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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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It's come down to three clinics/hospitals for me:


I want a dramatic makeover. The "perfect dolly look". I would like a forehead implant, zygoma reduction, v-line, and a rhino revision (3 prior nose jobs).

Debating whether or not I want to get them all done at once and at which clinic, or to hold off on the nose. And I'm not even sure if the Small Face clinic has a rhinoplasty option from what I can see on their website.

I suppose I can find all this out once I go to Korea in the fall and get the consults in person. So excited:happydance:
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Ideally its best to avoid any processed food and stick to raw fruits and veggies as raw fruits and veggies heal the body quickly and provide the best micro and macro nutrients the body needs.
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Hi everyone! I'm new here and just wondering has anyone experienced in view clinic, lamiche ps and navi or heard anything about those clinics? I really appreciate if anyone could share it :smile: Thanks!
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Alright I'm going to be straight to the point. I was wondering if anyone has gone through double-jaw surgery (or your standard v-line, maybe a square jaw reduction?), Ptosis correction (or double eyelid), and or Rhinoplasty surgery.

If anyone can give me realistic prices for each of these surgeries done in Korea and if you were wondering, I was going for Wonjin as my go to hospital (but if anyone can recommend me a cheaper but equally as creditable and safe which I mean you yourself have gotten surgery from there and it turned out well SAFE that would be much appreciated).

I'm also aware how uncomfortable and risky this will be, especially if done altogether. I'm not really concerned in this area unless a professional surgeon tells me otherwise. I'm planning to get all of these done in year 2017 or 2018 and I want to know an estimated amount of how much money I should be saving up for the trip to Korea from America + The surgery.

As of right now I'm guessing somewhere along the lines of 50,000 dollars which I'm concerned that I won't be able to have in this limited time period.
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There's plenty of people who have had all of these surgeries done and reviewed clinics here on the boards. You should have a read through them all and you'll find what you need.

Prices vary but you won't be paying anywhere near $50k. I'd say more like 15 - 20k depending on where you go. But that's today's prices... Who knows in 3 years time.

I can't see why if you've got 50k lying around you wouldnt just do it in the states..

One more thing - I don't know if they'd even let you do rhino and 2 jaw together but take it from me - vline was bad enough without adding rhino on top. I could only breath through my nose for days because my throat was so stuffed from the tubes during surgery, so I actually do not know what I would have done if my nose was out of action too..
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Also, I don't know where you got the idea that Wonjin is "creditable and safe" from... Someone recently died there during surgery, so I don't think I personally would count it as either...
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Oh do you know how I can get the boards from here then? I'm still kind of new (and by that I mean I just made my account today) so I still have no idea how to navigate the site yet. Thanks for the heads up about the v-line and rhino. If I can't do both I'll just stick with the double jaw and the eye lid surgery. Although I really have no idea if I even need a double jaw or just a square reduction. I'll probably just see what the doc says when I get my consultation.

I was just getting nervous and thought that the price would be above my limit so I assumed it would be at the minimum 50 thousand something for all those surgeries. Its still nice to know that its lower then I thought it would be even though its not a for sure price 3 years from now. The reason I'm doing it in Korea is because of cheaper prices plus I feel like the surgeons there would be more experienced with the types of surgeries I'm getting. Especially the double jaw since its practically the only country (as of late) that has doctors that 'specialize' in that field (or at least have done it enough times to be experienced).

I've also just read up about the incident (right now) from a post on Facebook. Well its safe to say I won't be going to Wonjin anymore... The girl who had posted the news did recommend Banobagi and a website called DocFinderKorea. I haven't done a background research on either so I don't really know if their credible or not. If anyone knows a credible, accident free hospital or another thread (maybe board?) with some options I'll take a look at it. Please let it not be 70 or more posts in before I find the info I'm looking for.
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Do you have an overbite or underbite? If not then you're not a candidate for 2 jaw. 2 jaw rotates your actual jaws, wires them shut for a good month or so and often involves some type of dental work to fix your bite.

Otherwise you're just doing cosmetic enhancement to your jaw ("v line" or square jaw or maybe both).

Unfortunately nothing comes easy - you should really read through the first and second "Plastic Surgery in Korea" threads and do some targeted searches using the key terms of the surgeries and clinics you're interested in. It's the only way to go in at least semi-informed. A lot of people have even spent the time to go through the Korean search engines to research in Korean too. If you don't speak Korean, use Google translate.

The surgeries you're talking about are no joke so I wouldn't try to take shortcuts.

Banobagi is quite highly regarded (I walked past it today on my way home actually lol). It's quite expensive though so a lot of people from the forums don't go there.

Docfinderkorea is a medical travel agency. Unless you're really lazy or time poor, anything they can do for you, you can do yourself. [tip: don't be lazy. Time is money]
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2 jaw surgery pushes your jaw inwrds so the front of your fae,where your mouth is,isnt as protruded.drrichardjoseph.com/assets/patients/113-lg-side-2.jpg\but square jaw redution deals with the side of your fae to make you have a more oval fae pitchenginelive.blob.core.windows.net/dev/47be242b-4387-4915-9bcf-d996b0336b36/17590faf-efc3-4ac2-8b98-cdb5b4069cae.jpg
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Then I really would only need the v-line or square jaw reduction then (maybe a bit of face contouring to go with it). Now that I've got the settled, is there any cheap but reputable hospitals out there? I don't really know where to begin researching in terms of price. Some real life experiences would be great too.
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# this thread is one of the more detailed reviews. And very recent. She also mention how she got about researching in Korean search engine. Its quite a "guide" for you to begin your research.

I'm also considering facial contouring (fc) or worse-case-scenario would be 2Jaw surgery. (Out of the clinics i've sent my pictures for their assessment, 90% of the doctors recommended 2Jaw for my case)

It doesnt necessarily have to be an overbite or underbite. 2-JAW surgery is traditionally a treatment for underbite/overbite/crossbite/gummy smile, they already have pre-exisiting "deformity" condition.
If you have any of these condition mentioned above, then yes, you are a "perfect candidate".

But recent years people sought after this surgery, despite not having medical condition mentioned above, to change their jawline etc. It will give you drastic change. Rather than it being a "deformity treatment" it can also be a "cosmetic treatment".

There's no such thing as "perfect candidate" for plastic surgery, you may not NEED it, but you want it. Even those with "deformity", or should i quote "the perfect candidate", can choose not to go through this surgery because its very risky. It is considered as one of the more extreme surgeries, recovery can be as long as a year, many risks like permanent numbness, TMJ pain etc etc with prices ranging between USD10K - USD20K.

At the end of the day, its now an option in Plastic surgery, its either you want it or not. So just do extensive research and get a good doctor.

If any of you guys are keen in 2jaw or FC-jaw related, or are nice to share with me your experiences, please do add my KAKAO : TOKUKO
will be heading to Seoul this october.
lol, you sound like me when i first got here,lost and confused with 20 questions. Dont worry you came to the right place because these people are amazing and will try their best to help you. On that note, I went to Korea twice last year, in February I did 2-jaw,v line, sliding genioplasty(they had to push my chin forward so I didn't end up having a frog chin) and zygoma reduction. I had it done at everm for $18,000 usd . The reason I got that price is because I was very adamant about getting the best price.

I wanted to do everything all at one just to get it over with ( rhino and breasts) but that is a no no). 2 jaw prevent you from breathing through your nose so if you do rhino and 2 jaw,good luck with that.

So my last trip was to do rhino and boobs,some fat graft and lip reduction. This one was done at DA for $25,000. I set that price in my head before I even got there and DA said yes so I said ok. Overall, both clinics did a great job. I love my results and people say I look different. Its obvious I went under the knife but others just cannot put their finger on it. My boobs is a dead giveaway though because I went big. So no more plastic surgery for me, I was very satisfied with both clinics and on a daily basis people compliment me and tell me that I should model. I mean like every single day. Thank God for korean surgeons and their magi hands because before the s my confidence was a no no
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Makeover- is that you in your avatar pic? You look beautiful!
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hey makeover, can you share your double-jaw experience?
Your doctor is Dr.Yoon?
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