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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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i think they rely on some people not bargaining down a lot so they get extra money haha. i don't think there are any magic words. you can tell them you got a better quote at a different clinic and hope they give you a more competitive quote. you can point out that since you're doing multiple proc they should give a discount. there are other tips here in the forum too, read more!
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It is possible to bargain all the way down to half price? I know it may be unlikely, but just halfway there would make that much a difference!
I have directly asked if it is possible to get discounts when paying cash and having multiple procedures as I think the prices are very high, and most of them say that it is very possible to negotiate the price.
I just felt like some of the prices were so high, that even if i bargained, the price wouldn't be anywhere near affordable for me anyway.
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I think alot of clinics do have promotions. Eg. non-incisional double eyelid+closed rhino+fat graft at 3~5mil.
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LIKE! :cray::cray:

Half the price? Good, I like that! :salute::salute: If you succeed in doing so, please don't forget to update your tactics here.

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I plan on bargaining hard, lol. My strategy is to start with 60% off, then 55%, 50%, 45%, 40% and so on, until an agreement is reached, although I probably won't go for a clinic that will only give less than 30% off. Persistence is key!
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Thank you, that's very helpful. I just wanted to avoid any taboo, etc. thank
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I have always wondered about what exactly happens to the part of masseter muscle that are attached to the lateral surface of the mandible bone that get cut off in the reduction surgery. Below is a link to an image I found on the internet where masseter is shown.


Is what you said about the masseter in a mandible reduction surgery based on doctor's advice? or just what you think should have happened in this case? Does anyone here in the forum ever receive an explanation from a surgeon about what really happens?

Thank you
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Two weeks post op two jaw update:
Feeling better every day. The swelling is going down very slowly at this point and I'm still very swelled up, in my eyes at least. People who know me say I don't look that swelled up.

Everything is going very well so far and these are the things that are still bothering me:
Low energy. This is getting better every day but I think I still only have about 50% of the energy I used to have. If I go out in the morning, I'm dead tired in the afternoon. I think having low energy also makes me moody. I'm usually always happy and optimistic, but I've felt irritable and annoyed quite often in the last two weeks.

Elastics in my mouth. Makes eating and talking annoying. Also changing them is a pain in the *** because my gums have overgrown the hooks and I literally have to tear my gums apart a bit every time I put the elastics on. It bleeds and hurts a lot. Ouch!

I'm still getting stuffy nose and have to use nasal drops to be able to comfortably breathe.

The biggest annoyance, though, is how slowly the swelling seems to be going down. I walk a lot and get the deswelling treatment at EverM everyday, but I'm getting pretty impatient.

In the end, though, I'm still always very happy I had the surgery. There have been so many improvements to my face just from two jaw and all these annoyances will be over eventually.
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Can we just walk in on for a consultation?

Out of the 3 clinics I wrote to,, 2 never reply! It's kinda frustrating cos you're expecting a quote from them but they just don't reply at all.:spiderweb:

They're testing my patience... :Pullhair:
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If they dont bother replying you, just scrap them out... Imagine if things go wrong with your surgery and they never reply again, wont it be a hell of frustration?

On the other hand - some clinic are more reachable by kakao than email, that's from my exp.. Emailing for 2 weeks and dont get a reply, I kakao them and get replies within minutes. I think because these translator/consultants are busy/on the go handling patients in this peak season, some clinic dont have a translator who sit down at the same place for the whole day and reply all the emails. But since they always have their phone with them, kakao is faster.
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Btw, what time of the year is peak season? I believe I've heard it's winter time, but I would like to know exactly what time of year would be the best time to go.

And besides that.. It's a question raised by many on this forum, but do you believe it's possible to have surgery at one clinic and then go have other surgeries at another clinic 2-3 weeks after?
Are there any dangers you know of in doing so?
I really wish to make this a possibility as I will only be able to go to Seoul once in the next few years, and I am interested in different procedures at different clinics..

And btw! I have tried researching some more professional translation/interpretation service in order to avoid those "fake" and commission-seeking translators if you ever need one.
I wrote an email for my country's embassy in Seoul to hear if they had a list or could suggest any interpretation services, and they sent me a list in return of some professional translation and interpretation companies who would be able to provide such services. Most of the companies provide interpreters in more than 20 different languages. It is indeed very pricey, but it's nothing compared to the commission they would be getting from you under the table when you pay for your surgeries. Most of the websites are in Korean so it takes some time to guide yourself around, but I have a list with both companies, languages spoken, contact info etc. etc. So if you want any of this information, write me a PM! Keep in mind that it is expensive. But I still find it helpful and useful when considering clinics that don't have English speaking staff.
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Hi, I'm new to this forum so doesn't really know how to use the site properly. Can I ask u about ur plan in Korea? Do u consult with each doctor by appointment before u fly to Korea? And if yeah, let say u decided for Ever, can they accept u for the surgery without the appointment?
Sorry for dropping so many question
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