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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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OMG!!! Is that really her b4 surgery at the bottom???
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I contacted LIFE yesterday for a quote on eyes and alar base reduction + tiplasty with photos and they responded today by email:

Dear, Skinnyping

Thank you for kindly providing your photos.

We believe that our patient safely comes above all, so we have a strict safety control system in place as well as only using safety approved equipment to ensure that the safety of our patients are in no way compromised.

At LIFE, we aim to provide the best medical service as well as personal service to all our patients.

Also, we value our relationship with each and every patient that visits our clinic. We aim to create a welcoming and warm atmosphere for our patients understanding the frightening reality of having surgery in a foreign country, in an effort to ease the burden and pressures of having surgery overseas.

As docter viewed your photos, he recommend three procedures
-- Natural Adhesion Double Eyelid Surgery , ptosis correction and
Augmentation Rhinoplasty + Nasal Tip Plasty

1. Natural Adhesion Double Eyelid Surgery
Because natural adhesion method does not rely on the thread, there is almost 0% possibility of losing crease time after time since this method is a combination method of incision and non-incision methods.There will be micro incisions made on the upper eyelids and through these incisions, inducement of natural adhesion is performed between the skin and the muscle. For natural adhesion method, there will be no scarring afterwards, so many patients prefer this method for double eyelid surgery.

The surgery will be performed under local anesthesia, 30 minutes operation time, no hospitalization required.

Natural Adhesion Double Eyelid Surgery
1,400,000 ~ 1,550,000 KRW

2. Ptosis Correction

When the patient has the symptom of most of their iris covered by their upper eyelids, then the ptosis correction is needed, sicne ptosis give sleepy or tired look and the angry impression as well.
The surgery is performed under local anesthesia, 30 minutes operation time and stitch removal after 5 ~ 7 days.

Ptosis Correction: 600,000 ~ 650,000 KRW

3.Augmentation Rhinoplasty + Nasal Tip Plasty
Augmentation rhinoplasty and nasal tip plasty will shape your nose into an ideal shape. To augment and shape the nasal bone to appear narrower, nasal bone implant 'high-soft silicone' is used. It is an implant that makes up for the faults of silicon and it is softer than the regular silicone implants. Therefore, it fits more naturally over the nose structure and it is not visible through the skin.
For the nasal tip plasty, nasal septum cartilage is used to sculpt the nasal tip, so that it appears harmonious with the newly augmented nose. By performing the nasal tip surgery with the nasal augmentation surgery, your nose will appear more natural and your satisfaction of the surgery should be higher.

The surgery is performed under local anesthesia, 1 ~ 1.5 hour operation time, no hospitalization required.

Augmentation Rhinoplasty + Nasal Tip Plasty
2,500,000 ~ 2,750,000 KRW

Your safety and satisfaction first and foremost:
LIFE’s representative doctor, Dr. Jong Do Kim will be performing your surgery. He is one of the most renowned plastic surgeon in Korea. Many patients who had plastic surgery from other clinics and who are not satisfied about their previous surgery visit our clinic to get revision. That speaks for high satisfaction rate when it comes to surgery result. Therefore, all our staffs at LIFE can be confident that you choose the right doctor and right clinic for your first and last plastic surgery. We will make sure all your concerns and wishes are taken into consideration throughout the consultation to procedure and you get all the care that you need.

If I could further assist you regarding any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate and let me know anytime.

Sincerely, Chloe

LIFE Plastic Surgery
Chloe / International Department
Tel: + 82 70 4726 4302
Fax: + 82 2 3447 2147
Mob: + 82 10 3786 0747
[email protected]

Tl;dr They quoted me around 2mil ($2000+) for eyes and 2.5mil ($2500+) for nose. However, I do not want to insert silicone for my nose so... Btw, by augmentation rhino, do they mean it is for the nose bridge? Because my bridge is already high, my only problem is wide alar and boxy nose with rounded tip...
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Wow, 2.5 mil for nose is so cheap. They say they also use rib, I wonder how much that'd cost.

Life's website refers to Augmentation rhino for "low noses" so it is for the bridge.

Wow, Life does dimple surgery. Has anyone had that done?
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Yeah, 2.5~2.75 mil for implant and tiplasty (alar reduction too I think, since I did ask them for that) is really cheap. I don't think I need the implant though, my nose bridge is already high... I should have sent them a side profile oops. Daprs asked me 2.3mil for alar reduction alone :tdown:
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oh my god. holy crap. wowwwwww I can't even speak haha. that is crazy.
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Hi guys! I finished my double eyelid surgery yesterday and I thought I'd share my experience as this particular clinic is not talked about on this forum. I am satisfied with my results thus far and am looking forward to seeing how my eyes look once the bruising subsides. I do have some concerns I'll share at the end of my post.

I had abandoned tPF for Naver last year just because there's an abundance of before + after photos from a wide variety of clinics as opposed to clinics that seem to cater largely to foreigners (BK, OZ, Item come to mind) that were popular on here, though that seems to be changing now which I'm glad to see.

I settled on two girls' photos/reviews. The first one went to YK and another, Oscar clinic. The former paid around 2k I think and the girl from Oscar I contacted just last week said she paid 2.5k for lateral canthotomy, whatever the medical term is for cutting the inside corner of her eyes, and double eyelid surgery. I chose YK honestly because it was the first clinic I saw after getting off the subway and my feet hurt.

This is the girl who went to YK:

The receptionists are truly gorgeous and have really beautiful eyes + noses, if a bit skeletal…haha. I'm still sort of alarmed at how skinny everyone is. Sorry. Two of the girls had very similar eyes to the girl above and the rest had different 'styles' that suited them. Anyway, my mom was negotiating with the receptionists right in the front office. Super informal and quick. I filled out a form, circled an example of the eye shape I wanted, and waited for my mom and the receptionist to finish negotiating. I thought we'd meet someone else who would further discuss exactly what I wanted to get done and the final price, but nope, that was it. There was no point in exchanging USD to KRW as they don't give 10% discounts for paying in cash so feel free to bring your card if you happen to go here.

Since I have limited time here, they scheduled me in for surgery 20 minutes later! I met the doctor after a short wait. I was so relieved it was him and not the other doctor I had seen while I was waiting in the office… he seemed fairly indifferent to everyone and just…not nice. My doctor was so friendly, very thorough, and is FLUENT IN ENGLISH! Even though he has never even been to the US. Super impressive. Anyway, he just gives off a vibe of being a genuinely nice person. My mom said the same. It was nice because my Korean is on par with a one year old's and he helped me relax when I was in the surgery room.

They took a bunch of before photos, I washed my face, changed clothes, yada yada, and they strapped me in -- wrists, thighs, and ankles, and gave me a shot. I made small talk with the doctor and knocked out. Fortunately he did not give me a shot in my eye while I was awake (my sister warned me they did this) which I was DREADING. Surgery took about ~45 minutes. Afterwards they scheduled for me to come in the following day for cleaning/check-up and they sent me to a store next door to buy medicine (ointment for the scar + pills) because cheaper prices.
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...continued review

It's only been a day after my surgery and I feel pretty good. The night was a little uncomfortable but not that bad. I went back to the clinic this morning for a check up. The doctor said my eyes look very natural already (I agree!) and the nurse cleaned my eye gunk, haha. I go back in 5 days to get my stitches out. I've read some other girls here took out stitches by themselves because their doctor had no time and I relayed that info to mine because I didn't see the point in making another trip if so. He looked at me like I was nuts, and said no, that is ridiculous; never. So I'll be back in 5 days.

I hesitated making this review because I'm lazy as eff and I'm afraid my review might come off as if I were being paid or receiving kickbacks because it's so damn positive. But I swear it's 100% true and I'm not getting anything in return. They don't even know I'm writing a review. I don't know any of the receptionist's names or even my doctor's. I can find out when I go there in a few days if anyone is interested. But yeah, my sister is coming next year and we've already locked in a price. I'll be getting a nose job, too. The receptionist and I discussed it a bit, and I'm happy she didn't try to push for more like tiplasty and alar reduction even though I feel like I might need it. She said the silicone will most likely be enough but we'll talk more in depth when I come back next year.

I'll update my review with photos after the bruising goes down a bit and once I get my stitches out! I paid ~1800 for the stitch method and cutting the inside corners of my eyes. They are freaking firm on their prices, we got $60 off when we tried to negotiate lol. I like that they fixed my uneven eyes for free (which no other clinic even mentioned when I shared photos online) and for a nice clinic in Gangnam, I felt it was fair.

*I do have concerns about the frequent headaches I've been having post surgery. I'm wondering if it's from that or perhaps just jetlag? It's a little worrying because I honestly never get headaches and this seems never-ending. I'll wait a few days before I ask questions.. also I do wonder if I should have gotten ptosis. We were 50/50 on whether I needed it but my mom shot that down and said it's because I wear hats all the time… we'll see.

I'm going to Jeju and will be back next weekend if anyone wants to hang out. I'm sort of lonely and want to explore Seoul and eat lots of good food heh. Please PM me if you want to hang out!
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I should add that I used to post here A LOT and I get that people would be suspicious of a user with less than 5 posts and perhaps the fact I keep bringing up that I am not being paid or a fake is even more suspicious but I'm seriously not. I forgot my username and password and have no idea what email I used to sign up.

I purposefully did not share where I was going and when because I've read translators will call up the clinic ahead of time and say they sent that person there. Be careful! And yeah, PM me if you want to hang out in Seoul haha. I'm so bored.
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[Warning: some censored swearing below.]

I had Medinent done at Wonjin yesterday and damn did it turn out to be a nightmare! I don't even know where to start.

Back in April I had contacted Wonjin, asking for more info their Medinent procedure. I was curious if they did this semi-permanent makeup on eyebrows too because mine are very thin.

I got a reply back from a lady called Rachel Yang. She was lovely, replied promptly and was very helpful, answering all my questions in detail and even providing extra before and after photos that weren't on the website. She quoted me a price of max. 500000 won for eyebrows.

Happy with the info I got, I booked a consultation for 3pm — which I later changed to 4pm — on 3 Sep (yesterday).

Everything went quite well. I was a little late to the appointment because I got lost looking for the entrance to the building lol but they were totally fine with it.

I had to wait a little while for an English translator but I didn't mind. We then went into consultation. I said I'd like to do eyebrows, and they said that's okay. They then 'really recommended' me to do my eyelines too. I didn't want to at first but they kept pushing me and pushing me so I finally said yes.

Big mistake #1.

They then quoted me a price of 900000 won for both procedures, but I only had 500000 won with me...in British Pounds which they didn't accept. I said I didn't mind running down to a nearby bank but the lady said there were no banks around here and insisted to 'help keep' my £570 for me until I bring in 900000 won the next day (like an exchange). My brows they'll do today and eyeline tomorrow afternoon. I said alright.

Big mistake #2.

Off we flew to the procedure room. A cream I supposed was numbing cream were placed on my brows and I was left alone on the procedure table for about 20-30 mins. I drifted in and out of sleep then, tired from the plane ride.

Some time later, the English translator lady and the 'brow designer' came in. The lady who worked on me was a nice middle-aged lady and she designed a few different brow shapes on my face for me to see before she performed the Medinent. She drew one that looked very similar like how I usually draw my brows and I said I'd like that one.

Big mistake #3.

She then laid me down, WIPED OFF the brows she just drew and got to work. I didn't fret because I trusted her to be so professional she knew what she was doing.

But OMG did those needles hurt like a *****. I mean, I have a normal to medium high pain threshold, so I didn't scream or anything, but God I swear micropigmentation isn't supposed to hurt like that. And I'm supposed to have numbing cream placed consistently on my brows to help with the pain! But I got none of that, she just went straight to work and didn't stop until they were done.

They gave me a small hand mirror and once I looked at my brows I was like WTF THEY ARE WAY TOO THIN AND WAY TOO HIGH. Nothing like the brows she manually drew on and designed for me at first!

But then they both got talking and talking again, assuring me it was fine and that I have a free retouch appointment next week anyway, they would touch up again then.

Trusting them, I was like: "Alright," and followed them out the room.

Big mistake #4.

At the desk, I was given a pot of 'healing balm' and told that it helps lengthen the 'life' of my Medinent and soothe my skin too. But if I wanted it, I gotta pay an extra 30000 won. I said okay.

Big mistake #5 (yes I am an absolute idiot).

Once I got home, I had a good look in the mirror and immediately I thought..."F*ck." (excuse my French). Not only are they too high and too thin, they're too dark as well! I couldn't scrub some of the colour off because my brows were already so sore from the freaking needles.

I contacted Rachel Yang via Kakao and told her about my worries. She said that it's fine and not to be anxious because it fades about 50% within the first week — that's why I've got a retouch appointment a week after.

I was like: "WTF?! If it fades 50% within week one then how it is permanent at all?!"

Later on I calculated all I had spent and realised I really couldn't afford the eyeline procedure too. Plus, by now I didn't trust they would do it the way I wanted them to (or the way they told me they'd do it either) nor care for the sensitive skin of my eyelids during procedure — they'd just let me suffer through unnecessary pain again. I also didn't want to pay so much for a procedure I'm not even sure is going to last so I didn't want to waste any more money.

I immediately hated myself for letting them take so much money off me immediately. I contacted Rachel again and told her to cancel the appointment for me. She said okay.

Next morning I come in with 53000 won. Again a bit of a wait for the translator girl. When she arrives I tell her and she tells the consultant that I told Rachel to help me cancel the eyeline appointment, because I realise I can't afford it now.

They all look a bit surprised and I kind of figure that Rachel hasn't done her part (and it was like 1pm so I doubt it's too early in the morning for her to have contacted everyone involved).

After a lot of talking amongst themselves, they explain to me that because I booked for two procedure they gave me a discount and if I cancel now I have to pay an additional 100000 won. I'm shocked by this point and I tell them that I was quoted 500000 won MAX. on the email.

I'm ushered into the consultation room again with the both of them and I again repeat what I want. The consultant really pushes now, for me to have the eyeline procedure. I stick to my guns and say no, thank you. I again tell them what I was quoted, and I say I don't even have the money (in won) to pay for the eyeline procedure.

They leave me in the room alone and go call Rachel to come up to speak to me and she does the same, just more with a forced smile, that they REAALLY recommend that eyeline procedure for me, that it'll look good, that they gave me a discount already but they can bring it down to 800000 won now if I want. I put on my super business-like strong unwavering voice now and just say like no, I'd really like to cancel the procedure.

They keep telling me how I was quoted 4 months ago and the price has gone up now. I get sick of all the talking shizz and figure that they're never going to give the 500000 won price they quoted me. So I just pay up the extra 100000 won with 30000 won for the balm (which I now realise is an absolute RIP OFF of £17 for basically a pot of Vaseline! Like, f**k! I need to know currency exchange better) and leave.*

Oh and did I mention they cancelled my touch up appointment too?

Moral of the story is: Wonjin is stupid, an absolute rip-off and I'm never going back again. I admit I am an idiot for trusting me at all in the first place and made loads of mistakes on the way. I post this here not just to rant my anger off but also to hopefully help some of you just as naïve as me NOT to be as naïve as me. It is my first time undergoing any sort of beauty procedure like this and so I didn't know what to expect. Admittedly I should have researched more.

Anyway, don't go for Medinent and don't go for Wonjin. I am now back on the hunt for another permanent makeup clinic, to help fix my brows when it fades a little more and when I return to Korea next summer.

* I had to be escorted to KB bank next door to exchange some pounds for 100000 won as I didn't have it on me at the clinic. OWAIT BUT I THOUGHT YOU SAID NO BANKS AROUND HERE. F**ck this, man.
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I'm sorry to hear all the bullsh*t you had to go through. Wow, reading that just made me feel very angered towards them. It reminds me of my mum, who got pressured to have her eyebrows and eyeline tattooed over in Vietnam. She said it hurt more than giving birth and they didn't give her numbing cream at all, and it's been about 5 years and it's only about 10% faded... Though it depends on the individual person, as my aunty got it done at the same time and hers faded completely after 2 years and she has to get them retouched all the time.

Well, definitely avoiding Wonjin after this. (Not like they were on my list to begin with). I hope you can find a better clinic who won't treat you like trash and fix your eyebrows!
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ngalaxiee: so sorry to hear about your bad experience at Wonjin. Will definitely avoid the clinic. If they can rip you off for such a "small" procedure, I wonder what tricks they have up their sleeves when it comes to pricing more invasive procedures like facial contouring, rhinoplasty etc.?
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I'm sorry. It looks like they don't have a kakao ID or email. You'd have to make an account to do an online consultation... I hate when ps clinics have it set up this way >:sad:
They also do virtual plastic surgery so if you make an account, you can also request that.
Anyhow, sorry I wasn't much help...
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