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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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Hi everyone I wish to ask some questions, really hope u guys can help me to find the answer :smile: so I'm planning to go Korea on sept 2014 for my eye revision and rhino and I've been browsing around every website to find the best doctor possible, and got absolutely stuck.
Few of my choice for eye revision
1.dr.kang @IOU
2.dr.kwon @Teuim
3.dr.Cho @bandoeye (I heard some issue about dr.Cho said he operate 1of the girl and the eye size different)
Few choice for rhino
1.dr.lee @VIP
2.dr.jung @britgal
3.dr.shin @BK dongyang
Can u guys tell me which is best?
And do the surgery in Korea as I seen on Internet that we get to choose the eye and nose type that we like? Or only suitable for us?
And some people said the doctor is different for each individual as we need to consult with the doctor first and if we think they can fulfil our request the best then we go with it, but if I'm to do this, that's mean I have to go Korea and have consultation with each of them and if I decided in Korea that I want to do the procedure with the doctor, are they will likely have the free time for my surgery?
Please reply :smile::smile:
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Hey! Welcome to the forum!

You should contact a few clinics prior to making your decision. So yes, contact the doctors and narrow down a few clinics you're interested in getting consultation & surgery from. Once you've decided on a list of clinics, set up an appointment with them to book your consultation and if possible, potential date/time for the surgery.

Side note, some clinics require you to make a deposit to confirm your consultation date, however, if you don't feel comfortable doing that (I've never had to for any of mine), just let them know your hesitation, and they should be able to still book you in.

Good luck!
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I tried that, but I don't speak Korean, is that the same if I do it in English, Chinese?
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Ohh...thanks for ur reply, it assure me a lot, since I've been stuck in the internet for so long for a way out :smile:
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First you need to find out if the clinic has in house English translator. Most clinics have Chinese translator but not all have English translators.

If the clinic has English/Chinese translator, if you speak in either language you should get a reply.
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Hi!! I will go in sep. Let's coordinate
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Hi, I dunno how to PM u. As I only joined yesterday and the forum said it need at least 5days for me to be able to pm. Can u add my kakao if u have one. iD - 05Meida
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I will also want to know this.

It is public holiday in Korea today and tomorrow. Dr Kwon replied my email last Friday. When did you email him?
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Waiting to board the plane to Seoul. Almost missed my flight as I thought it was an hour later. Been wanting to get my nose done for like forever, but decided last week on a whim that I must as well get it done now or else I would have to wait till September. I went back to my pile of research and to this forum where it has been a great source of information... and boom bought my flight two days ago. Pretty impulsive, but that's just the way I am. Will keep everyone updated once I get to Seoul and give a shout who is up for meeting up as I am there alone. Switching off my phone now. Wish me luck!
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Wow u are such a spontaneous girl! I like that! I'm going in July, although it's only two months away, it feels like forever... Which clinic are you visiting?

Best of luck with consultation!
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Hi dear hope everything goes well for u and hope can hear more details updated from you soon.
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Friday evening. Still no reply. I guess I'll call today.
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