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Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea ***read 1st post before posting***

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Thank you, HJ88! Btw, what is AirBnB?
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airbnb is a website for directly booking from a host. You can stay in apartments, houses, vacation homes by renting day to day directly from the owner. It is cheaper than hotels. I stay there sometimes when I travel to countries where hotels are super expensive. Be sure to book from people who have many good reviews. It is one of the more reliable sites of its type unlike wimdu.
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Thank you, Alanaf. I'll check it out. :smile:
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ty so very much, you have no idea how great it is to hear that. seriously though, plastic surgery changed my life and i love that I got the balls to do it (figuratively,lol)

well, I think it will help you if you look into my older posts. What I did was post my experience while I was going through the process. So I made in detail updates of the recovery period for up to 1 month I think. IDK remember but I posted about my experience right after I woke up from the anaesthesia. It seems like forever ago but I want you to check it out so you can understand my pain as it was happening . I wish you all the best

Because you are new I cannot send you a private message,one you post more on here I guess then you become a member so ask me again and I'll send it to you when it lets me
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Does anyone know how the surgery seasons are in Korea?
I know that the school holidays are busy seasons because more students will visit the clinics.
I heard that October which is when I intend to go is a low traffic season but I have no idea why.
I hope to go on a low season so I have more room to bargain since I am on a tight budget.
Does anyone know why October is a low season? I need some convincing, haha.
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Hi, It's taken a lot for me to start going back on the forums again after a 4 year hiatus. I know you're looking for eye surgery so I can't actually comment on that specific procedure but I can comment on ID. I had cheekbone reduction, v-line, and jaw reduction surgery at ID in 2009 and they did a revision on my v-line in 2011. I am actually planning a trip in August-September to get a revision. I posted about my experience in detail on the cheekbone reduction forum in Cozycot.

I waited a few years to do the revision because of well..life. It takes so much invested time to go through research, planning the trip, having the surgery, going through the recovery period, and hiding from friends and family until my face looks normal.

ID was kind enough to offer a free revision which says a lot..but I will still interview with other clinics while I'm there. Luckily I have a supportive husband who told me cost should not be an issue when choosing a surgeon.

My two cents, I'm not sure if ID clinic has bad reviews due to the volume of patients they have which means they along with BK Clinic will have a higher likelihood of negative reviews or if it's true that it's not Dr. Sanghoon Park doing the surgeries. In an email, he confirmed that it was him that performs the surgeries but according to itsumobaby, she heard he doesn't work on "normal" people, only on actresses or models they will use for the website. She also mentioned that he only oversees the surgery while someone else in training does it. I only read this yesterday but I find it so disturbing even if it's considered hearsay.After reading her posts, I was so confused and considered going to a different clinic for my revision.

My surgery was not as good as I hoped it would be. I experience some nerve damage on my chin and it is still crooked even after the revision. My right side is also wider than my left so I'm unsure if this can be corrected with facial contouring surgery. Sigh..honestly I didn't want to go back to Korea but I feel like this is something I need to do to make myself feel whole again and move on with life.

Take my advice with a grain of salt. Some of ID's patients who also work for ID and are also featured on their website have great results. When you do your consultation, you will see familiar faces from their website and you'll realize the staff are actually some of their patients. Of course my surgery was years ago so I'm not sure if this is the case, but that was the case when I was there. The nurse manager in charge of my floor was one of the patients featured on their old website and she was beautiful. Unfortunately, my result was not as good as hers...

Btw, I had my revision rhinoplasty with Dr. Jung at Shimmian and I'm satisfied with the result :smile:
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Late October should be quiet this year.

I'd avoid early October though as Chuseok is late September this year.

In general, busy times are uni holidays (especially summer and winter), New Years, Seollal and Chuseok.

April / May tend to be quiet.
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Korea's version of the high school SAT (entrance exams) are held in November. Once the exams are over, it is probably very busy as students have extra free time and many are probably given plastic surgery as gifts from their parents. In the month leading up to the exams the students would be busy studying.

Also, I don't think their are any major holidays in October. High season usually coincides with holidays and school breaks.
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Hi All,

I just did PS in Korea Girin last few weeks ago. Just sharing my experience…

I did V-line and Fat Grafting while my friend did Chin Implant and Paranasal Implant.

Before going to Kore:
At first I was communicating with Jefferson (their english translator), she is very friendly and helpful and her response quite fast. After I went there for consultation, we changed to Piao, due to my friend can understand mandarin better. She is very helpful and always attending to us even after we come back from Korea :smile:

Consultation Day:
When we went there, we saw 2 receptionists (they are very pretty) and the whole clinic looks good. We told them that we were looking for Jefferson. She served us professionally and caring on the steps of filling up the forms and taking the CT scan, taking photo etc.
After all these, we was asked to go into one of the consultation room to discuss on our procedures & cost. Mrs Piao (their 市长) was the one who discussed with us. In the middle of conversation, she realised that my friend could not understand english well so she suggested to change Jefferson to Piao (both of their surname are Piao).
Before I came, I had asked thousand of questions on face contour such as which surgery is suitable for me, the cost, the duration… Jefferson suggested a few options as my face is needs to do more than one PS in order to become what I want, therefore the discussion took about 2hrs.
Due to Dr Lee was still in the middle of a surgery, Mrs Piao served us while waiting. I guess she is the only one who handles the consulting and cost of the surgery. You may negotiate on the cost if you do a few surgery at once.
Mrs Piao advised me to do V-line and zygoma reduction as my cheek bone is quite big and I have protruding chin. PS: you no need to fully follow all their advise, as your own wish.
I find that my cheek bone are ok, my main concern is protruding chin, laughing lines and some sinking parts. As for my friend, hers is quite straightforward, just chin implant. Mrs Piao advised her to do paranasal implant as her mouth is a bit protruding which makes her mouth looks big.
After the discussion of our surgery and costs, Dr Lee came and gave the same advised as Mrs Piao, but he added my friend may wan to consider to do fat graft on her cheek to have a 3D face.
After all, we were very happy and convinced of the discussion and decided not to go on to other clinic. BTW, I have booked View and Dream as well.
To cut the story short… After the surgery, we were informed to stay at the clinic for a night for monitoring. The nurses are very helpful, kept visiting my room to check on my ice bag, bringing me to toilet, check my condition, etc…
Overall, my friend and I were very pleased and satisfied on the result and their service. Hopefully my sharing may help you all =)
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Wow! I happy hear that! Because I have girin as a top in my list :roflmfao:
Thank you for sharing the review!
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Hi Smile Forever,

I am not sure, maybe you can ams them to check
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I did my DES at ID (I posted briefly on the double eyelid thread, you might want to read it) and I got non-incisional ptosis, lateral canthoplasty as well as lateral hotz on only one eye. My right eye is healing way better than my left which is strange because its the one I got both the cantho+hotz... I went to a different clinic for breast fat graft only because they specialize in fat harvesting and JUST IN CASE I asked the doctor at this other clinic if my eyes were normal and he said that it's all part of the healing process! (Though he too was like.. so you got lateral hotz on your left eye right? NOOOOO)

To sum it up, I can't say "ID is amazing go there!!" but I would say I had a pretty good experience. Everyone is super nice but the consultation will feel extremely rushed.
The doctor didn't ask my if I wanted parallel or tapered crease or anything like that and I must've been out of my mind to trust him to do whatever he wanted but anyway, my eyes look pretty (IMO) except they're extremely bloodshot!! If you have any questions feel free to ask me but I'm new on here so I can't receive PMs.

Just my two cents.... I think it's worth walking around apgujeong like the side streets and going into clinics that aren't mentioned on here... you'd be surprised at what you can find and I know it's taking a risk but there are hundreds and hundreds of clinics popular amongst the locals and we are only aware of... let's say... one hundred. The place I got my breast fat graft isn't mentioned even once on purse forum I think. Well, at least the search didn't bring up any results. At the same time, I wouldn't get my eyes done at this place because both the times I was there, not one patient was getting their eyes done and they didn't seem to have much experience in it~

Happy hunting!
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