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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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Hey guys! I just got signed up because i am sooo interested in getting my face beautified in Korea.

Seriously, i alwayls felt that the western doctors had no idea, they said i should get done a nose job. Okay, but i always thought that there is something else that really bothers my profile/face ...and now i know. It is just my whole facial bone structure ;____; life sucks lmao

Is there any reliable list of good english speaking clinics ? I was going through the thread but just asked for adjustment. Do you know where it is good but still affordable? Darn, that trip is goin g to be freaking expensive! But maybe it pays off somewhere,sometime...

So far.
BK clinic

But they all seem to be on the very expensive side...


View clinic has some amazing pictures! the best so far, now i need to get some price quotes...Does anyone know more abou that clinic?
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I've mostly only heard bad reviews about BK, Grand and ID. They do a looooot of botched jobs and don't handle the patient's problems very well afterwards. I was considering Cinderella, but found new and better clinics instead (in my opinion).

Right now I am considering Girin, Item clinic, View Clinic and DAPRS.
They all seem pretty expensive though (except from Item)

But just because I am looking into those clinics may not mean they're right for you. The best you can do is look in to a laaaarge amount of clinics, narrow it down and write them. Try and write them to see how long they take to reply, if they meet your standards and can recommend the things you want + if they are both friendly and professional.
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Hi. I am originally from Hong Kong but live in UK now. Do you have Kakao? Pls add me my Kakao ID is Nanxy888.
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Do you have the links to the people who have had similar experience? I would like to read their journey.
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Would anyone with kakao like to communicate?

My id is kreuki.

Maybe some communication would help, I'm so lost and I don't speak the local language in Korea.
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I just found a clinic, they do not speak English, it is best to bring a translator if you do not speak Korean.

They are located in Chungdam-dong and have very low prices (which I'm sort of suspicious about, but i'm not too sure)

I don't know if their prices are what regular clinics in korea that are not targeted towards the foreign market offer... or if they are just suspciously low. i have no idea to be honest, but it's worth checking out

their website is http://www.cozy.co.kr

The prices they gave me were

Alar reduction: W700,000
Chin implant: W600,000
Breast implant: W3,500,000


I would love to check them out.
I hope the price has nothing to do with lack of skill
If anyone knows Korean or could find more information on them that would be excellent.
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thank you for sharing! i hope someone can look more into this clinic too. i don't know about the BA price but i think the alar and chin prices are normal? alar is normal price for sure
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I find that really cheap!
I tried looking around their website even though I don't understand Korean at all, but oh well.
Do you have a link for their before and after photos page?
I couldn't find it :sad:

But hopefully we'll be able to find some more information about them.
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I suggest not going to any of the place you listed!
Very bad reputation !!! Most sued and botched jobs

View may be ok- but I dropped them

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Which ones are you talking about?
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Hey when I was there I just went to one of the local banks to exchange money and they had a better rate than the airports.
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