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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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That is one of my concern, too!! When I had my braces, my co-workers already gossiped about it. Imaging if I'll come back with a new nose.....
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That is pretty immature and mean of them....considering braces are pretty common nowadays....At least you'll have better teeth than them >:smile:
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That's lucky for you :smile: no one will suspect anything :smile: but it's really a shame that people have such bad connotations and opinions around ps....I'm sick of people telling me I don't need it and my jaw is fine square :sad: I wish people would just be accepting of your decisions (as long as they aren't too damaging or bad!) and treat others how they would like to be treated :/ good luck anyway~~
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- and saying that you've lost weight is a great idea! I was thinking of just getting a new haircut and using that as my alibi xD
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That is true. I'm very curious about Girin's preferred rhinoplasty method. If you find out what kind of material/cartilage they prefer to use and if the procedure is open or closed, could you please let us know? Thank you, Malissa! ^_^
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Yes of course!
I'm really interested in knowing that as well ( :
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Hey Malissa, Banobagi is one of my top 3 choices for accusculpt and fat grafting.. can I ask what bad things you've heard? So, far I havn't found any bad reviews about them but I did find they took a really long time to reply
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wow outside in? i never knew that! i thought the other way around would make more sense. do you know why outside in is better? ps. you say you feel nausea from the double GA. but what if you've had GA and didn't feel nausea at all? then it doesn't matter right? because you know you won't feel nauseous even if you had them 1 day apart if you never felt nauseous from GA before. you made a good point about the swelling issue but from a nosejob the major swelling goes down quickly, right? so does this make sense: if you do nosejob first after 1 week the swelling has gone down enough that the doctor can tell what your real face shape is, but if you do jaw surgery first you need to wait maybe 2-3 weeks for the swelling to go enough? do you think that makes sense? of course you should avoid doing it like that if you can but i'm asking this for the benefit of the people who for some reason can't, if they do it like that it's at least better they are informed, right? so kcouture & maiQ can you say what you think IF someone is going to do them within 1-4 weeks of each other, what is the best way then?
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It is hard to know but there is a possibility your teeth may shift slightly after v line and your Invisalign may not fit as well and/or fit properly. I would recommend getting them after surgery if you haven't already. If you have you could probably discuss the matter with your orthodontist or surgeon to get their opinion on the matter....
I've only had the 'clear' porcelain braces so I am not really familiar with them, however, I would be guessing that they are similar to orthodontic plates that I had, so they are molded to your teeth?

Good luck anyway~~
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Hey do you know much about vip?
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OMG thank you for replying! Please let us know how your surgery goes... and I would love to talk to you more about VIP plastic surgery... I have to make a decision and I think so far vip is good but I don't really know much besides googling. It's not reliable sometimes.. so I would love to talk more with people who has had procedures done and real experiences. :smile:
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They're like clear hard plastic retainers that are molded to specifically fit my teeth. They snap onto my teeth and are taken off during meals and brushing. I'm going to have to discuss this with just the surgeon because my ortho is a family friend who I know would detest v-line! Lol
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