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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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you look great!!

i read the chin takes the longest to get feeling back
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Woow you look beautiful
I thought that you were asian xD
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where are you getting this done?

I'm still debating since 4 girls that got fat grafting - after 4 months all of their fat was gone. Do you know any girls that got this done and theirs lasted longer than couple of years? Do you know the recovery time for this?
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Lol, i was worried about the same thing but no one at my work noticed!

I got my nose done and a two months later got my eyes done. I guess for my nose, I already had a high bridge so after the surgery, it wasnt a big difference. If you have a low bridge and you add a bridge, people will DEFINETELY notice.

For eyes, i wore glasses for the first two weeks. Be sure to get glasses w/ no prescription in korea so you can cover up your swollen eyes when you get back to the states. I got non incision eyelid and it took a full month for the swelling to go down. I was worried sick for weeks since my eyes looked so bad but realized it takes a long time. Now my eyes are sooooo natural looking..not sure if thats good or bad. I kinda want them bigger now.

Lastly, get a new haircut. I got bangs so everyone was commenting on my hair :smile: Put the focus on other things.
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Thank you, makeover! And thanks so much for sharing your experience here! It's been so helpful and I chose EverM based mostly on your posts and am so happy! ^^

Btw are you getting braces soon? Have you considered Invisalign?
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Hi everyone,

I remembered seeing a thread half a year to a year back telling us where we can lodge our complaints with Korea plastic surgery association but cannot seem to find the page.

Do anyone know the link for it?

I went to Korea for plastic surgery and there were complications and I've got a mild disfiguration. I'm trying to contact the clinic but they are ignoring me. Can anyone help me please?

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please see my signature :smile:
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oh i'm so sorry :sad: i really hope you get some compensation and also your botched job fixed soon. ♡
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It's been 2 weeks since I had epicanthoplasty and scars are forming. I didn't notice them at all until recently and I feel like they are getting worse (more raised)!! I'm so worried and frustrated.
Does anyone have any recommendations for scar removal creams that actually work?? Thanks!!
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For those who needs translator service, here is some info I saw on tripadvisor:


Scroll to the bottom, you'll see this:

"Free Seoul Tour Guide Service

The Free Seoul Tour Guide Service is offered by Hi Seoul Youth Hostel & Youth Volunteers. The youth volunteers are Korean college students and high School students who are willing to support your stay in Seoul with fluent English and other languages. Any foreign travelers visiting Seoul can ask for this service."

Not sure if this is going to help anyone here, but if anyone tries, please share your experience if you can.
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Actually they go away w time. Think mine lasted 3 months before they we're gone.
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