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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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I just read about it and it's scary. I think I will change my flight date to August just to be on the safe side. September may be too far ahead for me... I don't know.
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I was planning on going in September but if they don't contain it by then I'll either wait a few more months or have my surgery in another country. So far there are about 30 confirmed cases and 6 deaths from MERS but there are many more in quarantine. Apparently the South Korean government is doing a ****ty job at keeping the population informed about the actual situation and there have been reports about someone going to a concert despite having had symptoms for 2 days. It's just not worth risking it. I hope they get it under control soon.
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I am also planning to go in September but I don't think MERS is that contagious.
Just need to be careful:
Wash your hands often with soap and water...
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then dispose of the tissue.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid personal contact, such as kissing, or sharing cups or eating utensils, with sick people.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects, such as doorknobs.

Then you should be fine i think ;)
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Hi everyone :smile: I'm planning to do rhino and double eyelid surgery in Seoul this year. My choices are lamiche ps, navi or view. Just wondering is silicone better or rib better? I heard that it's good to use from your own body but I also heard that rib rhino can only be used when other stuffs are not suitable. Is it true that rib rhino is not recommended for first nose job? Has anyone heard of the clinics that I've mentioned above? I would really appreciate if anyone can give me some opinions because I'm quite lost after doing some research... sorry for asking so many questions and thanks in advance!
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Hi Joey,

This is a quote from K Couture's guide regarding using rib cartilage for your rhinoplasty:

"Rib Rhino - this method involves an incision at the rib area and a cartilage being harvest as such. The surgeon then carves the rib into shape and implants it into the patient. Rib rhino is the most invasive form of rhinoplasty. Many surgeons in Seoul use it as a last alternative for revision patients who, for whatever medical reason, cannot use artificial implants. Potential issues to consider, as with any autologous grafts, are absorption rates, assymetry, uneveness and humps. Again like the diced cartilage, because the shape and structure is not comparable to that of the silicones. However, some surgeons do recommend rib rhino for primary patients as that is their speciality. But as Bryan Mendelson explained to me, the reason behind the aesthetic complications is that most surgeons should not be performing this procedure. Because it is at the end of the day an art form with the shaping of the implant, hence it is difficult to get an ideal shape for the patient. I have seen many cases of unsatisfactory autologous grafts from rib and diced ear with fascia including my own, which is why I avoid autologous methods for the bridge like the plague. So while certainly good results are very much possible, there is also a higher margin of error with these procedures."
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Hi may I know where did you get your FG breast aug at ? and which doc?
1) whats the price?
2) Whats the process/procedure like? Was it painful ?
3) Would we be able still breast feed after getting surgery done?
4) How long does it takes to recover?
5) Does it feels natural ?

Appreciate your reply. Many thanks
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Hi Bifrost! Thanks for letting me know! really appreciate :smile:
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OMG back again after like a million years! D:

Yup, it was him!

Yeah, I felt like a lot of the swelling really subsided after I went back home. Even now, just under a year after my surgery, my eyes are still uneven – but my friends say it makes me look more natural because natural eyes aren’t perfectly even? Hahaha not sure. But I’ve kind of just accepted it and such a slight difference is easy to fix with makeup anyway.

Yes, Dr. Kim did both my eyes and my jaw. I was expecting two different specialists too, and was surprised that only one would perform both :/ should have spoken up about it really. But maybe it was to do with the GA and not keeping me under GA for too long?

Hope everything went well with your December consultation! :biggrin:
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Planning to go back to Seoul next year for facial lipo, calf muscle reduction and maaaaaybe a simple rhinoplasty procedure. Just starting my research on this now and I'm really curious whether I can have the alars (wings) of my nose reduced in thickness? I wonder if this sort of surgery is out there!

Also, does anyone know how to delete a previous post? :/

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Hi everyone!

Can you guys recommend some clinics that specialize in rhinoplasty for me to look into?

I'm planning to go to Korea to get rhinoplasty to fix my bulbous nose and wide alars/nostrils. I really appreciate it as I really want to look into more options. (One's that are also good with the international crowd since I can't speak Korean)

So far I've heard back for my inquiries from Grand, BK, and Cinderella so far. Only after reading a bunch of reviews did I find out Grand is a horrific chop shop and BK was a mixed bag. Still waiting to hear back from a ton of others.

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THank you for sharing this experience. Since 2 years ago I had been in contact with VIP and I wanted to do my revision rhinoplasty there. However, I changed my mind due to opinions from different people. Thank you for telling us your experience once again, now I'm even more sure not to even visit VIP. On the plus side, your nose looks really natural and I hope you will feel better soon. :smile:
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Hi, I'm also going to Seoul for revision rhino end June and I've consulted with: ID, Banobagi, JW, JK, VIP through e-mail and Dream through Kakao. After doing some forum reading and blogger experience my choices is narrowed down to JW, Dream and Bano.

JW: The dr experienced in nose at JW will not be in Seoul the time I'm going and they suggested just another dr (don't let a random/inexperienced dr operate you!). However I still made appointment for consultation for second opinion.
VIP: autologus rhino can either be very satisfying or very not satisfying. As it requires rib harvesting you don't want to redo it, and it's really a gambling game to me.
Bano: Bano is 95% non responsive. I had to wait few weeks and sent 3+ e-mails for them to reply me (the reply was very short) with quotes. I also tried whatsapp but no luck. If they're even busy to reply your e-mails, I doubt they will spend time on you if you need any help after or before surgery.
Dream: They replied within a day on Kakao talk, and nothing at all by e-mail. I've booked consultation with Dr Park. So far not 1 bad review, they're very responsive and good feedback. So I'm putting all my hopes on Dream.

If anybody has good experience from other clinics in Seoul, please do share!
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