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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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Thank you for sharing this information! I searched the clinics, but can't find the website of LS plastic surgery... Bandoeye sometimes gets bad review from foreigners. So beware... As to Mega, their style is very natural, which is good, but when I look at their doctors' profiles, I see "oculoplasty/rhino" specialty under every doctor. hmm... does your Korean friend recommend it for eye/nose or facial contouring?
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Not quite sure. I just asked to recommend me good surgeons for nose, eyes and facelifts. Its actually her grandpa that recommended those clinic hahaha
I want to redo my eyes and nose, my mum for facelift.
Looking from the Mega website, i do love their B&A's for noses.. they looked very natural which definitely what i'm looking for.

LS plastic surgery -- lswrinkle.com
My friend did her eyes in LS and so did her cousin for nose and eyes, but for nose she uses goretex, not sure if they provide silicone tho.

What surgery are u planning to do?
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I contacted Cinderella a couple of weeks ago and it seems like they still haven't replied. I will probably try to send them another email just in case... Or maybe they just have very slow or nonexistent customer service :nono: I've seen a few of their B&A which look natural and their reputation is pretty good among locals... But I'm possibly gonna kick them off my list since they seem as if they won't be too great at looking after me as an individual ><

As for Braun, I tried to fill out their online price calculation form with my limited knowledge of Korean medical terms, but I think I may have done something wrong in submitting it :shrugs: I don't think they have a Kakaotalk... and I'm not sure about their email.

HOWEVER, I did try to lurk through the pages and pages of their Online consultations, and found some things (most of the posts were 'locked' though)
It seems like they do 20%~30% discounts during Summertime, so if anyone wants cheaper prices they should go then. Here are the price quotes if you are planning to go during summertime (already passed in Korea, the discount period was 1 August to 20 August 2014, maybe it will be the same for next year).

Square jaw reduction = 3,000,000won (~3000 dollars)
Vline + Chin + (some other thing I couldn't read) = 7,000,000won (~7000dollars)​

These are prices aimed at Korean locals. (Braun doesn't market towards foreigners, except Chinese.) I'm not so sure about the average price for vline international folk get quoted, but Braun seems reasonable. I mean, DAPRS quoted me 7,000,000won for vline ONLY (But I probably would still go with DAPRS anyway since I value quality/trust > price).

But no info on eyes.... sadly! (I'm not so interested in getting my nose done here, their noses look all the same and fake o_o).

I'm also taken some interest in LIFE and MEGA after seeing some of the discussion on here =] Just looked at MEGA's B&A for noses and eyes and I think I'm in love!! Braun and Teium were my #1 for eyes initially, but I think Mega seems great too because they also can do nose for me. I won't have to go to two different clinics~ :love:
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If you know chinese, you could add Cinderella's wechat, and i did call them once before to book for my consultation.
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Yeah, I'm getting the same experience with a lot of these clinics.
If you want, send me the link to the Braun website. I know enough Korean to navigate the sites and what not. Just not enough to understand the medical terms/procedures when they get into it... >_<;; I'll see if they have an email or some other form of contact. :smile:
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Hey guys, I arrived in korea this morning and I'm scheduled to have surgery in about another 4 hours.
I'm currently at DAPRS because I liked how detailed the consultation was and they matched my price $12,000 usd for rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, lip reduction, fat graft to temples and hollow of cheeks, and Botox to jawline.) I'm doing a lot I know, but before I got here I put my foot down about the price I was willing to pay and the procedures . I'm getting exactly what I want, where I want, for the right price so I'm not complaining. So, I consulted today with pitangui, view, tlps and daprs. It was so close between TL and DA, I will explain why post op because I'm on my phone so I cannot be detailed . Anyway take care guys and I hope things go well soon.
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Wow, you must be a killer haggler! Some places are quoting me close to $10,000 just for nose, eyes and fat graft! And BA is a pretty expensive procedure!
Anyway, good luck! and keep us all updated on your progress :smile:
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Thank you so much, that would be so helpful! Their website is braunps.co.kr :smile:
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Good luck with your surgeries! I hope everything turns out the way you want :smile: Please do tell us how things go.
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All the best, makeover
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I just called their korea number and chat in english lmao, and they transfer me to a translator and gave me her wechat. I have booked consultation with them in Nov.
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