which clinic is good for facial contouring?

Like I already did a chin implant, but I want to have the sides of my face smaller, what is this surgery called? :P
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Yumi was the English consultant that helped me with my surgery at JW. when I looked for her last year when I went to JW for a checkup, I found out she moved to ID.

Is your nose alright then? Why couldn't you feel your lip?
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