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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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I'm going for two-jaw as well ;)
EverM and Girin are on my list as well
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Awesome!! Im only going next year...if you go before tell me about, or if you go next year contact me :smile:

Im happy cause im seeing a lot of foreigners going to korea nowadays, and a lot of clinics now have instagram accounts, and they show a lot of caucasion photos...its maketing i know but is good to see it!


btw some of you know Leng Yien? She was sponsored by KBCA and Korea Medical Tour Association. I wish to know what doctor, im in love with her nose, not so much for her chin ^^

her old photos:


and now she is like this:

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Hey Mary!~ Nice to meet you~
We have a group going that are traveling to Korea next year in September, you are welcome to join us :smile:

I am not Asian either and I have a similar face, but not as wide, more square with no defined chin.. :sad:
The surgery that slims the face is commonly called ‘Vline’ or ‘facial contouring’ surgery. Two jaw is usually if you have either..a really bad over/underbite, or big or long chin..usually orthodontic as well. It involves cutting and breaking the jaw right through, moving it and then fixing it , where vline only cuts the bottom edge of the jaw up to your ear from your chin, usually, different clinics have different techniques.
I am not looking for the super pointy 'v' like an alien, like you said, but something more natural but slim and feminine.
The clinics on my list are similar to you, Girin, EverM, DA and Banobagi.
I highly recommend you check out the thread ‘The ultimate Korean PS resource thread’ (I think that's what it's called or close to it!) because there is a post with clinic reviews in a table and also 130+ before and after photos collected from locals on blog sites on Naver and other websites. It's super helpful (:

Good luck~

Tara x
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I know most plastic surgery clinics preferred cash, my question is, do you carry wads of cash around you? In USD or Won?

I do not mind paying in cash but i am quite scared of having large amount of cash with me if/when i am there and alone (no intention of getting a translator as most clinics has in house translator and some doc do speak n understand English and i know n understand a little Korean.) i am not going to use credit card.

So is it ok and safe to go around with all those surgery monies? in USD or Won?
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I feel welcome now! you are so sweet Tara!
Thanks a lot for answering!

Oh will be awesome! I would like to travel with more people, especially cause we have something in common ;) I reasearched a lot, and these clinics seems legit and have good B/A photos! Im so excited! ok~~ long time to come,but its my dream! *_* im tired to photoshop my chin...or use makeup technics...its sucks lol

I didnt know that O.o ..so..i think for me a V line will be fine! well hope so! :biggrin:

Ill check that thread like you suggest! \o/ and soon ill do a kakao account...i only have Line app. I know a lot of people here use it to communicate!
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do keep us posted
I'm excited for you too :smile:
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Aww~ no problem at all :biggrin:

I think it's great and much better traveling with others as well, we will be able to support each other and keep each other company! It's good we have something in common, eh? These clinics do seem legit and I am also really are impressed with their before and afters..I am really excited too, but I am sort of glad its a bit of a long time- time to save my money haha!
I know right! You don't have to convince me haha..I'm so tired of photoshopping and makeup to try and improve and make my face look smaller as well~ It will be so helpful and hopefully makeup will look better :smile:
I am not a total expert..but from what I have read and researched that is the difference between the two surgeries..I think vline will be perfect for you if you only have a problem with facial width and your bite and chin are ok (: | | | |
When you get a kakaotalk account, you are welcome to add me ~ My ID is on my signature below VVVV .. You're welcome too, to contact me whenever as well..I am not an expert nor have I had any procedures but I'd be happy to help with anything if I can :smile:
I can give you procedure quotes I have gotten, information or anything haha.
Yeah kakaotalk is very popular on here and in Korea, lots of Koreans use and clinics use it as well and I have used it to get information and quotes from them!

P.s. That thread has been amazingly helpful for me, I hope you find it helpful too
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Yes! im so happy! ill PM you as soon as i get my id , and add you on kakaotalk =) Anything you need, ok i dont know a lot, but ill reply you as well! very nice to meet you!

Purse forum is filed with kind people! ;)
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i had to pay the amount in full prior to surgery, Im unsure if they hae payment plans for foreign patients
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Some clinics allow you to pay on surgery day, so check with them. I ended up paying literally 5 minutes before I went into the op room and went under GA lol. So much more efficient than in the USA!
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EverM does jaw surgery (one & two jaw), vline, genioplasty, and zygoma reduction. They are also a dental clinic so they do all of the normal things for your teeth.
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