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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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I think the emails are written by Dr Kwon himself. Cause he quoted me a lower price. But when i visited the clinic, the consultant, tried to charge me 300,000 won more. I also asked him several technical questions so I'm positively sure he was the one who answered.
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When are you going to Korea? I am flying next Tuesday staying for 2 weeks. If your time is similar you can Kakao me Nanxy888
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Wow your information really helps me a lot! Thank you so much :smile:

I'm considering DARPs, Banobagi and EverM-(if i found a translator)...
Anyway, may i know how much is the grand total for the facial Conturing?
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I don't know if they accept it. But the only way to avoid the 10% VAT is to pay cash.
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EverM quoted me 9.9m-12m for V-line. They only specialized in face contouring and will refer you to other dr. for other procedures. I communicate with them through email and their English are fine.

DAPRS seperates V-line into angloplasty and genioplasty. The angloplaty costs about 7m and the genioplasty costs about 6m. So 13m in total.
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Does the v-line in everM has include with the mandible surgery or the v-line alone?
But its not the final price, right? We still can bargain at least 20% off. Or it's already a fixed price?
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EverM includes mandible. But I'm not sure how much you can bargain. I read from another thread that EverM's price is pretty much fixed.
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Could you give me EverMs email? I'm having trouble finding it :c
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Hi everyone!
I've been lurking the plastic surgery thread for about a year now, and finally decided to make an account as I think I am definitely set on getting plastic surgery for my eyes and nose. (I would have love to do facial contouring too, since my face is so big >< but I don't think I'm up for the mental/physical stress component of it)

My nose bridge is already high, but the tip/fleshy part is sooooo humongous and fat! I'm not looking for any implant, just maybe removing some excess fat from nose and cutting down alars, maybe do something to the tip of my nose because it is so rounded!!
I also have double eyelids, except my right eye tends to turn into a monolid most of the time. My eyes are also really droopy and they make me look depressed all the time!

I'm hoping to get similar cute and natural eyes and nose like Sulli from F(x) or NaEun ... (see pics attached)

I've looked at a few clinics and so far have narrowed it down to:

  1. Braun - Their B&A pics for nose and eye are very, very attractive. You have to have an account to view them, however. I remember someone on the previous thread talking about them, but no reviews from foreigners yet. They're at the top of my list right now.
  2. Cinderella - a little iffy on them since they are a large clinic, scared the doc might rush my procedure or become negligent if any problem post-surgery arises.. Their prices are above average, but it's worth it since this is my face we are dealing with. Many celebs endorse this clinic and it is the most popular and well known clinic in Korea according to my Korean friend.
  3. Migo - Heard they are good with eyes and nose. But I came across some people saying there were some cases of botched surgeries. Still, I really like their B&A pics.
  4. Teuim - Teuim - I heard Dr. Kwon is good for eyes. Not sure about nose though.
  5. Hershe - Their B&A for eyes looks great, but i haven't heard of many reviews yet...

I'm also looking to get some skin treatment for pores on T-zone, and upraised mole removal. (I think CO2 laser treatment is used for moles?) I heard about Hsu Hsu, Oracle (heard they had some problems though), and Magic skin (?). I'm a little worried about the mole removal because there is a high chance of scarring, and I think you have to make several trips back and forth which may be a problem if I'm not staying very long!

Also, has anyone ever done hairline implant/grafting before?
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Hey guys! I had 3 consultations today for eye surgery and I thought I should share this experience. I went to DAPRS, Yonseifirst and Teium. Both DAPRS and Yonseifirst recommended me incisional with ptosis and epi, and Teium recommended me non-incisional with ptosis and epi.

Daprs aka DA: DA was really easy to find, right off the sinnohyeon station. The clinic was really nice and big and there were english and chinese translators provided by DA. The girls who worked there were alright looking, none of them extremely pretty. There before and after pictures are good though. The girls were really nice and helped me a lot. The english speaker Katie is really nice. I went in and met with the consulter who recommended me some procedures and then I met with the doctor. The interaction with Dr. Lee was very brief but he was very friendly and adorable. Afterwards I met the consulter again and we talked about pricing. The price was very steep and out of my budget but I think I will be able to bargain more.

Yonseifirst: This clinic was smaller than DA. They don't have any english speakers so you will need to bring a korean speaking friend or translator. The consulter was very pretty and was very nice. I interacted with the doctor a lot more here and we tried many types of double eyelids to see which fit better. The doctor was very friendly and spoke a decent amount of english. The price for the same procedures recommended also by DA were a lot lower compared to DA. I really don't know why DA has such high pricing. Btw, my friend also go her double eyelids done here.

Teium aka AT: this clinic was very hard to find and I just felt like service was not that great. I had an appointment booked and still had to wait a while. The girls at the front desk were not very friendly. I met with the doctor very briefly but he seemed very exhausted to me. He wasn't that friendly. And later, his consulter didn't approach me professionally at all to speak of pricing. She literally came to me in the waiting room and started telling me the price and it was quite awkward. The pricing was a little high but lower than what DA had to offer. So.... yea.

DA and Yonseifirst are the ones I'm still considering as of now. I still have two more visits tomorrow: View and Girin. So hopefully I'll decide by tomorrow night. I'll be updating you guys :smile:
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Janersmaners, do you have kakao? Can kakao me? And does yonseifirst have website?

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AT aka Teuim: Yes i had to wait 1 hr before my consultation too. And yes i agree that the doctor looked exhausted. But at the end of the day, i think what matters is the doctor's skill and most importantly, his character. This was why i still chose AT for eyes. Going for my op in June^^

you might find this post by ssuigeneris helpful: http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/68893/double-eyelid-surgery-thread/p439
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MOTHER!!! Do you remember me?!?!

I'm going back to Korea too. But I'll be going in December, when it's freezing :sad:

Are you going for fun or for different procedures?

I'm going to go and get double eyelid with medial epicanthoplasty. Thinking about doing it at ID. If I remember correctly, you really liked your experience there right?
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Hey Cherieohcherie, my kakao is Janersmaners. Feel free to contact me though I might not have wifi everywhere though. And yes Yonseifirst does have website: http://ysfirst.com/index.php ; it's in korean though.
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