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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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What is this eye surgery called?

I once read an article that brought up an interesting secret behind youthful eyes: the waterline. It described a pretty simple surgery that turned the lower waterline upward instead of outward, making it less visible and the eyes more youthful. I think the surgery had something to do with the muscle in that area? I'm not talking about a fat graft or aegyosal/lloveband surgery that adds volume in the lower eyes, because I've seen many b&a's of fat grafts and loveband surgeries that don't change the positioning of exposed waterlines at all. I noticed that if you compare Korean eyes (or many Asian eyes in general) to Caucasian eyes, their waterlines are almost invisible in comparison, which is one of the reasons why they look so young. "Invisible" waterlines are also a common characteristic in babies and children. I remember being interested after seeing the b&a's of the surgery, so I wanted to do more research, but unfortunately lost that article. :crybaby:

The pictures I provided may do a better job of illustrating the gist of the surgery. Please look at the photos, and let me know if you know which surgery I'm talking about. Or if you know any other information, like the medical term for a waterline lol or the muscle in that area, that would be a helpful start. Thank you! :biggrin:
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hey cheers for sharing that quote. Where i'm from they charge 750 per 500 grafts! Crazy expensive prices. I'll definitely be looking into opera. Do you know if they use the strand by strand graft method or do they extract the entire row of hair and transplant it?
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I'm pretty sure they do strand by strand, if you can speak Korean or Chinese it's better to ask them :smile:

You can look at this link, this girl did hairline transplant at Opera.
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Oh wow! I never thought about this, but you're right! Maybe this is why old people have problems with dry eyes.

I think in the US we associate outward facing water lines with sagging puffy lower eyes--which is why most people in the states wouldn't think of adding aegyosal. But is there really a procedure that can lift it up? They would have to tighten the muscles that hold up the lower lids.

I think that the angle of the outer corner also sags down as people age. I see it in my mom and dad, as well as family friends I've known all my life. A few clinics recommended lower my outer corners, but I'm concerned i may look old and saggy before my time.

Anyway, thanks for sharing and good luck.
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How did her vline turn out?
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Lower Eyelid Laxity Blepharoplasty. I believe the condition is called lower lid ectropion.
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there's 2 kinds. transconjunctival fat repositioning is one and the other is as notisyou mentioned. If you do not require lifting of the muscle, just manipulation and or removal of the fatty tissue its transconjunctival fat repositioning. This tends to be more suited for younger patients. Older patients whereby the muscle has sagged due to old age will have to undergo the other procedure. Out of the two, transconjunctival fat repositioning is cheaper, usually by 1-1.5 million won i believe, depending on the clinic you go to.

I can't say for lower blepharoplasty but my friend recently did the fat repositioning and it completely alleviated her eye bags, no scarring as its done internally from the lower lid and minimal bruising. I imagine lowwer blehpharoplasty is performed in the same manner but requires lifting of the muscles as an additional. There is another method which involves external excision at the eyebag crease but do avoid any surgeon who proposes this technique as scarring can be obvious.
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Omg, you're a real live ps encyclopedia!

Do you know anything about the canthoplasty done to lower the corners of the eyes? View and a few other clinics recommended I do it to "soften" my appearance, but I couldn't find any info about the surgery particulars in English. It's on View's korean website: http://viewclinic.com/renew/view07/index2_3.php#pos_top. This is different from lateral canthoplasty, which I know you know is extending your eye whole on the outer corner.

Thanks in advance!
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Actually latheral cantho can also be done to lower the outer corners of your eyes, not just extend it. At least that's what Dr Cho told me during my consultation with her.

There's different names for that procedure you linked me btw. In BK they call it lateral hotz.

i get sad when i think about lateral cantho cos dr park said if i do it there's a chance the red of my eyes will show as my lower lid muscles have been weaken due to an incision there when i had my concentric malar lift years ago :sad: so for me id rather not take that risk.

regardless, whether its canthoplasty, lateral cantho or lateral hotz, I've been advised against it by not only Dr Park, but by Bryan Mendelson and Dr Lee from VIP. While Dr Park focused on my situation specifically, dr mendelson and dr lee said that such procedures have a considerable rate of complication and are rather difficult to revise. They also said they don't perform those procedures because the problem is, as we age the muscles weaken and it naturally droops downwards, hence there's a likelihood for those who undergo these procedures to require surgery to alleviate any future issues. So that's something to look into before undergoing those procedures.

I must admit its very tempting. I do like eyes without the slant too haha.
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The other risk I know about for lateral canthoplasty is that the results might not be permanent. I've seen a lot of ulzzangs have it done and the results can be quite dramatic. I really want it too but I've already been advised against it.
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Yes, I noticed that in my parents their eyes naturally started to droop downwards in their outer corner so I'm having lots of. Second thoughts about it. But for just lateral canthoplasty where they make your eyes larger... Is that also very dangerous too? I was told it was a very simple procedure. Much easier than medial epi. Did you get epi btw?
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thanks i'll shoot them an email. I have been using propecia for the past 6 months or so and it has been working but recently I've been losing around 40-50 strands a day. Its so freaky when you wake up seeing all that hair! I hope the medical advancements in Seoul can help my problem
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Try stemcell treatment
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Try stemcell treatment. My friend went for hair transplant and ended up paying so much yet result is subtle.
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