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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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If it's okay with everyone, I'd love to join the kaokao group too!!
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Please keep us updated!!!

What surgeries are you getting?:smile:
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Hi!! I am going to do my wide jaw reduction and outcorner of eyes!
I will update my review asap
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Good luck!!
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this is sooooo cheap for the jaw reduction...but does anyone know if this is the final price....?
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Bonjour mademoiselles! The star shine says hello :smile:
So today finally I decided to make an account in this forum. I lurked around this forum (especially this thread) for some time now. I must tell you that I’m overwhelmed by all details and helpful information in here. But it does make me a little bit confused (way too much information tee hee, slow processor here).
For moi, my nose and cheek is bothering me. I’m scarred of scar tho because I have keloid… But anyway I’ve decided! I want to change my look and be satisfied with myself!!
I read a lot about Banobagi here, are they really that good? I’m super nervous actually. I would be going *all by myselfffff* (singing the song ;p) I wish somebody could go with me through all the process >_< boo hoo please~
Anyways, I would like to have some encouragement and courage from you brave mademoiselles…
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Hi aristocat99,

When are you going to Korea? I'm going to Korea in October 2016.
I'm going there to do liposuction.

Courage. Everything will be alright.
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Hi this will be my second trip to Korea. My mom wants to go for anti-aging. And she wants me to come too so I think I may get a touch up of my fat transfer and possibly acculift or thread lifting under my chin (I gained and lost weight since the surgery). I'm having trouble finding reviews on these topics. Can anyone help direct me?
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