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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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Yes, I love my May group peeps! There's so much experience learnt and gained from the group as well as friendships being forged from the moment we just started the group back in nov/dec and I am so happy for most of us who had already done the surgeries!

Great to meet you guys personally and I wish all of us will become prettier than ever before after all the swelling has gone down! After all the research that we have done and the tough recovery period, we definitely deserve it!

P/S: I'm one of the 4 girls who went to Eight for surgeries. I did eyes, nose, FG and VLine. I will update my experience in due course when I have the time to draft a detailed post. :smile:

Nonetheless, I am quite satisfied with the service of the clinic that I've done my surgeries with. Good pre and post surgery care and the docs and staff are willing to spend time with you all the time.

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Hi PSP, congratulation to you, you looks beautiful and natural. I am glad that my info is useful to you, but I think the credit should go to yourself cause you've put in a lot of effort to do your own research and choose the clinic that suit you.

It is really nice to know you are happy and healing well. I am looking forward to see more beautiful update picture from you.

Take care babe ;)
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I would prefer a clinic to give a true price and doesn't budge than give an exaggerating price and then let you bargain it down by 50%. I personally don't like bargaining. It's not like you going to a market to buy clothes. This is health related industry and I want the doctors to be happy to work on me.

People just recently try to bargain too much and this introduces a bargaining culture into Korean PS industry. Ir order for you to be able to bargain and feel happy, they just increase the price a lot or even give you an unrealistic price but in the end, the price you pay is the same or even higher if you are not good at bargaining.

Just a few years ago, things were very different, clinics usually give you a fixed price which is the acceptable price for them and they only bring it down a little bit if you bargain hard. I think it's unreasonable to bargain the price down by 30%-50% and it's unreasonable for a clinic to quote you that high price so you can bargain that much. If I feel that a clinic gives me a rip-off price then I just leave because I don't like that way of working. If I find their price already reasonable, I would accept it or politely ask them that if I pay by cash, would they bring the price down a little bit and usually they do, but just a few hundred dollars max. That's why I like the way that Teuim doesn't bargain and I hope that they don't have to increase the price in the future just because people keep bargaining too much now. Less than a couple of years ago, I went to a few other clinics like View, JW...and never bargained at all but the price I paid was even lower than the price a lot of people have to pay now even after bargaining. I always feel that people bargaining is one of the factors (together with bringing a translator) that make clinics have to increase their prices and so now we have a wide range of prices and never know what is acceptable.
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the thing i'm concern right now is that Banobagi never replied to my email whilst dr. Park from dr. OZ has replied to my email many times in a short time.
I'm getting confuse right now, I wanted to do the consultation in Korea to OZ and Banobagi but then if I did the consultation there, they cant promise to do the surgery the next day a.k.a I need to wait for 2-4 weeks
Beside if I did the consultation and agree with to do the surgery through email, dr OZ promise me once I arrive he will do the consultation once more and the next day he will do the surgery...

I'm so confuse right noww.....:confused1:
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I agree about the price of Teuim. They are cheaper than IOU and Bio which my friend consulted with. The price Bio and IOU gave her were about the same. We met someone who mentioned that a friend had her eyes done at IOU and wasn't happy with the results. When she complained, they refused to do a revision for free unlike Teuim.
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Able was difficult at first but I show them quote from Unique which is under my budget. I said, this is my budget (say, 4.5mil for everything). I said, I'm not looking for cheapest place, just somewhere I believe doctor can give me results but not go over budget too much.
So they offer to almost match what my budget is (4.5) based on unique's cheaper quote

Let them know you got options. They won't budge they will loose you, unless you are strongly leaning to pick them, insist on discount

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Yay to May group for completing our task but the journey is not over until we really see the results in a few months.

That's why I am holding off to review, so I can collect pictures of progress.
Lots to learn you guys.

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May i have NJH website? I can't seem to find it via google.
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I have just done facial contouring, I thought I’ll write a review to help those who are interested

TL Plastic Surgery
The girls who work at this clinic looked really pretty, they have an English translator who seemed nice and the doctor was friendly. At the beginning of the consultation I was impressed with their price offered and post-care packages. The doctor didn’t push me into doing any surgeries, he understood what I wanted, seemed experienced and had a lot of certificates hang up. They did not have a lot of after/before photos and they weren’t so busy.

Taking on advice from other people, I asked for a copy of my x-ray photos to be put onto a disc so I can take it to the other clinics. I had to paid around $30 for what turned out to be a blank disc, I realized they fooled me because they did not want me to visit the other clinics. Also, when I went to EverM their consultant was nice enough to ask TLPS if they could email the x ray photos to them but they denied my v-line consultation and said they only looked at my cheekbone, thus, they did ‘not’ take any x-ray photos of me. This showed they were untrustworthy and shifty so I did not choose them.

This clinic would have been my choice, if it weren’t for Dr Lee at DARPS. Like other people have said, they seemed very real and caring, they only have a chinese translator who can also speak some English. Though they are a small clinic, they have a lot of good reviews and at a time when you are in need you would want someone who actually cares for you.

DARPS has a very good in house English translator, they had lot of impressive after/before photos; they were also busy with foreigners and locals. Though they have pretty girls working there, personally, I think their patients looked average and their noses looked fake. Also, a chinese patient seemed displeased and frustrated about her nose, she was complaining and pointing at her nose.

I chose to do facial contouring with Dr Lee the director because I really trusted him, he seemed very genuine, confident with what he does, straightforward and very friendly-cute. I would not go to this clinic for anything else (they do try to get as much money from you as possible, prices aren’t reasonable, they lack post-care and doesn't cover medical costs compared to the other clinics).

The post-op care instructions stated to avoid milk but when was staying for 2 nights, the nurses offered me soy milk…They have various nurses, some seemed alright but one particular one was always talking on her phone during my second night stay, while i was struggling to breathe (the first two nights were the worst but other than that it wasn’t really painful, I think going to the dentist to take out a tooth is more painful).
My result is looking good so far.

From consulting with the clinics I have learnt:
- People mentioned this before, I just want to reinforce, that the clinics know about purse forum, so beware. I can imagine the false comments made here, which is sad because we are just trying to help each other out as foreigners.
- It is important to show them your knowledge of surgery, that you have done research and have other clinics as options.
- You can bargin down to 20%-50% and try to get deals such as de-swelling treatments, extra in-house stay.
- House host do take commission, not with just the recommended clinics but other services too.
- Most of them are fake, well I suppose it’s part of their job to be extra nice to us.
- Get all the important information certified, in case you might need it in the future.
- Having a loved one there makes the whole process 5 times better.
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I was thinking seriously going to korea for droopy eyelids surgery until i started reading the threads. First, it was confused b/c too many to choose from, but the more i read the more pessimist i am. I once called the medical information center, they gave me Wonjin as their choice but now i found out that this clinic has malpractice suits and some bad experience from the patients. Now I really don't know what to do.
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