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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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I've been quite active walking around since about day 4, yes (I had jaw surgery too so it was hard to go anywhere the first few days). And I've been actively drinking pumpkin juice at least twice a day since day 5/6. Swelling went down a big yesterday but it seems to have gone up again!

I was told NOT to ice my eyes because I had fillers (Restylane) done. Thus so far I only iced them once. Is this true? Can I ice filler areas?

Tomorrow I'm having my final checkup before I fly. I anticipate stitches in my mouth will be removed and checked over. I will have to voice my concerns to the surgeon: one of my eyelids is higher than the other and on that same eye the aegyosal fillers has disappeared. In place of the filler I seem to have either a really red bruise or bleeding under the skin...don't know. I hope to get that eye re-filler-ed before I fly. I paid for it after all!
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Oh and you can PM me about Dream, wishingstar. My surgeries were done there ^^
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Hi ngalaxiee, can you please tell us more about your surgery experience at Dream? I'm thinking of doing consult there next week.
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(Last update) 8 month post op v line, cheekbone reduction, sliding geniolasty and 2 jaw

V line:
I am experiencing zero pain right now and it has been like this since day 1. Before the v line my lower face was sharp and masculine looking. I used to hide from cameras and hide my face with my hair just to create the illusion of a vline. I'm extremely happy with my results from everm. My face is significantly smaller and I no longer hide my face because my face is small from a frontal an side view. I thought I had sagging around the jawline but I was wrong,it was not sagging. When I chew on my right side the muscle started growing so my right side was slightly larger than my left. So guys even though you shave the bone,the muscle can grow back.My solution for that was botox to the jawline.

cheekbone reduction:
During my consults from months ago I was told by all the doctors that I ididnt need the cheekbone reduction but I knew what I wanted and Dr. Yoon performed the cheekbone reduction on me even though he believed I never needed it. Now 8 months post op I had consults for other procedures and I casually asked the new dr's what they thought about my cheekbone reduction n they said it came out nice and the bone is as small as its ever going to get so it was a success. I felt no pain when I had the cheekbone reduction initially and I feel no pain now. The most it has bothered me was the first two weeks it gave me killer headaches. As for right now, I feel fine.

Sliding genioplasty:
I never even thought about having this procedure, it was Dr.Yoon who brought it up. As far as I was concerned, I wanted 2 jaw but I didnt know that pushing my jaw back would cause my chin to look receded so I would look like I have a frog's chin. Ive seen other people with that and it is not a good look. So the sliding genioplasty just pushed my chin forward to make my profile look more appealing. I felt no pain initially and I feel no pain now but it looks amazing and natural,no chin implant needed.

2 jaw:
2 jaw put me through so much pain but I knew I had to have it to be happy. It made such a big difference in my life. I feel more confident and beautiful because I ha this procedure. I look more feminine thanks to having this. Before, the large jawline and upper and lower jaws made me look so manly it's not even funny. I have to say though recovering from 2 jaw the first month or so is crazy an the swelling took 3 or 4 months to go down and 6 to go down completely. I looked like a freak for awhile but the wait and the pain and suffering was totally worth it. Im glad I did it and I feel zero pain right now. The months of recovery had me numb and tingling and twitching but all that is gone now and it left the 6th or 7th month for me
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1 week post op: Breast augmentation, Rhinoplasty, Lip reduction, fat graft to temples n cheek hollows, botox to jawline

Breast augmentation: (375 cc's round textured implants)
OMG there are no words to describe how much pain this procedure has put me through. The pain was the worst the same night I woke up from the surgery. The pain was soo bad I was crying hard and I felt like I had two 300 pound sumo wrestlers doing squats on my chest. There were two ton rocks on my chest and the only thing tht was going through my mind was wtf was I thinking, this is soooo not worth it. The nurse was concerned because she said no one has ever ha the reaction I did. The pain was so bad I couldn't sit up.move my arms or even turn on my own. When I tried, id get a very sharp pain that resembled a heart attack in both my breasts. By the end of week 1 thought the pain subsided significantly,id say by 80 percent. I still have slight pain now and that's because of the surgical bra that I have to wear for a month. This special bra has a strap that is tied above the implants to push them down so they look natural. I begged the nurses if I ould make this fly without wearing it but they say if I dont wear it the implant might stay high on my chest. It squeezes my chest so hard it hurts and its a lil hard to breath but hey I want my results to look natural so im wearing it. It hurt when they removed the surgical tape,which they did 1 week post op and dissolvable stitches were used. I couldnt shower for 3 day initially and after that I could only wash my bottom half and wipe my armpits but 1 week post op I can wash everything after they take the tape off. My right breast gives me more pain than my left. It looks good so far, not too big,not too small

no pain no pain no pain and thank God because I don't think I could deal with the breast and nose. The most uncomfortable part was the cast they put over my nose for a week, it made my nose itch and gave my nose claustrophobia for awhile because it wasnt used to being enclosed like that. The worst part was when they removed the stitches from my nose 1 week post op. I teared a lil but its bearable. Before, my nose was flat and wide so I went for the silicone implant with the slight hump shave, alarplasty, nose hump reduction, side of nose reduction and my tip was pushed up a little to look more feminine. I mean after the cast was off I like what I see but I look like an alien due to swelling so im self conscious about my look. My nose definitely has a noticeable difference though

Lip reduction:
I never liked my lips growing up because they didn't allow me to wear red lipstick due to it looking loud. When I had the 2 jaw I though it would make my lips smaller but it kinda didn't, my jaw were sexified of course but my lips was a big disappointment to me because from a side view,the top hung over the bottom. To me, an ideal lip is the top slightly smaller than the bottom and thats what I was aiming for. 2 days post op my lip swelling was at its peek and I looked like I have been kissed by jellyfish. I hated looking in the mirror and wore my surgical masks like nobody's business. Now, the bottom lip looks fine to me but I still hate the top because it still looks large to me. I know I know I know, it could be swelling but I will be back in 6 months for a upper lip reduction if I do not lie my end results. Dont worry I wont turn into a joan rivers, lil kim or the jacksons I just know what I like.

Fat graft to temples n cheek hollows
They took the fat from my left butt cheek and it was sore for the first 3 days, nothing like the breast augmentation pain but it was enough to have me limping around bent over. The discomfort is almost gone at his point and the surgical tape was removed 1 week post op also,that hurt quite a bit I must say. The also had to remove the stitches but that was fine. Now fat graft to temples made me lose some hair around my hairline, its not noticeable due to my hair texture but expect some hair loss people. The grafting itself I really like because my temples are more filled in now and its perfect. Before my temples made me look older because its a sign of aging. The hollow of my cheeks look good too. Again I still have swelling so I dont look like myself quite yet(No pain)

Botox to jawline:
Before going under I was told by the doctor that it takes 2 weeks for the results to show so I dont see the results yet. On my right side below my ear,it looks meat because that is the side I chew on. The botox just shrinks the muscle so that it matches my left side. Well thats about it for the botox because I do not see results yet but also there has been zero pain for this procedure(this was done while I was under)
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Hi ngalaxiee,
How are you doing? Are you getting better? :smile:

I wanted to ask if: the aegyosal is the lower eyelid?
I also plan to inject filler or fat graft for my under eye (love band). Could you tell me why you chose filler? I was always think of fat graft, or maybe filler is better?
The stitches in your mouth of facial contour will be self dissolve or you need to visit doctor in your home country? How is your jaw feeling? :smile:
Sorry for a lot of question.

Anyway I also had my eyelid done at the same time as my first rhinoplasty. At first eyelid will remain a bit red and re-swell a bit, everytime I wake up from sleep but it got better in the afternoon and evening. It's just liked we have bloat face in the morning.

For what I know, we can onli apply ice onli the first few days after the surgery. The reason is Ice can reduce the pain and slow down the swelling I believe. But after that few days, we shouldn't apply ice anymore. Back in my time, I was told to apply warm gel to reduce the redness (the bruise) but for doctor in korea, I dnt know their technique. ( my first surgery was in Thailand).

For my eyelid, it took about 2 or 3 month to look normal... And yes, the first month will look a bit weird but it's also depend on each people condition, as we know everyone heal differently.

Eyelid after surgery might look uneven just because of how they operate you. Sometime it depend on their skill, for e.g. if the doctor did very gentle on your left side, so left side will be swollen in normal level. But if doctor accidentally not so gentle on your right side so your right side eyes will be a but more swollen than your left eyes. (Eyelids is very sensitive)
So ask for doctor opinion for your last check up Tomorrow, if he says your eyes is okay so should wait for see the result first before think of re-surgery.

Hope it helps :smile:
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Hi Dreamii. Thanks for your info and encouragement. I'm okayish. Kind of accepted the swelling now though I keep keep praying its going to go away quickly (it's not). Some positive things are the swelling on my lips has gone, and I can open my mouth wider now to be more flexible with food and brushing my teeth!

Though...yeah...it's hard for me to feel positive about my eyes because I had non incisional, while I believe most people have incisional? So I thought I should heal a lot, lot faster...but sigh. Will have to see how it goes. I will definitely be wearing fake glasses a lot until I have my revision in Nov or Dec. Can't believe I have to waste another £1000 now to come to Korea again...to get fixed something I should have done right the first time...

Yeah, I'll have a few questions to present to him, I'm sure!

I chose Restylane because I felt like it was less invasive? And less trouble, like you didn't have to harvest it from anywhere, I swear it all just comes out of a little tube or box. And as far as I know it's cheaper than fat graft and lasts almost as long~

Stitches in my mouth will be removed tomorrow. Usually they're removed on day 10-12 but mine are getting removed a little bit earlier because I'm going home Sunday. They're not self dissolvable.
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Hi Makeover.

Thank you for yr reviews.
I was surprised u r able to get 375cc as most korea doc prefer to do under 300cc for more natural look. I want 375cc too.
I read online realself that some ladies rib break due to surgical bra. Also that nose n BA together r bad because you can't breathe well. I too considering nose n b.a same time due to school holiday.
I salute to u.
I really admire yr courage esp 2jaws n now two major op at the same time.
Wish u a speedy n smoothly recovery hun.

@ noitsyou she went to D.A.
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Yours :P do you speak Korean? Im going to Korea on sept 17! Ill pm you my kakao talk I hate these stupid ads on here.
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Thanks for your update :smile:
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