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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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Wow thanks for sharing, those photos are really disturbing! Super unprofessional, they're literally dealing with people's lives on the line... hope everyone getting surgery stays safe!
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About the specialists, there is a thread that teaches you how to distinguish between specialized plasic surgeons: #
Hi, guys I'm new to the forum. I will be traveling to Seoul in April 2015 and was wondering if anyone is interested in traveling together for consultations. I'm planning on seeing TLPS, View, Girin, EverM. Does anyone know where I can hire an english translator/interpreter? Although I know that you shouldn't hire translators as advised by the many on the forum but it can't be avoided since these clinics I'm planning on seeing do not have an in-house english translator and I don't speak korean at all :sad:

Also does anyone know the contact email to reach TLPS, View, Girin, EverM?

Thanks :smile:
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I've heard many bad reviews about ID.
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I am new to this forum but am not new in plastic surgery. My first rhinoplasty was done in Japan when Japan was famous for plastic surgery .Since then I've had a mini face lift and brow lift in the US. I want to caution you all seeking plastic surgery in Korea that not all surgeons are plastic surgeons. The law allows any MD to perform plastic surgery, that means all those doctors even without proper training can do plastic surgery.

I will not allow any doctor not board certified in plastic surgery touch my face.The board certified plastic surgeons have to have at least 5 years of special training in plastic surgery and pass a rigorous test. Many of the surgeons in Korean clinics have no formal training in plastic surgery. They may have learned it from watching a plastic surgeon and then start doing it on patients. You just hope you are not the first ones that they are practicing on.

Looking at the prices, they are not too much different from US prices and I don't know why people don't look around in the US, especially the midwest where prices are much lower than NY or CA.

Most posters here are not looking at the doctor's qualification which would be the first thing I would ask if you are interviewing clinics. You should always ask if the surgeon is board certified in plastic surgery.
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Oh man… I totally read that! WOW. That's terrible!!
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Okay guys, I’m finally putting together my review since I’m on a 10 hr flight and I’m wide awake.

Before I start, I’d like to put this disclaimer. I travel a lot but this trip was the most difficult trip I’ve ever made. From nonstop screaming babies who’s lungs kept going strong during an 11 hr flight to a deathly flu that kept me bedridden for over 48 hrs. It was the worst trip EVER.

So from the top: Before arriving in Korea, I was set on getting eyes, rhino revision and fat graft.

I had my nose done in 2012 at JW, but Dr. Suh did open rhino tiplasty using my septal cartilage--nothing else was done. No alarplasty, no osteotomy, nothing.

Fast forward to December 2014, my before and after photos looked exactly the same. My mom and dad made fun of me saying, my nose looks the same but is much more delicate. I can’t do piggy nose, I can’t push down on my nose tip, and my nose doesn’t feel quite as it did before surgery.

Getting a rhino revision was my top priority during this trip. Eyes, fat grafting were secondary. If I couldn’t do it, then fine. If I can’t touch my nose because of surgery, then by god my nose will look like it had surgery!!!

I went to Dream, because like all of you, I’ve read KCouture’s reviews. I specifically asked for Dr. Park and the front desk receptionist told me to sit down. Dream is BEAUTIFULLY decorated. I think the best part was free juice (Aloe and mango but the mango juice tastes gross) and a coffee machine thing. I’m a tea person so IDK whether it’s any good, but it was hecka fancy.

Weirdly, they had videos of sea turtles and fish playing on GIANT monitors. Åre we supposed to be inspired by the beautiful animals? Nature doesn’t move me. :/ They also had booths where two people could sit and watch before and after videos in enclosed-kinda-private spaces.

The actual place was pretty full. I’d say 40% Chinese/foreigners and 60% Korean. But the place was packed. After waiting forever (why do we even bother with appointments?) I finally got to speak with the consultant. Lee Mi Young. She was an older lady (I asked about Unji Kim but apparently she was off that day). She shuffled me into her office and we talked about my eyes and nose. She said that I shouldn’t talk to Dr. Park but insisted on me having my consultation with Dr. Jung Jae Yeon. Of course this pissed me off since I came all the way here to talk to Dr. Park. She said that for ME, Dr. Jung is way better since Dr. Park doesn’t specialize in open rhino and since I did open rhino in the past, I’d have to do it again for revision. This could all be BS to make me go with Dr. Jung, but she wouldn’t budge on the Dr. Park so I waited for Dr. Jung.

I met Dr. Jung and… well, he’s quite young. I’d say not in his 40’s by far. He told me I could do revision tiplasty and maybe slight alarplasty but it wouldn’t change much “maybe 10-15%.” He also said, “to be honest I don’t want to do your surgery.” His reasoning being, if I’m unhappy with my “results” from my first tiplasty, i won’t be content in round 2. This made me really sad and he made it sound like i was addicted to surgery or something. First consultation basically told me to lose hope regarding my big bulbous nose.. :sad:

I was quoted very low. Even the DA consultant was amazed at how low they quoted me at Dream. Maybe because I spoke Konglish with the consultant, so we were speaking part Korean and part English. When I spoke with Dr. Jung, we spoke just Korean--there was no translator present. I didn’t haggle or anything.

I’m not actually posting the prices I received during consultation because I lost the paper with prices for April 31 and View. If you’re curious about Dream, DA or ID prices let me know. I have those. :smile:


If you guys have read any of my other posts, you would know, I’m totally OBSESSED with the show Let Me In. It’s totally binge worthy. Anyway, I picked my surgery clinics based on that show and reviews I saw on Naver. Dream is the only place I picked due to PF. Anyway, DA is also a Let Me In clinic so I asked to speak with the Let Me in Doctor.

While I was waiting I noticed that DA was strangely empty. There were five or six Chinese tourists/patients hanging out with one girl bandaged up, but no one else was in the reception area. This is the same day where Dream was bustling, so I was surprised.

I spoke with Dr. Jung Yeon Woo (maybe it’s Chung? it’s the Korean 정) Anyway, I felt like Katniss in front of President Snow. His hands, his breath.. something smelled like blood. And unlike Dr. Jung at Dream who barely touched my nose, Dr. Jung at DAPS touched my nose a lot. turning it this way and that.

He concluded that I should do everything possible to reshape my nose--excise my fatty tissue, redo tiplasty with ear cartilage, alloderm for bridge (since i don’t want to use silicone), and alarplasty. He also warned that because they need to excise lots of tissue from my fatty tip, the results may not look natural, freaking me out. For eyes, he said nonincisional would be fine--he jokingly said “you have very thick tissue on your nose but thin tissue on your eyes.”

Here too, I didn’t use a translator. My consultant and the doctor both spoke to me only in Korean. I don’t know if it’s because the translator wasn’t there but if I hadn’t researched the procedures myself before going to Korea, I would’ve been left confused--not understanding what it was he was planning to do to my face.

Also, they had no juice.

I had a consultation scheduled with them but I couldn’t actually make it to see the doctor. I sat in their waiting room but I didn’t want to miss my consultation with View, so I had to leave before I spoke with anyone but the receptionist. Their waiting room was moderately full, but it was a lot smaller than either Dream’s or DA’s. I met a forumer who went here for jaw and nose--I saw her when she was still bruised and swollen, but she seemd happy with the service here.

To be honest, I had high hopes for View. Their Let Me In results are quite legendary, almost at the level of ID. BUT WOW. The doctor here is so abrasive and RUDE!

I met with Dr. Choi Soon Woo--the head doctor of View and I was so disappointed. I know arrogance and skills aren’t correlated, but I just didn’t get a good feeling from him. He said I had to do everything possible to my nose: osteotomy, alarplasty, silicone implant (which I really don’t want), fatty tissue excision, tiplasty revision for nose. He also said I needed full face fat graft and started pointing at my sister, saying she needed fat grafting here, there everywhere. My sister who’d only come to accompany me and has no interest in plastic surgery-whatsoever- was super offended. So was I.

After he said my face was wide, short and flat he got into my eyes where he recommended:
non incisional DES with medial epi, lateral cantho and lower cantho--in korean: 앞트임, 뒷트임 & 밑트임.

I lost the slip with their prices, but I remember DA gave better prices. And I didn’t like Dr. Choi at all so View was off my list.
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April 31
Okay, everyone here raves that Brian is nice. I agree, even though he kept touching my shoulders and I didn’t feel comfortable with that. O.O I hate when strangers touch me like we’re friends.

By this point I was so tired of consultations, all I wanted to do was just pay my deposit. If everything was cool here, I was planning on paying the 7mil revision fee and just doing my surgery at April 31.

Dr. Kim Jae Hoon looked at my nose and also said it would be difficult/impossible for me to get the results I want--I’d like to note, I think I have pretty realistic aspirations; i don’t want a very pointed nose, just a slightly smaller still round nose is fine. Anyway, since I don’t want silicone for nose bridge, he said he’d use some of the fat from my fat grafting and use it for my bridge. If I’ve learned anything from my research, it’s that you need to use something harder than fat to raise the bridge permanently. This made me raise my eyebrow. When I mentioned reabsorbtion, Dr. Kim said that enough will remain to keep my bridge higher. :/

For fat graft, full face was recommended and he said that will be very good for my face.

For eyes, I was told I needed INCISIONAL double eyelid surgery with “eye contouring” (them excising excess fat from my lids), a MINI BROW LIFT and medial epicanthoplasty.

Everyone else said I don’t need incisional but April 31. And wtf. Why do I need a brow lift? No one else mentioned that!

Last eyebrow raising situation was when I asked if I could still do surgery even if I’m getting sick and phlegmy. I was told it’s not a problem unless I’m really sick. Well, thank god I didn’t end up going to April 31 since I just recovered from the worst flu I’ve ever had.

I will say, one of the forumers who went to APril 31 a week or two before my consultation was VERY pleased with her results. So I don’t think April 31 would have been a bad choice, but I disagreed with a lot of the things they recommended me.

ID was on my list because they’re the most famous clinic from the Let Me In show. Also, when you ask the girls on Naver, a lot of them get their faces done at ID. And more importantly, I knew two forumers who went here and a Korean friend who also went to ID and they all had very lovely natural results. There was that forumer who had failed facial contouring here, but since I wasn't going for the same procedures, I figured it will be fine.

I didn’t say much about April 31 and View’s interior decoration because it’s they were really whatever. Nothing particularly nice, although View’s furniture was pretty worn out. ID's reception area was whatever as well but… they have a CAFE with a barista!!! Where you can order various espresso drinks or teas for free!

Anyway, before consultation, in addition to the customary photos they also took xrays and ct scans of my nose--I was very impressed by this. No one else did that. I asked if this was because I’m a revision case, but apparently they do it to for all rhino cases.

First, I met with the nose doctor, Dr. Chung Seung Il. He’s the doctor who used to work at Secret and married his patient. I wanted to ask him if this is true, but never got the chance. Anyway, he also said that my skin is very thick and it would be difficult to make significant changes. He recommended I raise my bridge, do a tiplasty revision, alarplasty and tip refining. For fat grafting he said it would be very good to do forehead fat grafting. During the consultation, my nose dribbled on his finger--basically my snot got on his hand. Instead of freaking out or being annoyed he laughed and said, “I don’t think you should do nose this time.” His face was totally grossed out, but he was sooo nice about it!! When I said I wanted to do everything at once because I would get a better price, he said not to worry about that--the implication I got was that I would receive the same discount which is why I went with Dr. Hwang In Suk for my eyes at ID.

Dr. Hwang was pretty brusque but very straight forward. He said I needed nonincisional ptosis and could benefit from medial epicanthoplasty if i wanted it. And when I asked about lateral, he asked me, “Do you think your eyes are too close together?” to which I replied yes. He said in that case, not to do lateral cantho because my eyes would look even closer and the difference is only a few milimeters.
Okay, this is what I wrote while I was on the plane. I didn’t feel like editing it or anything so I don’t remember how detailed it is, but I’ll write about my actual surgery experience later. It’s been a little over a week and so far, everyone’s telling me it’s looking good. Who knows, they may be lying. Except my mom. My mom hates medial epi and told me not to do it before I left, but now that I did it, she stays away from me saying I don’t look like her daughter :sad:

More to come… Also I asked all the consultants about foreigner vs local pricing. Will follow up with details on that!!
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If they give me **** for choosing the doctors I felt most comfortable with.. then that's on them, not me :/

And there was that girl who was protesting in front of JW, but apparently she was twisting her jaw when she took those "after" pics. I'm not happy with my rhino from JW, but I think my nose is just impossible to change--many doctors have said this to me during my consultations this trip. :/
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Thanks Kkim for the detailed nose consults. Wishing u a speedy recovery for your eyes. 😊

I have a feeling that the docs will say they can't change my nose. With such a small nose I don't think there's anything they can remove..
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