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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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That's good to hear vanitygirl, thanks! Will try and book some appointments for this week in that case and see how it goes.

At the minute I'm thinking of:

The Line

most likely for mini v-line.

Is anybody planning to have similar done in Seoul over the next week or 2??!
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Is anyone else getting promotional emails from clinics they consulted? Before you negotiate prices, check their Korean website to see if they're having a seasonal promotion on the procedures you want!

Is anyone in Korea right now? I've been awol these past few weeks.
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Hi Susaki

Have you decided on hotels and where to stay?
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Hey everyone.

It recently came to my attention that Singaporean blogger Miyake got a rhinoplasty and FG done at Banobagi. (The quoted prices she got were so expensive?! Like.. over 8mil korean won for rhino+FG just seems... crazy to me.. whatever I'm not that interested in Banobagi anyway lol)
Her friend also did breast augmentation there and the breasts look really nice I must say! I preferred Miyake's nose before her rhino though, she used to have fillers before if I'm not mistaken.


If anyone here is interested in going to Banobagi, here's Miyake's blog entry on her post-op recovery! I personally found it pretty interesting -> http://blog.myfatpocket.com/miyake/bbq-beef-tongue-are-you-kidding-me/
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I have seen that Banobagi can be expensive !(~_~;) but I think quoted prices online and face to face can vary. Some of their prices I have found are quite the standard price quoted for procedures for foreigners over 8M KRW does seem a bit overpriced for those procedures. I think since they recently won the Medical Asia 2014, KGMSA and Asia Medical Service awards they put up their prices or think they can rip us off..Just joking x
Banobagi's waterdrop breast surgery looks very natural and is innovately miles ahead of the round implants and shapes some other clinics around the world use..I don't much like the two melons on the chest look. :sad:
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Hello Eimsies~

Your experience with Tian PS does sound very shady and suspicious. The fact that the consultant told you that the doctor did not want to perform your surgeries anymore and they wanted no further contact with you, not only is quite rude, but also very odd.
Your questions were perfectly valid and as you said, a good clinic should be able to answer them honestly. I, well if I were you (no pressure! Just an idea) would pose these same questions to SMPS,Banobagi,Pitangui and DAPS or any other clinics you are considering on online consult, email etc to see their responses on these questions.

I myself, had a similar sort of experience with staff from SMPS, I asked questions similar to yours about infection, risks etc and instead of being honest, they sort of told me what I wanted to hear, like “The surgeon [Dr Lee?] is very skilled so there are no chance of these happening”, so I though, right! They are not honest with me and I would like an honest clinic, as you are sort of putting your life in their hands. I know it wasn't an exact representation of the doctors skill, but I thought that this would probably make them better at lying and denying anything went wrong if it did, therefore possibly not providing any support afterwards. Maybe I was kind of overreacting when I look back, but as you know, ps is not a thing to be taken lightly especially ones under GA and it makes you want to trust the clinic that you are sort of putting your life and well being in their hands. At the same time the R.R sort of scandal was in full force with her posing as fully a patient with no connections to the clinic promoting it on I think it was about 4~6 different PS forums when she was found out to be a paid worker and promoter for the company..not saying that her ps wasn't amazing or she wasn't a lovely person, she answered many of my questions about vline and the procedure from her own experience which was so helpful! It's just..I didn't appreciate that sort of dishonesty from someone like that when I found out after she was promoting a clinic I was considering and swayed me even more to go there (obviously her aim). Idk now that I think about it, it probably isn't as bad as it was at the time and maybe I was just overreacting? The doctor probably is very skilled and it possibly is a really good clinic idk..I just got put off by the dishonesty of the staff..Have they got new staff now Eimsies? Hopefully they have and I'd love to know more about the clinic from your own experience (take mine with a grain of salt as it was mostly staff related), from online and when you get there :smile: I think SMPS is newer because idk there is much information online (last time I checked) all I could find was reviews on what clinic haha.
I also want to commend you for looking for a smaller clinic as, as you said, it is likely a more personal experience and therefore has many more benefits than bigger clinics~ If you are talking about size, I think Pitangui is quite a big office like building (I could never find it on google maps xD), but Banobagi is a smaller (well compared to most popular like ID, Grand etc) 4~6 story (As I recall, maybe a bit bigger) building that can be found on google maps, but the street view was taken before they moved in so you have to try to recognize the building haha. In regard to their operation (number of patients) they are the opposite way than mentioned previously (Often forumers have said that they had consults at Pitangui and the waiting room was empty!). I don't even know where daprs is and I haven't heard much about that either so I can't comment on them, but they are on my list as well because I like their results and have heard very good things about them :smile:

Anyway sorry for my long piece of ‘feedback’, I hope that it helped you somewhat because I really appreciate yours about Tian~ and I feel sorry that you were treated like that from them, I don't think I have ever heard a story of a clinic turning down a patient! I don't know why any clinic would do that, especially if it was just for those perfectly valid questions you have a right to know. Odd, right!?

Hope you have a good day today~

Tara :heart:
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Wow! That's so exciting~ Can't wait to hear about your consultation! Good luck :heart:
P.s: Have some nice food for us hehe..so jealous!
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Hey guys,
so today I decided and paid 10%. Im gonna have a rhinoplasty in just 2weeks! I chose a clinic in gangnam which is not expensive. I'm european/asian and I have a hump nose. I hope I'll get a nice result. I will keep you updated! I'm excited and afraid....lets see.
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Hey Saqua, please keep us updated! I'm also European/Asian and have a hump nose that I want rasped down. I hope everything goes well for you!
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I think these are extremely reasonable questions that I would have asked myself. In fact, I asked way more questions than this for most of my consults for rhino...and you are going for jaw surgery which is major!

They sound shady, and I'd definitely avoid them at all costs!
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