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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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hi.. anyone had any experience regarding jaw reduction in jw beauty?? heard any reviews?

booked my ticket to korea ... 16-26th of june. super anxious.. can't sleep.. borderline losing my mind trying to narrow down clinics to visit...

my main priority is jaw reduction...but i'm also going to do tipplasty... i was going to add fat graft too but i don't think it's wise to do 3 surgeries at once..... i was thinking to visit regen and banobagi(has a promotion on jaw right now) as well since i heard great reviews.. but does anyone have any recommendations?i know everM is highly recommended but i just don't want to spend extra money hiring a translator.. plus i'm not doing anything complicated like 2 jaw surgery

thank you in advance!
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Thank you for the advice guys. I think I've got a better handle on this whole thing now that I've looked through some of the threads but of course I've still got a thousand questions. For now I've decided to go with JK clinic to get my jaw reduction, eye, and rhino surgery. Although would it be a good idea to get everything done all in one clinic?
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Hi :smile: I can't really offer any advice with what clinic to take (since I haven't personally visited any and there's no way I'm recommending something I haven't even tried yet) but can I ask a small favor and let me know how your jaw reduction surgery goes? I'm just about as anxious getting it even though mine isn't scheduled until a good 2 years from now ^^;

Completely understandable if you say no by the way. My Kakoa ID: tothestars if you want to talk about it more. Good luck!!
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i;ll let you know.. i'm going in june 16th... -26 i hope that's enough for jaw surgery recovery...

i'm a plastic surgery virgin... i wanted to do surgery for so long.. about 3 years ago i posted on purse forum and i was already planning to go..i even made a thread about how to haggle... lol...
but i guess the timing was not right (had a baby)and i chickened out because no one was willing to accompany me...i wasn't mentally prepared.. i know the stress of a new baby and surgery will probably break me down mentally... this time i am ready financially/ mentally(well actually half readylol )... and plus going with my cousin...so i feel more secure..

actually my jaw isn't THAT BAD.. and my face isn't horrible.. but you know we're all human and sometimes there's this little "thing" that other people don't notice.. but bugs us so much you know??? it's slightly asymetrical and i wanted to correct it.. had botox before for soooooo many years... but i don't like it.. because 1) the maintenance cost is high... i think if i used all that botox money i have enough to do jaw surgery already...2) it makes me look gaunt because it shrinks the muscle.... (not the bone)... so finally i decided to do something about it

i also want to do tipplasty... because my nose is the bulbous n short... with wide alar type... i don't want silicone for sure... because where i'm from.. most of the girls are natural.. and if i stick a silicone up my nose... people will be able to tell for sure...i can always tell whenever someone put silicone... there's this "line" in between the eyes... it becomes more apparent after they get older...

i also want to do fat graft on my forehead... but i don't know if i can because seems like jaw surgery will make everything swell up...

i'm looking for the natural look... i guess my ideal beauty is song hye gyo.. she doesn't lhave that really NARROW jaw.. but nicely curved./oval. and to be honest i hate those ullzang pointed chins anyways.. they don't look natural to me ( no offence to people who do, it;s all down to preference)
and i also don't want extra round forehead.. i just wanted it to look less bony.. (if that makes sense)

right now i have 3 clinics in mind.. i'm confident with these 3 clinics.. and any one of them would be ok...... i've narrowed it down so much... i did my homework reading all those posts... especially about blacklisted clinics/botch jobs... and which doctor is good at what.surgery....... so PRICE will most likely be the determining factor of which clinics i will pick because i'm bringing only a certain amount of money... (i bring cash /usd) and if they don't accept my offer.. i guess i will be fine with not doing any surgery and just walking around seoul ...

to be honest.. i've been losing so much sleep.. and i worry about this and that.. like.. what if i get infection/ i look worse than before..what if i'm unhappier after the surgery? what if i miss my old face that i grew up with... seriously i feel so depressed thinking about these things... i spend hours reading the posts which has been very helpful... that's why i promise myself.. if i do surgery... i WILL DEFINITELY post a review as a payback to all of those helpful tips that people have posted here so that it might help future users....

sorry for writing so much.. it's like a mini blog almost.. it's just that i feel like i can't really share much with people at where i live because plastic surgery is still considered taboo.. (except surgery to make eye folds maybe) i just needed to vent my frustration , fear and anxiety...

ok honestly i feel much better after i wrote this.. i really really REALLY need the mental support .. :sad:
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I know what it feels like to be anxious before your jaw surgery! I lost so much sleep before mine:s If you have done all your research you will be much better prepared mentally to face this surgery. I think reading a LOT on the forums, blogs (lots of Singaporean bloggers has done the jaw surgery) and youtube videos will help. This surgery is no joke. In the time you have given (June 16 - 26) there is no way you will be looking normal after jaw surgery. I don't say that to scare you but just to prepare you. You will look quite strange still and depending on what type of surgery you have, your speech may still be a bit weird and you will definitely be still quite obviously swollen. I personally would not recommend doing nose at the same time.. I could only breathe through my nose after my surgery because my throat was in agony after the tubes from surgery and I could barely swallow. If I couldn't breathe through my nose too I don't know what I would have done! That's just my personal opinion tho
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thank you for your reply! you're very sweet :smile:

yeah i read someone post before that it's not recommended to do nose and jaw at the same time.. but i only have limited time n money and i guess i am "prepared" for the pain... i had 4 wisdom teeth simultaneously removed and the doc had to hammer one to break the teeth.. so it probably more or less the same pain level? so when you did jaw you couldn't breathe as well? or just that it's sore? how long does this discomfort last?

before the surgery did you do any scans to detect the nerves so they can avoid it? i don't wanna end up looking like a stroke patient...

did you have any sagging?( i know the older you get the worst the sagging is,, but i guess i'm 30 ish... not that old right? :P) and i take good care of my skin

i just don't want to die from not being able to breathe.....maybe i can ask them to insert breathing tube or whatever.. lol
also. is it true the first 1-2 days after jaw surgery they make you stay at the clinic and they do hourly checks? i hope they do that for me...it will make me so much more secure...

i know i'd still probably be swollen.. what i meant was probably by day 8 i would be able to walk/ go to the airport without feeling dizzy/pain right? and usually if there's something wrong the clinic would know by then...

sorry for the many many questions.. but if you share your experience with me it will surely help me a lot.. and other people who went through the same surgery can contribute as well :P
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It's not because of the pain but the fact that you cannot breathe out of your mouth - u only have your nose to breathe through. That's why I don't know if it's a good idea to do both at once. But also yes, the pain in your throat is very severe. It hurts to talk, drink, eat and swallow. A lot. That's the worst pain I've ever had post-surgery. That lasted probably three days - only breathing through nose. Which made it really difficult to sleep at night because you are not used to only breathing through your nose you keep waking up (like every half an hour even). Also, your lips will probably monster swell. I kept dribbling everywhere for 4-5 days because my bottom lip swell so big. Kept dropping foods out of my mouth - super attractive one haha

Yes of course i did CT scans to detect the nerves.

Depending on what surgery you do, sagging is inevitable. Zygoma, for example. There must be some sagging. For jaw reduction also there is a risk of sagging. Any doctor who talks you otherwise is lying. It doesn't matter about how well you look after skin, if removing bone you are removing the basic support structure of the skin. My problem is more the fat under my chin looks worse than before because my chin is now a lot smaller and was pushed back. So I will need lipo under chin to remove the fats. Since I'm so skinny this is genetic fats, not something weight loss will help with. But the doctor warned me of all of this before so I knew.

Maybe if you do 2 Jaw you stay at the clinic, but not for all jaw surgeries. I went home on the same day.

And yes, by day 8 you can definitely walk around without dizziness but you will still have your stitches in the mouth and be wearing your head band to contain the swelling.
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be careful though about the lifting, it may cause ur face to look more wide? like stretched out. You can try to intimate the look by pulling back the skin and u notice that ur face looks stretched wide. I got micro liposuction on my face in Korea at a clinic and it sharpened my jawline and since we are young my doctor said I didn't need any lifting. ( Be careful, i feel the doc is trying to make u go through something that more expensive that could be done alternatively)
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may i know where you did your mandibular reduction? and how much did you pay for it? areyou satisfied with the result?

did you go for the dramatic v shape face or more of a natural one? do you know if there are different techniques to cut the jaw? one is like resection.. the other one is long curve or something right? which method is better?
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I did mine at TL. It is too soon to give a final review or comment about my results but so far, I'm very happy with the clinic, staff and doctors and post-op care. I went for a very natural shape. I kept my mandible angle and only altered my chin (which was big and bulky and made my face look long) and lower jaw (to be more defined in a v shapes rather than long face). I wanted to look more like Natalie Portman face shape.

There are so many different techniques for jaw reduction. You can do long curve (chin to behind the ears in one cut), which gets rid of a square jaw, you can do just the jaw and don't touch the chin, or just chin (genioplasty or osteotomy). There is no such thing as "better". It depends on your face, your bone structure, your desired look and what your surgeon recommends is best. If you have a weak or a prominent chin, then it's likely you need chin surgery as part of your vline surgery.
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Hey makeover is is possible if I can see your before and after pics? I was in korea before and had visited view but i was scared to commit but this time i will be going this Decemeber to have the operation at EverM
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Hi people:

I am planning to do eyelid surgery early 2016 (pretty early I know) in Korea. My top 2 clinics doing eyelid surgery (incision method w/ ptosis correction) + epicanthoplasty are REGEN and Banobagi. I am doing my research and looking at forums and whatnot. I have double eyelids but really low crease and they have drooped as I grew older.

I heard Banobagi is really popular yet it's so expensive T_T
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It's official. I've booked tickets for July 8th for 10 days.. to S. Korea. I'm planning on getting my eyelids done and if I can find the right clinic for the right price who is reputable in both the eyes and nose categories, then I plan to get my eyes and nose done. Does anyone know of the best top clinics for the eyes AS WELL as the nose? There is no way I am willing to have more than one surgery at different clinics. I prefer the one-stop-shop, but a really reputable and highly rated clinic. I've read several posts and I am still confused as to which clinic would best suit my needs. I hear several good things about one place/surgeon and then several bad things about that same place/surgeon in a different post. I'm at a loss now and not sure what to do. I had a few clinics as my top choice and now... I'm reconsidering.

I already have natural eye lids (from birth). I just want bigger crease and wider/longer eyes for better makeup application since I am in the beauty profession. I also want to rid of the dark circles and bags under my eyes as well. As for my nose, I don't want to have any foreign implants anywhere in my body so preferably a surgeon who can work without implants to give me a more defined, feminine, thinner, symmetrical nose. I thought about fat grafting for my forehead and chin as well but haven't done too much research on it yet.

My original top picks were:
1) Teuim
2) View
3) ID

Can anyone please share their advice and opinion based on what I'm looking for? Anyone with photos would greatly help as well. I have about a month and a half to gather all the info I can get before heading out there for my consultations.

Anything I should prepare for? What vital things I need to pack? What I should avoid eating and drinking days before my planned trip since I do plan on having the operation a day or two after consultation. The sooner the better since I will only be there for 10 days. Any medicine/prescription I need to get prior to operation? I want to gather everything prior to surgery instead of scrambling around post surgery. What kind of clothing items I should bring since I'm not familiar with the weather in S. Korea during the month of July. Are there any special customs I should remember during my stay? I've lived in Shanghai, China... wondering if it's very much the same in S. Korea.

Also, I will need to look for accommodations such as affordable but clean and safe room and board, etc. I don't want to pay an arm and a leg for the 10 days but I want to be able to stay comfortably in a clean and safe environment.
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no vitamin E, no ginseng, no shi take (sorry had to spell it like that or the **** will be censored lol) or enoki mushrooms, no aspirin or blood thinners. Do not drink at least 3 days before your surgery. I usually stop 1 week before tho. U can get bromelain and arnica too to help with swelling. I always start taking vitamin C and vitamin pro B 2 weeks before my surgery to speed up my recovery. July is summer I believe so its rather warm.

For accomodations check with those clinics you mentioned for a list of hotels they are affiliated with. You should be able to get deals because often clinics have contacts with hotels which provide for significant discounts. Some are up to 50% off.

good luck on your surgery x
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I'd check with your doctor what he specifically requires you to avoid taking.

I had started taking lots of de-swelling vitamins a month out from surgery but was told to stop taking all vitamins (including Chinese medicine) and only take necessary prescription meds (ie the pill etc).

I stopped drinking a month before surgery because the literature I read suggested it can take at least that long to cleanse your system. Alcohol thins your blood, which can cause excess swelling.

I was told (by my surgeon) that all foods were fine for me to eat. I know some Chinese avoid seafood, soy sauce etc. I would probably watch your salt intake if you are worried about swelling and stitck to fresh, low sodium foods. I upped my vitamin C intake significantly too.

I personally prefer AirBnB so you have a proper kitchen to cook in and wouldn't be bothered by housekeeping every day while recovering.

It's very hot in July here.
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