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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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Some of us are meeting May 19, by then some will have done their surgeries and some will be consulting by then

Do you have kakao?
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Anyone know if the clinics accept monthly payments? I'm waiting on acceptance from Yonsei, and if I get it, I will be heading to Korea to become a full time uni student. From what I've seen, everyone has paid in full. I was wondering if the clinics allowed the Korean or long term resident patients to do monthly payments because sometimes they get a lot done so how do they pay for it all? How do they afford it as a student? And anyways, even if I don't get accepted, I will still be going to Korea for vacation in the summer. Then I will pay in full.
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In my case I take out a personal loan for the amount in excess of my savings. I'm not sure if the hospital will offer payment schemes, but even if they do, for sure it wont be like some '0%' payment schemes you have from supermarkets or large retailers in the US. I'm pretty sure they'll charge some interests on loaning you the amount (because they are not banks, they can't afford for you to default or run away, so they will charge you high interest to offset the risks. The supermarkets or retailers in the US are large enough to hedge their own risks, one or two customers default is not gonna bring them down, thats why they can offer 0% repayment scheme). So if I was you I will take out personal loan from credible financial institutions (or if you are not qualified bc of age and income, then student loan from uni or financial institution, but that might require ur parents to know about ur surgery) , because their interest rates would be lower. Moreover, it's easier to talk to banks about money because they have dedicated customer service people who takes care of loans, so can offer you solution and advice when you need to miss repayment or need to take out another loan to offset the current loan etc.

On the other hand, people on the forum that i talked to, many are students, have been saving for like 1-2 years to get surgery. Not many people are willing to take the financial risks for PS, and the security of paying with your saving means you can be sure you are able to afford it. PLUS if u take out loan in some case ur parents might be required to acknowledge it, which justify why younger students prefer savings. If you are impatient like me due to circumstances (because I cant take 2 weeks off work anytime in the future but this year) then taking out the loan is probably the best solution. But make sure you can generate enough income while you are a student to pay back the installments on time and of the right amount, missing repaying loan schedule, whether to the hospital or banks, can serverely affect your credit history. The credit history will be important later in your life when you need a mortgage or car, so bear that in mind.
Just my 2 cent as someone who works in a bank.
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Are you transferring to Yonsei as a student from an American uni? If so, you should be able to take out a subsidized (no interest until after you graduate) or unsubsidized (accumulates interest while you're in school, but rates are very reasonable) loan. You'll only be able to get an unsubsidized loan if your parents make over a certain amount or if the amount you're asking for is very high. You should visit your school's financial aid office soon, the deadline to apply for a loan is early May.
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Day 8 post-op (Two Jaw at EverM)
Recovering well. Swelling going down quickly, but still very obviously swollen. Sleeping better and stuffy nose is finally improving so I can breathe better. No major discomforts now. This past week has been one of the toughest things I have ever gone through, and I often felt down and blue, but it's over now and I'm so glad!

Was really lacking energy post-op so started becoming more adventurous with food, putting minced meat, rice and eggs in my blender. It's a day and night's difference! Feeling so much better since eating better. Lost 3kg in the past week, so really ramping up on high calorie foods.

Walking every day a lot (5-8km) around Seoul and I think this is really helping with the swelling.
I'm walking around with a mask on because of the swelling, but I think at this rate, I will be able to walk around without a mask beginning next week without looking too weird. I'll just look like a really chubby person! ^^

Even though I'm very swollen so far, I have to say I'm really loving the results! I love my new profile view and especially the way my nose is accentuated now that my prognathism is fixed. My jaw line is slowly starting to appear from behind the swelling and I think I'll be very happy when all the swelling is gone! ^^ Fixing my prognathism also shortened my face which seems to be filling up my cheeks nicely (they were somewhat sunk and hollow before). My eyes also seem to appear larger with my smaller face. We'll see what happens as the swelling goes down, but I'm really happy that I did this so far! ^^

Doc's appt is on Monday!
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Thank you so much for the input~ My mom is okay with it so I can always borrow the money from her but I just wanted to see if there was other ways so I didn't have to bother her. :smile:

I'm actually graduating high school in June and plan to attend Yonsei for all four years so I don't think I can get a loan for it. I don't know if loans can be used for oversea schools or not.
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Been a while since I posted but getting excited and yet nervous as my trip to Korea is in about 2 weeks time!

Just to refresh..doing nose, eyes and FG. Has anyone had experience with Able and Unique?

Would appreciate if someone can share their stories here! Thanks!
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just a word of warning - i think faceline is blacklisted in chinese forums for many botched surgeries...someone can correct me if i'm wrong :smile:
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Month 3 Post op
(2 jaw,v line,cheekbone reduction at EVERM dental clinic)

The nerves healing can be such a pain because its like tiny little electric shocks to your face. I mostly feel it in my lips and jawline though. Right now I can feel 95% of my face. My left jaw area,my chin and my lips are still numb and swollen.I do not feel any sensation at all on my chin. At this point I have no regrets because people say I look better now*as I mentioned before) but when they ask me what is different about me I just tell them I lost weight and that works 90 percent of the time. Its nobody's business. I am in deep need of a nose job because my wide nose does not match my face anymore and I am just praying for my lips to go down more because they still are too plump in my opinion.
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WTG Vitalic,hang in there girl.It will get better.I was at my worst within the first two weeks but as time goes by it just gets better and better.Im sure you will loo great after
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Is that you in your dp? You look great!
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