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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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Hello everyone,

I was on this thread a few years ago while searching for a plastic surgery clinic for my ptosis correction, epi, lateral epi, and full face fat graft.

I did a lot of research and had it done at Girin. They did an ok job and I was happy for a while, until my non-incisional ptosis correction came off and my eyes looked sleepy again. Also, I did not like the way the lateral looked. my eyes just look droppy. :sad:

So..... I am back on this thread again. I am travelling to Korea in 3 week time and I just started my research again. what a dread! :sad: these are the clinics I plan to visit:


However, some of them actually don't speak English and I am looking around for a translator who doesn't get a cut from the clinic I plan to visit. I have had some bad experiences with translators the previous time and now I am more careful. Does anyone know someone who can speak Korean and English? Really need some help here.. :sad:
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totally agreed :graucho:
use the cash . only the smart way of of using it.
I also was doing epi and some more for the surgery and paid by cash. it got a lot discounted me
I went girin/ It was sooooooo gooood happy now
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That sounds like a good deal.. are you from the UK as well? Kindly pm me pls? I'm still trying to figure out how to do it as I'm very new here
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Yes dear I'm from UK, I honestly had the best serviced offered to my by Comfort zone surgery in Istanbul.

I am in Seoul now, and did multiple surgeries (v-line,forehead implants, chin implants) last week at Cindrella through doctorfinder!

All major clinics have translator and they communicate via email.
I was expecting more professional service from docfinder! Or maybe I'm just spoiled after using comfort zone surgery in turkey!

Guys I can't comment now as I'm heavily swollen,
here is my email: [email protected]
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Hey! Thanks for the reply! Wow..you're in Seoul? Hope that you'll be happy with your results! Do you find DocFinder helpful? Did they help you with the bargaining of the price? How much did it cost you in total?

Thanks for sharing your email..will send you one soon! Hope you recover fast :smile:
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HI all,

I'm here to share my experience at banobagi with Dr. Hyeon-Taek Lee I did non-incision eyelid surgery and nose tip surgery. I came to know about banobagi through beauty blogger sunny and how well her surgeries turn out. because im naive i thought banobagi would be a good choice and simply went with it.
Long story short, banobagi is terrible im 3 months post op now and i think my surgeries look terrible. for you all who said banobagi takes a long time to reply to emails its true. even as for me who was a patient at their clinic, they never replied my emails and this was after my surgeries. they simply dont care about their patients and i feel like its all about them just wanting to pressure sell you into doing more procedures so they can earn more money.
I originally came to korea only wanting to do my eyelids but the doctor convinced me to do my nose tip too and now 3 months post op my eyelids looks similar however it is in a weird shape and have multiple creases and my nose looks pinched and awkward especially when i smile the tip becomes unnaturally pinched looking.

Another extremely important thing I want to mention is that i felt like my surgery was extremely rushed. My mum and I finished our surgeries with only 10-15 minute apart and we both had the same doctor and our surgery was scheduled after each other so either he did my mum's brow-poxy eyelid surgery in 10-15 minute or another doctor did my nose tip surgery or he's just extremely fast. Because I was kind of conscious when they were finishing up my nose tip surgery and I could not recognize the voices around me and I did not hear Dr. Lee's voice. But it could also be me being still foggy from the local anesthesia.

Also for those considering to go to docfinder, I would post my true and un-opinionated view of my experience with them. To be honest docfinder was kind of useless he didnt help me with my translation or bargaining or to show me around korea like they said they would. banobagi also did not offer any of those special treatment services they gave to those bloggers like the hair wash,going to the anti-swelling machine etc... basically those blogs post those bloggers post are not the true story. yes, it may be THEIR true story but they wont offer these kind of treatments for a normal foreigner doing plastic surgery at their clinic. So what docfinder did do is to book my hotel and the clinic and just to ferry me to and from the clinic. sometimes he doesnt personally do it but he just calls a taxi to pick and drop and me off at the clinic or get his driver or worker to ferry us. if you think about it you could easily just get a taxi to do this for you considering the cost of a taxi hire (not expensive) and his commission he gets from our surgeries. Additionally, we were late for our surgery at banobagi because Park shin's (founder of docfinder) worker came to pick us up late. Also I wished that Park shin would be more honest with me, as before my surgery at banobagi he told me that all his customers that went to banobagi was very happy with their results and then about 2 weeks after my nose tip surgery I contacted him asking whether people do go back to do revision surgery on their noses from banobagi and he said yes. In general everyone is just out to make money so be extremely careful.

So to wrap up, If i could rewind time, I would not do surgeries at Banobagi,I actually went into depression looking at myself in the mirror after my surgery and everyone said I looked better before or just refused to comment which is pretty straightforward they probably think I look weird.
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I didn't need to get a visa for my trip. I'm from Canada, but I think the same applies to the US. See this link: http://english.visitkorea.or.kr/enu/GK/GK_EN_2_1_1.jsp
This one too :biggrin:https://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/country/korea-south.html
United States citizens are granted 90 days visa free entry into South Korea.
Hope this helps!
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Thanks so much for the info, cyncialorange:biggrin:
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I actually paid for my surgeries by credit card for convenience sake. The clinic was sooo nice and helpful and I didn't want to jeapordize the customer service I was receiving as I take my health seriously! Also, I didn't want to travel with cash. I'll be posting my experience with The View Clinic soon. I'm in Korea now and at Day 5 of my recovery from double eyelid and rhinoplasty.
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Sorry I don't know anything about that clinic but I would be careful about deciding on a clinic because of a sale price. Please consider your decision carefully on where to get surgery!
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Hello! I'm in Korea now and just had double eyelid including ptosis and epi and rhinoplasty done at The View Clinic. I had a very good experience there and they have a number of English speaking staff. I would be wary of hiring a translator when you're money could be better spent elsewhere. Hope this helps!
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vero1988 if your friend is doing revision again at banobagi does that mean she wasnt happy with her orignial result?
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