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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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Sorry Motty... JB stands for johor. A part in Malaysia just next to Singapore. I'm from Singapore so travelling there is very convenient for me.

By the way, I did my surgeries at the line in Korea. The result is good! For my chin and lipo. No regrets.

You can add me at username sundaelove at kakao. :smile:
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Swelling is still decreasing on my face from fat graft, lower eye surgery and dimple, I'm a slow healer! The most painful and inconvenient op was lipo on my legs, still very swollen and painful, I can barely sit on the WC it hurts that much! I would say I have 50% of the fat graft remaining but it's hard to be accurate as I am still swollen. The secret to keeping lateral eyes big is once the stitches are removed very gently open your eyes wide as you can using your fingers so the scar tissue doesn't form on the cut, that's what I did twice daily for weeks so it's not the surgeon I praise it's my understanding of tissue forming after surgery.

Teuim prices are very random but seem to have got very expensive in the last year. You know they burned me badly, I went there for steroid injection twice for the large permanent scar I have but the second time I went he had no idea who I was!!! I had to remind him I was the person he severely scared by burning me! Dr Kwon said for the burn scar to heal properly I need to apply silicone sheets but when I asked Dr Kwon to pay for these as he caused this ugly scar he REFUSED!! I then get an email saying there was a mix up, there was no mix up. So I'm going to ask them to send me some silicon sheets, let's see if they will, but as of now I am not happy by how I have been treated and two other clinics have actually told me it's so severe I should sue them.

The most competitive pricing I got for any surgery except facial contouring is Eve Plastic Surgery. Small clinic with one doctor but quite knowledgable. In the end I chose JW and will update you as to my results in a months time.
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Hi hongkongphooey,

Thanks for sharing your secret of keeping the lateral eyes big! Real smart thing to do on your part :smile:
I'm def going to do the same thing if I do lateral later.

Sorry about the anguish that you had to go thru with your burned chin - I have been so stunned with how the clinic/doctor reacted so far. And they are in a profession that are supposed to be highly respected.. Sigh. But I am glad you are strong enough to not let this incident keep you down.

Enjoy healing
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If you have the time, getting LASIK first is probably better. I had my lasik surgery last October and am glad I did because I can see without contacts/glasses after my operation. I was advised not to wear contacts/glasses post-op, which I didn't worry about because my vision is 20/20.

I think it takes a few months to completely heal from lasik surgery, but I was able to go to school the following day. You should talk to the doctor about it first.
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Oh okay thank you~ I want to get LASIK and then double eyelid a month after but I will ask the doctor~
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What's your recommendation? Seriously just give up looking for a surgeon in America and get it done in Korea? I just would like to know around how much I would have to spend.
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I did see Teuim popping up a lot and JK. I'm so confused since I live in CA, and all these names sound so foreign and confusing to me. I just wish there was a list of places we can go for what surgery etc. But, I'm looking for eye surgery. Do you have any recommendations as you browsed trough this forum? HOW DO PEOPLE MAKE DECISIONS AT GANGAM. I WOULD BE OVERWHELEMED
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Thanks for your kind words and hope I have helped with the lateral eye tip, I also massaged that area too but should have said I continued to stretch my eye after 2 weeks but not as often, you can actually feel it get bigger but once that bigger feeling is gone you know you have fully recovered so stretching won't make any further difference as the tissue has fully formed. I will update my unfortunate situation with Teuim once they reply.
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You went to JW for facial contouring? I thought you went there for fat graft...?

And your eye opening trick is really eye opening! haha sorry. I couldn't help the pun.

I'm sorry you're suffering so much. Who knew that lipo would hurt? Goodness. When I think about all the surgeries you've been through, I can't help but be impressed. Here I am worried to death about doing a nose revision and my eyes, but you seem to take everything in stride. I hope everything is paying off :smile: (ha! sorry another pun).

Like always good luck with your recovery and I hope every day brings you closer to the results you want. :heart:
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Oh really?! There's a forumer who's really into Dream in Korea so I thought they'd have a good reputation in the states too... O.o
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Actually, it's super overwhelming. It's even more overwhelming than it is online because there are ps clinics as far as the eye can see, stacked on top of each other. It's pretty crazy. If you're seriously thinking about doing your surgery in Korea, I'd put together a list of clinics you're hopeful about and do consultations at those clinics. Then decide based on those consultations where you want to do your surgery.

To be honest, I don't think there's anything you can really trust. B/a photos you see on the websites can be photoshopped, a lot of forumers turn out to be promoters, etc. I chose based on price and how much I felt I could trust the doctor. In the end, I'm back on PF planning a revision, but I don't regret my choice.

But honest to god, it might be cheaper and definitely safer to do your surgery in the states with a reputable surgeon. If things go wrong, at least you'd be better protected here than in Korea. My friend was thinking of doing her rhino in Korea, but decided she's going to look into American surgeons instead. If you're in SoCal, and LA's not too far, there should be plenty of options... right?
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I am from Singapore too, may i ask which clinic did you go.
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