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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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Seriously is Nicole still around, Caveat emptor.
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Lol nicole isn't around anymore, I end up going to faceline cause I went to girin real view and jewelry with anita and them and got quoted really high, I went to chungdam jw and faceline without them and end up paying 6000$ for upper, lower eyelid and rhino.. without them jw was 9000 and chungdam was similar to faceline
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Jewellery girls eyes r well freaky!! :shocked: don't hug them otherwise their eyeballs will pop out lol
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I have to say I have absolutely %$#in had it with translators
The time they waste , the trouble they cause. Vultures waiting
to feed off the wallets of any unsuspecting trusting soul who
happens to wander into Gangnam without the necessary Korean
language skills to fend for themselves.

No but really enough is enough, there has to be away to beat these people .
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nicole is actually working at a clinic now...won't mention here tho
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i feel ya - i tried to blow the lid on this many mths ago...only started to get traction after i 'left' this forum.

unfortunately the ps industry gives a lot of $$$$ to the korean government thru taxes. this industry isn't regulated and the gov won't take down their cash cow.

there's no protection for the consumer - koreans can't even post a negative review about a clinic online...it's illegal.

the documents the clinics get u to sign just before surgery basically (amongst other things) say u won't sue for a botched surgery, even if it is their fault and u can't get monetary compensation

again - this industry isn't regulated and the gov isn't going to want their cash cow negatively affected. if u protest at a clinic, it's actually u that can and will be arrested, the clinic gets away with not even a slap on the wrist

sorry i will say more but this account has already been 'black listed' by the promoters on here - if u read my past posts i've been threatened and all sorts

can't keep a fighter down!!! bring it be-atches!!!! :bagslap:
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this is so true. about the F*** up translators and f*** up clinics that bear no responsibility even if they don't exercise reasonable care and cause suffering to patients. it's kind of scary.
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is anita a translator? no wonder I can't get nicole now :sad:
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my friend has given up on BK and went elsewhere. she went to another clinic and asked for her X-ray so that she can complaint against BK, but the doctor don't allow (they are friends with BK surgeons and won't do such things), such is the dirty nature of korean plastic surgery politics.

I did mine in another clinic, just hope they will give me one more revision. I paid so much but look uglier than before…….
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What!!?? Who threatened you? That's crazy... Like people who work at clinics actually threatened you? That's pretty scary..
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Yeah I think I'll just hope for the best and go for the consultation in Korea during the summer.

Wow that's a lot. :sad: I'm hoping I can negotiate the price down to where I really can afford to pay for it.
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No , but a clue would be nice. Oh and keep up the fight ,sorry you have feel like you had
to take on this battle alone.
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Just want to share w u guys. I didn't realize how these korean clinics over charge foreigners! Example, I was checking out id clinic website and they quoted 1.7 mil won for epi surgery. I just called pretended to be a local (I can speak korean) and they quoted 900k. What a difference! If you have any korean friends, have them call to make an appt ang have them quote a price. When u get there, be sure to share their original pricing.
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